you can't forget your first love.... what do you think?

September 20, 2006 8:34am CST
16 responses
@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
3 Oct 06
no I dont think u will ever forget
@missyc (103)
3 Oct 06
you never forget your first love no matter how hard you try.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
1 Oct 06
It's funny because I never found any truth to that until now..I just two years ago found my first real 46...all the others were nothing to me..walked away no big deal. This I will never forget!
• China
1 Oct 06
I remember all of them from the first onwards. :):):)
@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
3 Oct 06
I can never forget my first love. I have kids by him. That makes it a little harder to forget. I no longer have feelings of love for him but he will always hold a piece of my heart.
1 Oct 06
The first love is always important, the experience of new emotions and the heights of those emotions.
• India
20 Sep 06
I dont know whether it can be forgotten or not,but i definitely would like to forget.It is a sad thought and hurts me badly.
20 Sep 06
yaa sure we cant forget our first love..
• India
29 Sep 06
you are right.
• India
20 Sep 06
we cant forget our first love the day which we first met her did not forget anybody in the world love at first sight may be happen or proposal may be happened whatever may be the things we cant forget that day in which she come to our life nobody can forget that love in your life
• India
20 Sep 06
yes i still remebber my first ove. it was whhen i was aged just10 or12. i had a classmate .her name ir meera. when ever i met her i think , she is creted for me.i start lovving her. but i did not have the guts to tell you everything, i usually watched her looking at me often.i still dont know whether she loved me or not. buti strongly belive that she did.
@oscarc (864)
• India
21 Sep 06
thats matter how bitter the relationship just cant forget your first love...
• United States
29 Sep 06
If you truly loved that person then no you can't forget them. They will forever pop up in your mind at least on certain occasions or when talking with someone about memories of doing certain things.
• United States
20 Sep 06
I think you can. The only time I have thought of him is when his sister found me on myspace. Of course its been well over 10 years since we broke up so there is no reason to keep thinking on him.
@a1legend (216)
• India
20 Sep 06
its wrong we need to forget our first love
• United States
20 Sep 06
Your 1st love can never be forgotten, you may not have the same feelings for that person but you will not forget them ... ever!