"Bumfights DVD" this gripes me big times!!
By mellbrb
@mellbrb (250)
United States
December 12, 2006 10:00am CST
I had no idea this was going on. So glad that I live where I do. And dont get out much.
Watching Dr. Phil just now. His show was is on the DVD's called "Bumfights". Produced by a man named Ty Beeson.
This is just the most terrible thing I've heard in awhie. Atleast Dr. Phill at the last minute, looked at Ty Beeson, and said leave my stage. I just cannot talk to you!! This show has my name on it. And I decide who gets air time and it's not you. He really didnt even want to do this type of show. But wanted Americans to know what is going on. It is just disgusting.
Ty Beeson, goes around making movies of homeless people. He is giving them money to do just terrible things. One man ate a raw frog for $20.00. Others ramming their heads into walls,fighting each other, falling down stairs all kinds of demening things.
One man, a suppose crack head, had bad teeth. He let them pull it out with plyers!! Just so they'd give him a bottle of Jack Daniels in return..
"so sad"
And this Ty Beeson is making millions off this! I think he should build some sort of shelter with his dirty money. And help these people out. Heck he says that is what he is doing with this. This is a job for them... "NO IT IS NOT!! It is money in his pocket.!" To take advantage of someone like that is unexcusable!!!
These types of movies are giving bad thoughts to the younger citizens. So many homeless are being beaten to death!!
Vicious attacks on the homeless are done by kids! In Florida one homeless man head was cut off by kids.! They find them sleeping on benches and beat them to death with baseball bats.! One was even set on fire! Some are saying because of these "bumfight" dvd's the attacks have gotten worse.
This just disgusts me to know end!! The homeless are humans! Isnt it bad enough they have no roof over their heads? No food, no hope?
How can anyone even think of being unkind to someone in that type of need.
Use to be people would just turn their heads, so not to see the unkind world before them. Now they are stopping to abuse or kill them!?
What is happening to the world?!
My prayers out to the organizations that are trying to help the homeless.
Please remember to help by donating to these organizations
I pray for the homeless. Pray something happens to help give them a leg up in the world.
My heart just aches for them.
19 responses
@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
13 Dec 06
The guy is employing the homeless. Cool. At least they get to work and buy a little food for themselves.
If "Dr." Phil was so against it he wouldn't have had the show on. He likes ratings and things like this makes folks like you watch his show. Why did he wait till the end of the show to say "get out"?

@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Oh, from what you said,"At the last minute" I assumed you meant the last minute of the show. My mistake. Either way though my answer is the same.
The guy is no saint, he's exploiting the homeless and weak. But I'm sure they were happy for the money. People are exploited every day for free.
@medooley (1873)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I totally agree with you on this... but he didn't wait until the end of ths show he did it right at the beginning, so basically he brought the guy up there, knowing full well that he was never going to talk to him. In my opinion Dr. Phil did it just to humiliate him... when I don't necessary think that he didn't deserve... but still that was unprofession of Dr. Phil.

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Dec 06
Those DVDs have been around a few years (at least 4 years because I remember seeing them in Major Video when my fiance and I first met). I am surprised it took Dr Phil so long to do sort of a show about it. The guy who makes the videos is a jerk (I did catch the appearance on the Dr Phil show today) and I think he should be put in jail. From what I understand there are over 100 DVD's with bum fighting on them. I think the guy needs to be arrested and all of the money should go to homeless centers across the US and to the poor people whos families were torn apart by the attacks.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Dec 06
I think the tapes are done across the US, so I am sure holding a fight without some kind of licensing is illegal in some places. However, these DVDs are being linked to teenagers beating up homeless people because it is fun or cool. I am sure he can get charged for something just for that.
@caribe (2465)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I think that is a despicable thing that this man is doing. I didn't see the show, but I have seen other shows that told about this. Not to worry, he will get his reward someday and I don't think he will like it. He should be put in prison for his part in these things.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Wow, I had not heard of this before.I can not believe someone would do something like this.Demeaning humans in their desparate times and making money off of it.Their are truely horrible people out there, it is sad.I don't understand how someone could think that this was funny.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
12 Dec 06
That really truelly is sad and disgusting. I can't imagine that we live in a world where people would watch something like this and support this man. There are terrible things that go on on the streets. I never thought anyone could get joy out of it. Is this a tv show or something?
@mellbrb (250)
• United States
12 Dec 06
This man has made movies of this. He goes out and offers them money to do stupid degrading things! And of course being homeless, hungry and some addictive to something. They'll do whatever for some cash.
I think there are about 6 or so movies out there that he has done up.
They should be banned! They ban other movies, horror etc. Why not these?
Stores shouldnt even carry them!
@chris57455 (283)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Some people just cant handle reality. If you dont want to watch it, dont. No one is forcing you too.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
13 Dec 06
This is one of the most nasty things I have heard..and shame on them for doing that to the poor homeless..I just dot get how people like this gets theer rocks off on hurting people!!But after reading everyone threads..I am gonna have to agree.Im soo not happy with Dr Phill..when he had them on the show his ratings went threw the roof with disgusted people like us and the horroible people of the world as well..and what ticks me off.,.is that having them on the show..not only did it show America how aweful they are..but also showed us That it exists..and now people will go out and look for these DVD;s anywhere just to see..and make those hose heads EVEN MORE MONEY!! so now people will look all over for what AWEFUL THINGS WERE DONE..not only ones that thinbks its just aweful!! and just want to see..but now kids and everyone else..that never untill his show knew about it..will look and buy..this whole thing was crap..its true...THEER IS NOO SUCH THING AS BAD PRESS!! and that goes as well in this case..this just makes me want to be sick..:(
@mummy2jake (399)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
I saw a show about this on crime & investigation network(cable channel) & it shocked & appaled me that such a movie existed. I feel sorry for the poor men, but one homeless man was so appalled by what he had done, he had gotten his life on track, gotten sober, cleaned up, got a job, home, etc.So something good happened to that man.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I had heard about this a while back but didn't know it had caught on and was still being done. This guy should be behind bars in my opinion. This is pure evil. One thing I believe is that you reap what you sow. I see some bad times ahead for this man.
@bluuyze (67)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Not only do they have the bumfight movies, but they have Dog fights and Street fights too. It's too bad what some people find entertaining. The street fight one isn't so bad, that's what people want to do, but Dogfights? The dogs aren't even getting paid for this. They tear each other apart for people's enjoyment. Ever seen the movie "executions"? Don't.
@cowboyzfan (718)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Street life... It's ruff. I'm thankful to have a roof above my head.
@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
13 Dec 06
It is so sad that this person is making money by doing this sort of thing..........BUT the worst part of it is..........people will buy this kind of crap. If there weren't a market for it, the stupid SOB wouldn't be making money, and wouldn't do it. It's just like the black market, if people stopped buying the stuff, it wouldn't even be a issue.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
13 Dec 06
That guy made me sick! And trying to make himself look like Dr. Phil? What a jerk. I think his dvd's should be banned.
@Virginians (440)
• United States
12 Dec 06
That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. I cannot believe the lack of morals this person has. It's so wrong to put these people into such situations and playing on their weaknesses. They're homeless, they have no money, some of them are at the ends of their ropes, of course they'll do anything to make that quick money. You'd think the cops would do something about this, or SOMEBODY. They might be homeless but they're still LIVING PEOPLE, they're still CITIZENS! And as citizens, they have RIGHTS!
@mountainman2006 (100)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I find it disgusing that people buy that stuff and this guy is making all kinds of money. I can not believe someone would even want to watch it. ??? Just boggles the mind.
@profclark (512)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I think you are absolutely right. This is one of the reason that America is seen by some not to have enough compasion. This is one of the issues of living in a free society, and one of the main lessons to be learned from Jurassic Park, just because you can do something does not mean you should.