Justice in it

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
December 12, 2006 11:18am CST
Ok I have been to view a Flat yesterday as I have to move out of my Sons House by middle of January I am on high Disability The Flat is lovely and I am moving to a healthier Area for me with my Doctors support I phoned up today about the bondmoney which is 1 1/2 months rent and the first month Rent and guess what I was given 8 different Phone numbers and each one is telling me they will not pay and can't I get a Loan and do I not work Hello, if I was able to work I would be as I have worked the last 28 years and I did not ask to become Ill with what I have People on disability do not get Loans and how am I suppose to pay that back with the bit I get So then I get told it would have been easier if I was just jobless as they get everything. I was so shocked by this I felt like screaming People who are able to work and won't get everything and someone like me who would work if they could became Ill with an Illness not curable is being punished Can someone tell me the Justice in this one as I do not get it at all??????? I am still fighting I could be out on the Streets in a month time as I have received notice and they are saying this to me knowing I could be homeless
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13 responses
@rhinoboy (2129)
14 Dec 06
Hi Gaby, I really feel for you on this. It is an awful situation to be in. I'm not too clued up on benefits and entitlements, but I've seen plenty of things where the DHSS or whoever can provide hardship loans to people on benefits. There was a doco on telly a couple of months back about teenage mothers and she got a loan for christmas that was taken from her payments through the year at just a couple of pound a week. It was apparently something she did all the time as she got another as soon as the last one was paid back. Perhaps you could ask the CAB or the benefits officers about this?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec 06
Lol I like it
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec 06
Yes rhinoboy I have just filled that form in so I will see if I get it also now I have had to claim for Income Support as well which I never knew anything about I will keep you posted on it all but it is certainly stressing me out again all this carry on
@rhinoboy (2129)
14 Dec 06
Stress? Tell me about it! Check out my new, highly appropriate avatar!
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• United States
31 Jan 07
people are so cruel nowadays. they only care about themselves. it's very sad that they dont care what happens to someone that wants to work and can't. as you said you didnt pick to become ill. people without jobs really do get things handed to them. because people feel sorry for them. it's very sad that a person on disability has to be put in such a position like that. it's another thing to be homeless and disabled. like i said the world is cruel and people need to open their minds to try to help others in your position. hope things go well for you gabs..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 07
Thank you Pebbles this is what it was all about with my Move it took me 2 Months of fight to get it sorted
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
20 Dec 06
something to make you smile - just a little cutie I came across I hope it makes you smile
It isn't fair what they are doing to you and I thought I would pass this along here in the USA we have what is called the disabilities act they stand up and fight for people who are disabled that are being treated unfairly and unjust,I do not no if you have that there but it is my understanding that they are not supposed to be able to put a person out of there home if they are disabled or have infant children.This is just down right wrong for them to do this and I would be willing to write a letter to show my anger that they are being very disrespectful to you and others like you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Thank you funnysis but now you know why I am very quiet at the moment,Love, I just have to much going on again with the social
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
11 Jan 07
This is awful i can't believe how cruel this world is it seems the people who really need the help never get it and the ones that don't or are just to lazy to work get all the help they want.I will be praying that everything works out for you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Jan 07
Thank you Sapphire I have got a bit further now but still fighting for this Flat and I am pretty sick through it at the moment but I hope by end of next week it is over and I exactly where I stand Thank you though for your good wishes it is so soothing when my Friends send me good wishes and are thinking of me I really appreciate that and it is my Friends that are keeping me going
@Pici0274 (557)
• United States
13 Dec 06
There is no justice. It's not just where you live, it's everywhere.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec 06
Yes I do know that and makes me so angry
@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
i'm so sorry about the problem you seem to be having there with the housing problem. is there not other persons around you that have had the same problems as you that you could talk with that could give you some tips on how to overcome some short cuts say in who to see or talk with like maybe is their a church group that could help you or give you a name of someone in the council that might help. like if council knows your living with your son might figger why help you, will be ok with son. can you not fib and say son is selling house and you have to find another place to live...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Jan 07
No New Heart as they check up on everything or so they say that is why I do not know why People here are getting away with their Lies and I would be to scared to I just can't do that I rather the truth and then I can't get into trouble
@rainbow (6761)
12 Dec 06
Hi, hope you're trying to keep calm over this - it's not easy but don't make yourself poorly worrying. Can you contact the local council Housing Benefits Department and Homeless Department although the homeless cannot always help you until you are actually on the last few days. Sometimes the DSS will give you a crisis loan to tide you over. The Citizens advice Bureau (CAB) may be able to think of someone to help. When I worked for the Council we used to tell people to stay put as they then have to go to court to get you to move out, which also gives you more time, don't know if the rules have changed on this because it was a long time ago. If I think of any other things you can try I'll let you know. Keep me posted on how things are going, because I worry!
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
hi! i just can't understand how your son can ask you to move? i mean, why let you look for a place to live when he has one that you could use? he should not even have to ask for rent coz you're family, for crying out loud! i am from the philippines where the bond of family is so strong that even grown-up kids with families of their own still stay with ma and pa. and we never kick our parents out when they're seemingly useless already, specially not then! we don't even have homes for the aged here. it's a filipino trait to care for one's parents when they're old and do not have a means of income anymore. that's why, i find it so hard to swallow when kids from other countries do this to their parents.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 06
My Son is not being evil to me He is doing it partly for me the Illness I have I am in a bad Area so I need to get out of here but also there is a bit of friction with me and his Partner not doing anything and that and it is putting Stress on me and everyone else and it is making me bad Honest it is not my Son who is the bad one here it is the People who are denying me to move to a healthier Area Also I can't live here for ever with them they are entitled to their own Life As for the rent well he doesn't earn much and we all need to chip in together Once I have moved out him and his Partner will remortgage pay my Daughter the money she is entitled to and then she will get her own Place to Please don't think my Son is bad he is not he is thinking of me to and when he says anything to his Partner it causes rows which then upsets me to and as long as I am here to do everything it will never change my Daughter helps but she works nights so she needs her rest and if I live on my own I will only have myself to look after
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 06
Thank you for this Actually my Son owns the House and him and his Partner want it to themselves now which is fair enough also My Doctor supports the fact that I need to get out of this area I did not stay calm this afternoon as I am so upset and I want to move and I love this flat I have income support getting back to me tomorrow so I will keep you posted
@nannacroc (4049)
12 Dec 06
I'm sorry gabs, there is no justice, the more you pay in tax and national insurance, the less you can get back. You have to be out of work for at least six months before you can get anything, I know, I was unemployed for 6 months exactly and my husband is receiving long term disability benefit so we could not get any help with the mortgage. The neighbours who had never worked were entitled to full rent rebate, council tax rebate and grants for their home and children. Have you tried going to the local CAB, sometimes they can tell you about benefits that are not widely known about. Good luck with your search for a home.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 06
I have been on Disability for a year now and not working for 2 years as I was bullied out of Job when they found out about Illness but I am being condemed for being Ill They are telling me that People who can't be asked to work get more rights then I do I have found a Home and no way am I giving up on my rights
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@nannacroc (4049)
12 Dec 06
That's the spirit, fight for what you are entitled to and don't let them wear you down.
@forfein (2507)
12 Dec 06
Hi Gabs The injustice in the UK is just getting beyond me!! There is a guy who lives next door to my father who has not worked since I joined the Army back in 1971 ! He is the same age as me, and has not done a stroke of work since 1971 !! Would you believe this! He has a wife and two children, all on State Benefits. 1. His rent is paid for! 2. His kids get clothes paid for! 3. When his kid were younger, they would get free milk etc 4. He complained that he was not getting enough money so that he could work in his "beloved garden" and so.... a lorry turns up each Spring, loaded with new canes for his beans, potatoe seeds, vegetable seeds etc etc 5. EVERY lunch time and EVERY evening he goes down the pub! 6. EVERY year he goes on holiday to Spain! This is gonna make you madder I know, but this is the way this country is going! Makes me mad too You will also find that the harder you fight the harder it will be! As you know, my wife is from Ukraine, the Visa Fee to bring her from Ukraine to here is Extremely Expensive, the Air Fair is Double if you fly from Kiev to London instead of London to Kiev! We had to pay for MORE Visa's when she arrived! We had to Queue for hours at the Home Office in London to get the Visa's ! If you just wait at Calais, and jump on board a truck, hide in it, and arrive at Dover, look at how much cheaper it is!! And then what happens???? Not a lot!!! If they catch them, they go into 5 star hotels!!! This is not making you feel any better, my friend. All I can say is "Stay With It" hopefully you will overcome
@forfein (2507)
12 Dec 06
That is EXACTLY what I was trying to say The more you abide by the law the more you get penalised!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 06
Yes and it is wrong
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 06
Thank you for your supportive words and I will not give up Yes I can well imagine what is going on and I can well imagine that you are having Problems to me it seems the more honest we are and obide by the Law the more we get penalised for it
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
12 Dec 06
The perception is that the jobless have everything, but that is just not really true, at least not where I live. You are right, there is no fairness in wanting to work and not being able to. I know little about social services available in your country, but being on disability, do you have a case manager who could help you find the funds you need? Would the landlord take the "bond" (deposit over here) in increments, added to the regular rent? Good luck. Why must you move out of your son's home?
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 06
Because they want the House to themselves now and also it is causing me to much stress when his Partner goe into her moods I am not well and I just can not deal with it anymore and I think it is time to let go now a young Couple needs to be alone we do get on but when his Partner gets her moods he is torn between me and her and that is not fair on my Son as I do not want that
• India
13 Dec 06
how abt an old age home ..... they take good are of u.... more over they have government grants.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 06
I would like to point out I am only 45 and no where near an old Folks home thank you
@sexymuma (1261)
13 Dec 06
why have you not gone to your local council,it is their job to help the homeless,you have a notice to quit,support from your doctor,surly the council will be of assisstance with your case.lolxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 06
Nope they are the first I have tried and they basically passed me from one to the other
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Dec 06
darn I thought once ya got the disablity part going then it all just fell into place and I know how hard ya worked on that with Docs and your what ya call a council. I also thought they told you you should move a few montha ago!!!! Why is your rules more for the people that can work dont and get what you should get this rule or law what every it is needs changing like alot of ours over here When HUbby went on Diability it took a doctor and a law=yer 2 years to get him on it. Also had to go to court to tell why he was tring to get disablity and to one of their Doctors for test to be run he started this in 1996 got it in last part of 1998 and he passed away in 2004 for an intirely different reason than he got disalility for over here thats all ya get that one check out of it ya have to pay rent(HOUSENOTE) all bills that go with a house buy groceries and everything out of that one check!!!!! Took me 5 month for them to get me over to his part of SS and I ended up with $600 less than what we were getting go figure my sister in law never worked gets SSI a section * houseing they pay for ( THE TAX PAYERS) plus food stamp!!!!! So no government here or there is fair with the people that really work for it and then later need it GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR makes ya mad as heck . Hugs Lakota12
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 06
Yes you are right there to and I know what you went with it to and it just is not fair
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec 06
hahahaha yes Thanks lol I was pretty shocked by that one
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Dec 06
lol nope not fair at all . lol at the old folks home comment
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