Weight problem
By rockaxn
@rockaxn (46)
December 12, 2006 1:06pm CST
I have been struggling with my weight for most of my adult life. Sometimes I find this very depressing. I admire people like Dawn French as role models for larger women. The thing is though, I don't want to be overweight. It seems to me that the clothes in the shops are getting smaller and skimpier. I also have worries about how weight can affect my health. I don't feel that I look very attractive, not so much to other people, as my husband doesn't mind, but to me. Having children has only added to the problem. Everywhere you look there is food, even in petrol stations. I have tried lots of things but I get so demoralised. I know there is no easy solution. Are there people out there who have been successful in losing weight? I would like to hear some real stories, I don't want to be sold things that don't work by companies trying to make money out of people like me.
89 responses
@sunnythakkar (293)
• India
12 Dec 06
i guess you should enjoy being overweight. Its not sucha big problem that you are being depressed about. come on, there are a hell lot of people that are overweight. i am not sayin stop tryin but until you make it you have to believe in yourself and not loose out on confidence. so get up everyday and look in the mirror and say" i'm beautiful".
look at some guys around and smile at them, most surely they will respond. ;-) Enjoy the attention.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
13 Dec 06
It's hard not to get depressed when you're overweight. Especially when the clothes keep getting tighter and then a bigger size is needed. I hate trying on clothes. Even when I lost 45 lbs, by eating a diabetic diet and just walking 30min-hour every other day, its still difficult getting in front of the mirror, because you still see the same you. So I'm finding I need to focus on the people that have loved me through the thick and thin and being happy where I'm at as I continue to watch what I eat and making sure to continue walking.
@ezymoney (876)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
sometimes overweight is caused by stress or depression. You need to check yourself. Go to the gym or other activities. I know it costs money. If you need extra income, please visit my site where you can find a new concept of making money online. It is FREE to sign up and it is NOT scam.
@amikathleen (575)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Also, make certain you EAT. They say, healthy foods every three hours. If you do not eat, than your body begins to store fat. You may become smaller faster by not eating, but you will gain back quicker and heavier than before.
@midhun_midhun (53)
• India
13 Dec 06
my problem is that i always loose weights fast com oared to other's
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
12 Dec 06
If your weight is a health concern, ask your doctor about Orlstat, it is the only FDA approved fat blocker on the market.
If your weight is a cosmetic concern, then I have to say start dancing.
Exercise of any kind tones muscle, burns calories, burns fats and the toning of ths muscle helps build muscle mass, which while is heavier than fat, looks much better and feels that way too. Muscle also burns calories, resistence training is a great way to tone and build muscle.
There is no easy way to loose weight, and there is no way to make it be lost on a schedule.
You can loose 5 pounds in a month and still be stuck with just that 5 pound loss three months later.
The way your bones are constructed and the way your muscles 'tie' into them also can give an appearance of being overweight, even if you are not.
Can you walk a mile? Can you dance an entire number? Can you lift your children or a laundry basket? If you can do these things you probably aren't as overweight as you think, and you can use those things to help adjust the portioning of your body for a more pleasing aspect.
If you are looking for some advice and help try this site
Take the 'test' see what they can suggest that will fit you and your needs. Almost as good as having a personal trainer...only thing missing is the whip.
@kweenaharts (16)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
OOOOOOOeeeee I have done the test on real age. I recommend it to EVERYONE healthy or not overweight or not....
My results were HORRID!!!!!!
Go on,,, give it a shot and let me know how you did.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
yes i was struggling through my weight since after birth of my baby.... but but due to my will power and consistent work out... i lose 20 pounds of my weight and now i am 10 pounds shy from my goal.
see my recent pic... :-)
@backstreetsback (109)
• India
13 Dec 06
if u really really wanna lose weight contact me at backstreetsback1@yahoo.com
well im gonna tell u 1 thing 4m ma personal experience........
daily walk 1 hr....n eat 1 or time a day but little...contact me in a month u will lose easily 5-10 kg's..u know i lost 14 kgs in 2 months
@dentonbecca (38)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I know how you feel.I too am overweight and should look into addressing the issue.I think the best thing in this situation is to surround yourself with an effective support system.This may be family or friends or you may even find people on line to support you in this endeavor.
@ram_5052 (27)
• India
13 Dec 06
This is one of the practical solution my dad is following.
Actually he also suffers from obesity and this overweight problem...
What he does is... after office hours.. He spends time in gardening .. which gives physical exercise and mental relief that he faces due to job stress..
Other thing is he goes for walking daily in morning and does some yoga....... so now a days he looks more active than actually he is..
@richelle19_80 (133)
• United States
13 Dec 06
The first thing is to ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE. Tell yourself that you are a beautiful person with many many wonderful qualities. Make a commitment to get healthy, don't worry about the # on the scale or the size of your pants. I know this sounds cheesy, but the important thing is that you are helathy in mind and body. Start taking walks, meditating, try yoga. All of these are the first steps to a lifetime of health and happiness.
@bhaswarniyogi (255)
• Singapore
13 Dec 06
Am also suffering with the same problem of overweight, and after giving birth to my son, have reached the maximum till date...Just feeling like u r not worthy of anything and again getting into cycle of depression and eating lot more....
@dharmendra_pawar23 (907)
• India
13 Dec 06
Diet tips, information on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, health calculator, find a workout, keyboard yoga and online chats and discussions
www.diet.ivillage.com to vist this link
@lohithvamsi (60)
• India
13 Dec 06
you better start to do yogasanas.you don't eat food twice a day and drink fruit juices instead of food.
@oneteam (57)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Me too
I have about 30 lbs I am trying to Lose as well
what I am trying and does seem to work as far as making me feel fuller and do not feel like I have to eat all the time is Whey protein
like in protein powder
I use designer whey protein ( chocolate) just add 2 scopps a glass of water and drink.taste pretty good like chocolate milk
they say protein makes you feel fuller longer. I really like it Plus trying to stay away from the whit stuff and carbs which is hard to do this time of year..Good Luck..wish me luch too:)
@viralpatel (26)
• India
13 Dec 06
i have 63 kg weight. i don't have any problem of my weight. heavy weight is problem for girl and old person. they don't walk and they don't work. if u want to decrease your weight so you should do exersice regularly and you should also take care in food . you should eatfast food ,today wait is very big problem for people, who marry with other ..they don't like heavy weight,who have weight its my good advice
@siddharth_sampad (319)
• India
13 Dec 06
well try to exercise and have a balanced diet
well i havent faced the problem of gaining weight yet but this cud possibly be a solution
avoid eating junk food yep
@trkanaujia (68)
• India
13 Dec 06
I myself think that there is no problem in being a little overweight. It is good if you look healthy. But noone should be too much overweight. This is because of the problems like obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. which are spreading in our community nowadays. Therefore, there should be a healthy balance between exercise and food. That way you won't be too overweight and won't suffer any problems too.
By the way, do not worry about what others will think about you. If you feel good yourself, then others will feel good about you too.