Help,I am a smoker but now i am pregnant and need help qutiting
By pipin82
@pipin82 (42)
United States
December 12, 2006 1:55pm CST
So i found out i was pregnant and now i need help quitting smoking.I'm not sure if i can do any of the patches or the gum is that safe for a pregnant woman? I wish i had never started smoking because now when i want to quit the worst its the hardest,every time i try i have to deal with the mood swings of a pregnancy plus the mood swings of a person trying to get rid of this habit,what do i do,its really hard on my husband and daughter to have to deal with me being so moody cuz i dont wanna smoke any more but this is so much harder than just kicking it because i wanna.if anyone has done this or knows or has any advise please let me know.I dont wanna be one of those mothers thats nine monthes pregnant with a ciggerette hanging out of their mouth.
55 responses
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Hello, congratulatons on the pregnancy. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant with my son. It took me the first trimester but after that not a single one. This is how I did it and it may sound silly but it worked for me. A craving only lasts about a minute or two so if you can get through that minute you're good til the next. Everytime I got a craving I would brush my teeth or get something to drink. Anything to get that taste out of my mouth ya know what I'm talking about. The first week was easier than the second week. But after that you should feel so proud of your self that the strenght and power that it will make you feel will push you on to finish. And remember it only takes 30 days to break a habit. After the thirty days you really won't think about them anymore. No after meal craving or anything.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
13 Dec 06
You are so very welcome I am glad to help and I wish you lots of luck. Just hang in there and it will get easier. Just believe in yourself and thrive off that will power.
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I quit with both my pregnancies. I had to tell myself taht I wasn't doing it for me, but for my children. It did take me most of the first trimester, but I did quit. I would just have to keep myself occupied so I found other activities to do, I would walk around our apartment complex if I thought I needed a cig, would usually wind me enough that I did not want one. It was much harder to quit with the second though. With the first one I didn't smoke anymore the day I found out. The second one is so much harder. Good Luck
@neilf49 (809)
12 Dec 06
3 points really,
1. If you have strong enough feelings for wanting your unborn child to be as perfect as possible , then you will give up;
2. if you need help then the medics that are looking after you during your pregnancy should be able to advise and assist you; and
3. If your husband and daughter love you as their wife and mother then they will try to understand how hard it is for you and will give you all the support you need from them.
My advice, just give up, I know its hard, I've been there AND done it without patches and gum, but had lots of positive support from my wife.
@EconKnowMix (858)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
when my wife is pregnant
i instantly quit smoking
i used to smoke a pack a day!
but my LOVE to our first born
is so strong that it makes me stop smoking.
Think of your unborn child and
imagine how your child suffers
because of your smoke!
Do you really LOVE your child?
then quit smoking!
@sogeeahouse123 (451)
• Nigeria
13 Dec 06
if you talk to JESUS CHRIST your maker and seek help from the scriptures(Bible) you will be completely free,you and your unborn child.Talk to JESUS in prayers
@maevic (819)
• Bahrain
13 Dec 06
you know very well that smoking is a health hazard. I really hate those people who smokes especially in public. I was thinking that if they want to kill themselves, don't try to kill the person beside you. If you are thinking the benefit of your child, you will not even think of smoking again. Try the internet and look for lung cancer and the pictures of the people who are chain smokers...they have black lungs! yuck
@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
good for you to have thought of quitting because of your baby...i'm not a smoker, i hate smoking bigtime, but i know personally know some chronic smokers who tried quitting by eating candies when the urge to smoke comes up. eating, chewing gum, anything to keep the mouth busy. try it?
@brians (679)
• India
13 Dec 06
you can quit smoking right away by totally giving it up...just just have to do is change your phycological thinking regarding smoking. No need to smoke ..and whenever you think that u need a smoke just take some herbal remeady which is avilable in the herbal medical stores...remeady such as,
Rx-Hale tablets - to prepare your body before beginning nicotine withdrawal.
Crave-Rx Drops to reduce craving, control appetite and prevent weight gain during withdrawal.
Triple Complex NicoTonic tablets to reduce side effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Remember one thing, Each time you try to stop smoking and fail, it becomes more difficult.
Physically your body builds up a resistance and psychologically you begin to see yourself as a failure - someone who cannot beat the addiction. Better quit smoking now
@willywill (352)
• Turkey
13 Dec 06
as you smoking it is quiet meas you do not love yourself but if you at least love your child and if you have respect to her/his future you must not usnig any more
@marymaejazmine83 (470)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
you should quit even if its hard. you're just risking your babys health. and remember the first trimester is the stage were all the major organs are being develop. even if its hard, you should..
@dlsuchix (35)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
Well, it's not really good for the baby. smoking I mean.... When I realized as early as 2 weeks that I was pregnan with my angel. Right there and then, I stopped.
You see, your baby is enough as a motivation for you to styop smoking. Smoking is not really good for the baby. It can give you baby physical defectls like cleft. And baby's lungs and other vital organs will be weak and worst comes to worst, it can cause miscarriage. For you, I suggest, you chew buble gum and blow like you are smoking something.
@sandeep_0989 (29)
• India
13 Dec 06
all u need 2 do is hold ur mind stronger n stay determined.. dont quit smoking all of a sudden.. jus make it gradual n as steady.. coz stopping it all of a sudden may lead to rew mental side effects..
@Tanika (632)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
i know how you feel as i quit cold turkey with my first child.
be positive, and what helped me the most is knowing i have done everything in my power to be the best mother i can be and not have any regrets.
my cousin had her baby a few months after me and she was a pack a day smoker and did not quit and her baby was tiny at full term and had to go into ICU. the doctors said it was because the baby was not getting enough oxygen. the first thing she did after labour was go out for a smoke. she didnt even try to feed it. it was sooo sad...
try to eliminate all temptations for a while even if it means not seeing certain unsupportive friends until you are over the worst of it.
in the end it was all about having a healthy baby for me and i hope it will be for you..i hope this helps in some way..
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
13 Dec 06
its never too late, i was also a regular smoker, but from the time i knew that I was pregnant (1 month) i just quit coz i was sooooo scared that i may give birth to an abnormal baby or a retarded moron and such. its the scare that was stronger than the urge to smoke. give it a try.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
all i can say is be strong and stay calm, support off family would be good, and when you know you have to quit because best for your baby you feel much better because of the support, so dont stress.
@hi2vino (32)
• India
13 Dec 06
congracts! if u really want to quit that is good for u and for ur child, that child don't know anything it's going to be in earth by U only so u r the whole responsible for that child,
the best idea is to take SUNFLOWER seed at time while u feel to smoke, it avoid that and it change ur mood and good for health. try it & say it to all
@amitavesh (180)
• India
13 Dec 06
its a Gud thing that u r concern abt ur child...bieng a mother u can think that how much smoking is injirous for ur child.....
if u r a regular smoker than i have a very gud idea for u.....when u will to smoke 1 cigrate....take smoke 2 cigrate rather than one then u will reallize urself and feel ashamed that u r not killing urself..u r killing ur own baby............
no body can help u inspite u........
so don't smoke..........