What does this mean??
By Ambur25
@Ambur25 (1006)
United States
December 12, 2006 4:20pm CST
I know there are alot of people out there that know what dreams mean....
I've been having "sort of" the same dream week after week! But, it's so graphic, and so.... ew! That I can't even describe it. But, it deals with people dying! .
34 responses
@dip_cool (411)
• India
13 Dec 06
well dont think too much or dont be in stress before going to bed.be in a relaxed mood,and listen to melodious soulful music or read a good book before going to bed.i guess that should take care of the bad dreams.i know how it feela to have this kind of dreams.i also had the same kind of dreams few times and got up scared.but believe me things did not turn out as in dreams...and it will not also.
@balaspa (24)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I have always wondered what some of my recurring dreams meant. I often dream that my teeth have come loose or are falling out. Also, I dream a lot about tornadoes and storms. I am thinking the storms have to do with times when I feel my life is in upheaval but I still wonder about the teeth thing.
• India
13 Dec 06
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I think you may see something in the future. It happens to me often. I can understand things after is happen. One week before Katrina, I saw houses under the water (many details from my dream I saw on TV later). I saw much more before many major disasters; again sad thing is I can understand things after it happens.
@my2boysMandB (51)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Yeah, but it doesnt necessarily mean that what you are seeing WILL happen. Some dreams show you what might happen, some dreams are metaphorical. I wouldnt get all freaked out about the dreams though. Just be careful around the house and keep close eye on your kids and be normal. If something should happen, then you know God prepared your heart. If not, you didnt waste your energy worrying about it.
On a side note- I had a dream planes were falling from the sky 3 days before 9-11. I called my mom and talked to her about it, but other than that I didnt freak out. When it happened, I wasnt as freaked out as I could have been because my heart had been prepared.
@what_now (554)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
Any horror movies you watched lately? which scared the sh*t out of you? something is in your sub-concious that is causing for you to dream this again n again try n do some soul searchin you'll find it. Once you are able to recognize it while your concious it'll fade, cheers
@bluuyze (67)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Dreams can have so many different meanings to interpret. I have heard nightmares occur after going to sleep drunk many nights in a row and not dreaming, then going to sleep sober and dreaming horrible nightmares. There is the scientific version, or the psychological version, that all parts of dreams have meanings. Here is a good 'dream interpretation' website:
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Dec 06
You're being threatened by the fallen angels (from the 1/3 who joined lucifer's sedition). The key to dealing with them is to realize they are always lying. The only way they can hurt you, is just like a spell, or voodoo curse..[The old kind? to be politically correct?] The only way their threats can hurt you is if you begin to believe them. Whenever these dreams (and threats) come around, any time of day, say "go away, in the name of Jesus". I have a feeling you've read your new testament. To get a good head start on this, if you feel the need, fast a meal, and pray instead of the meal, without anyone knowing it. The closer to God you draw (we all draw) the better. Think of His Spirit filling us believers and shining out and around us like a shield. The demons can't stand that! Not that they ever give up. But knowing they are liars, goes a real long way... It keeps them at a distance. Just know that you are "God's child" - you and yours - God is all good. Anything that portrays Him differently than all good, is a false thing, a misunderstanding. Pray always for all your loved ones (and your self) to be safe, from them, and in the world, and know that God hears all prayers, "and if he hears them, he answers them". Feel Safe. And order these dreams away when they first begin, and actually, before going to sleep each night. Peace, and prayers..
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Dec 06
It is your subconsious. You might be watching some of this on Tv or even the news. Thats all it takes. I wouldnt even give it a thought.
@surigarapati (30)
• India
13 Dec 06
dreams are nothing but ur imaginations stop thinking about that dream again n again
it will automatically stop
@roadromeo (376)
• India
13 Dec 06
maybe, we are having a judgement day nearby......
ok, seriously; i think the reason ur getting such dreams is because u may be thinking about them as in u may be thinking abt killings, blood and some related things or otherwise u may be watching some war movies, taling abt them hearing abt them and somewhat!!!
@michaellearnstorock (205)
• India
13 Dec 06
I studied dreams for a long time as a personal interest for myself, cos i kept having a lot of wierd dreams myself, It looks like you are just very tired from all the work you all day, it could also mean that you are getting affected a lot by what goes on on the television. do let me know if the dreams that you have,whether they have ppl that you know or just unknown ppl. Hope this helps
@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
13 Dec 06
yeah human always remember 9-11 dreams that is the number of dream that your brain always remember. but not always but it is a dream that you can dream of repeatedly. you know what i mean. but sometimes its nothing or its something that is giving you a message
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I have been studying dreams for a while now,but i cant tell you anything unless I know what all the dream consisted of..also they have many different meanings..but it could be what your afraid of..anything..soo could ya give me some more detail in your nightmares?Thanx have a good one
@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Well, as I've said in the post, they're so detailed, so descriptive. Very gory, bloody, horrible horrible dreams! I see faces of people who experience these things. One was a woman falling from the top of a staircase, which was a spiral type staircase, but it was on the outside of a building. It was very detailed as she fell, hitting her head on things on the way down. As well as when she hit the ground...
@nooreldin (471)
• Kuwait
13 Dec 06
I'm so sorry for your suffering, but I think having a recurrent dream means that you have anxiety! something is on your mind that causes this, you should know it, if you are over worried about something! you have to know what's causing this anxiety!! the other possible reason is watching too many similar stuff like thrill movies or so!!if you do that you should stop, cuz apparently you're too sensetive for such stuff!!
@arman9890 (452)
• India
13 Dec 06
Well i wan to say something.. If you are seeingthese dreams then you are going to have good life in the future for sure.. this is the wonderful thing i am telling you.. And listen to me carefully.. this is damn good.. what are your interests? i want you to think about that only and try not to fight with any of your friend or family.. stay calm and see a good movie.. Go to your friend's place and stay there at least for an hour and help her to solve her problems and you will see those dreams are going to disppear...
@amikathleen (575)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Dreams most often reflect your inner fears. You should search the web for dreamology articles. They may be helpful.
I know you are Christian and I understand their stance on past lives (I was raised catholic) but it is also said that when you dream, you could be reliving another time. Next time you dream this, try to take notice of your surroundings..try to step out of the picture and try not to fear it.
Also, nine out of ten times, if a person was to have a premonition type dream, they usually cannot see the future in regards to themselves and people very close to them. Say a prayer to God before you sleep and ask Him to absorb the negativity and to please take the dreams away. He will listen and after a few days, you should be fine.
I believe that you are so frightened of losing someone you love that it comes up in your dreams. I send you a prayer to help you.