By Bobby1130
@Bobby1130 (27)
December 13, 2006 5:53am CST
I posted over a month back asking if it was legal to take my daughter to a differn't state and file for custody a couple people answered my post and if you noticed i didn't answer back for awhile for one i did end up in jail not becouse i broke the law becouse i didn't i ended up there becouse my other half lied I had to make the hardest choice that i ever had to make between my daughter and my girlfriend i chose my daughters well being and life over the love i have for her mom I love my daughter more then anything you can look at the post she had put and you can see the lies in it for one a 7 month old child that was raised by her father is not going to think its being kidnapped and for all you fathers out there never give up you have just as much rights as your wife or girlfriend it will be harder becouse the justice system is behind in times But it can be done
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10 responses
@yorb24 (2179)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I'm sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. You are one father that greatly cares for his child and is willing to do anything. I hope you will continue to fight for her. She needs to know much her father cares and loves her. Good luck.
@Bobby1130 (27)
14 Dec 06
Thank you very much it is very difficult I put this post to talk to releave the strain that im going through My ex has done everything she can to try and make me look like a bad father But for Record when i was arrested and they ran my background you should of seen the shock the police had I am 30 years old and my record is blank i don't even have a speeding ticket i have never been in trouble with the law intell my ex said a bunch of lies to get my daughter wich i can prove that she lied There is alot of things that happened that i was blind to becouse i loved my ex more then anything if i could say everything that happened people would probely think i was crazy for even being with her and sense ive been away from her i have relized how stupid i was But if you realy truely love someone in my case i couldn't see the worse all i could see was how much i cared about her and the feeling are still there i hate her for all the lies and things she has done to me and my daughter
@Bobby1130 (27)
15 Dec 06
Im not putting post up and im not asking people to believe me i know the truth in my own heart and i can prove my case. Talking can make things feel better even when they are not im not going to argue or debate with you Goofinround you can post and say what ever you want you can act like your my ex's exhusband all you want its funny that she has said the same things about me that she had said about you she was sayng to everyone else like family your friends at the bar oh i forgot also the teachers at school when you was going to college wow kinda flashback there hu hmm did you realy stock her when she started college and then you started taking classes too well she hasn't said that about me yet but who knows she is very good at using people and lieng i could say alot more but it can wait for court

@briennekb (610)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I am going through something similar. I took my daughter to a different state and now my ex is trying to get custody of her. But I legally moved her out of state because the courts said it was in her best interest. Not because her dad is bad, but because her quality of life is better where we are now. He won't be able to get custody of her because the courts already said it was okay for us to go. All he can do is have visitation rights. Like during the summer and some of the holidays.
@Bobby1130 (27)
13 Dec 06
I gather that you were seperated from your daughters father i hope that things work out for both of you and i hope that he chooses to stay in is daughters life no matter the outcome
@Bobby1130 (27)
13 Dec 06
I was wondering if you had a hearing where you and your ex seen the a judge and he told you that you could move out of state and did you have legal custody of your child
@Bobby1130 (27)
13 Dec 06
In my case we had equal rights we had never went to court over are child we lived together i left becouse of the things she was doing to me and are daughter her own family was giving me advise whats sad is when i sat in jail they never came forward and told the truth i had been talking to them about things that was going on besides my own family her family told me alot about her that i was too blind to see becouse of how much i loved my ex all of it will come out in court her family and mine and when its all over the truth will be there

@Bobby1130 (27)
14 Dec 06
You must of missed the part where there was no custody we both had equel rights to are daughter I left becouse of what she was doing and how she was treating are daughter for one her laywer was going for custodial interferance and then tride to go with kiddnapping the judge laughed at the charge the next hearing he through it out and put it back at custiodal interferance wich can not be proved becouse i didn't do anything wrong i Can not tell everything becouse we are still going to court but i will say i have enough prove
@dalilac1 (862)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Don't worry, Justice may be slow but it will prevail. Your daughter should be raised,in a happy,loving,stable enviornment. If there are reasons that you can not state here, don't worry the courts will find all the right reasons for their decission.
I am sorry for the turmoil that you all must be going through. Look forward to a bright future with your daughter. It is men like you who stand up for the rights of their child that make this a better place:)
Happy Holidays to you and your daughter:)
@Bobby1130 (27)
13 Dec 06
I wish i could spill the beans i have two laywers one a public defender and one that i hired for custody when i was sitting in jail my ex tride to get custody her and her laywer filed papers i was waiting to be tooken up stairs to see the judge and no officer came to get me later that night i got told to roll up my stuff that my family had come and bailed me out when i seen them they told me that they had been there sense that morning they had walked in the court room and the judge kept asking where i was at my exgirlfriend and her laywer would not answer and my sister spoke up and told the judge where i was and that she was leing the judge was not happy he prosponed there hearing for a later date I was very lucky that my family showed up I do feel that justice is blind some what what has pretty much has happened she told a bunch of lies and had me thrown in jail with nothing to back it up except her word so that tells me you can meet someone get each others names and last then go to the police and say hey this person hit me and turn around and press charges without having proof when this is all said and done i will put everything on here
@Bobby1130 (27)
13 Dec 06
Sorry i lost track of all i was going to say at moment i have not been allowed to see my daughter becouse she has put no contact orders on me wich is fine whats sad is the only one being hurt is are daughter all she new was tooken from her becouse of her mom i have not tride to fight the no contact orders my custody laywer will work things out I will say things have not been easy I love my daughter and i still love my ex but i can not forgive her for what she has done and what she has put my daughter through I will never give up intell all the truth comes out
@dalilac1 (862)
• United States
13 Dec 06
WOW! I am so sorry, that is just horrible for you and your daughter. As for your family you are so lucky that they were there for you. My ex husband tried to do a similar thing to me and he tried to make accusations regarding my current husband, if not for the judge at the time, my husband would have been convicted of a crime that he not only did not commit but he was not allowed into the courtroom to even defend himself. Sometimes justice works in funny ways, and I know right now there is no humor in it for you or your daughter.
In the end, the stories that she has tried to use will be shown for what they really are. Have you ever looked into the fathers right society? They have tons of information and helpful ways ;)
Good Luck !

@AlmightyBigfoot888 (553)
• United States
14 Dec 06
well, as long as you can defend yourself against the claims that your other half makes, then i would think you could get custody of the child 100%
@nefretiti (68)
• India
13 Dec 06
dear frnd,wot u say is not clear,plss try to include fullstops and comas in between.thank you.
@vibhor1986 (290)
• India
14 Dec 06
same here i couldnt understand a word
n i did understand words but couldnt make sense out of it
@baysmummy (1637)
• Australia
14 Dec 06
Sorry i have read this a few times now and i am having a real hard time understand what you are saying, apart from you ended up in jail for not breaking the law!
@Bobby1130 (27)
14 Dec 06
well lets say you can meet someone find out there name and last then go to police and tell them he did bla bla bla and get them thrown in jail with just your word and to think thats how are justice sytem works pretty sad
@soniacharles (76)
• India
14 Dec 06
Don't worry, Justice may be slow but it will prevail. Your daughter should be raised,in a happy,loving,stable enviorn ment. If there are reasons that you can not state here, don't worry the courts will find all the right reasons for their decission.
I am sorry for the turmoil that you all must be going through. Look forward to a bright future with your daughter. It is men like you who stand up for the rights of their child that make this a better place:)
Happy Holidays to you and your daughter:)