Do you sometimes have trouble coming up with review ideas or reviews?
@alexdiazgranados (678)
United States
December 13, 2006 1:17pm CST
As a reviewer for the Epinions division of, I have tried to stick to a one-review-per-day writing quota, and for the most part, I've managed to do so. But after three years and over 900 reviews, plus some recent computer-related issues, I have been struggling to maintain that pace. Do you have a "set goal" when you write for Epinions? Do you meet your own expectations easily? Or do you sometimes stumble and struggle when coming up with review ideas or writing the reviews themselves?
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10 responses
@autismfamily (190)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Hi Alex -
Nice to see a person here I know from another site. Just getting back here since school break is now for three weeks and have time to look around again.
I got bored with epinions and cannot earn too much there as it cuts into kids SSI money, so basically let my TR in Online go and now the money is next to nothing.
Are you also on My site there is and if you are not send me email here with your address and I can send you an invite as they have points for referral, not here like continually but one time. I have just ordered my 7th $25 Barnes and noble gift card from there and only been on the site for four months now.
I joined Epinions in Jan of 2000 so got burned out and too many changes and people scamming to enjoy it further and kids are getting older and I found that branching out at http://autismspectrumdisorders.bellaonline and other sites has given me a larger readership on autism and also now an amazon affiliate.
Good topic, hard to find them here, but read my alerts so looks like some good changes here.
@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
17 Dec 06
I did notice you weren't posting as many reviews as of late, but I had no idea that you had, as you say, burned out. Unfortunately, it happens quite a bit for various reasons and I've watched a few of my best friends leave Eps. It's sad when that happens, but sometimes there's too much drama and unfairness, and that does tend to push people away.
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@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
13 Dec 06
You've been writing one review a day for three years?! Wow!
I've written some reviews for Ciao UK - but they tend to be once a month - the most I did was four in a month.
How did you manage it? You must have been very disciplined?
@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I have submitted reviews to Ciao UK myself, but since I am an American living in the States, I can't cash out whatever I've earned there. Love the site, though.
As for the review writing quota...I try to write one a day, but sometimes that doesn't happen. I don't have a lot of things to do once all the housekeeping is done, and because my social life is rather nonexistent, I have tons of time in which to write! I don't think discipline has much to do with it...more like force of habit.
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@leedug (920)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Nope, not at all. I never got into the whole goal setting thing there, but I know that a lot of people did and still do. Therefore, I never had to think or struggle when choosing a product to review. As as I found something I wanted to share, I would just simply go write about it. If I couldn't think of anything, I wouldn't beat my brain. I would just wait a few weeks (or however long) until I had a product worth reviewing again.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
16 Dec 06
That sounds (or should it be "looks"?) like you have a good approach to review-writing; it (at least to me) is sometimes better from a purely creative perspective to let the reviews flow naturally when one wants to write rather than having to "jump through hoops" just to meet a site's requirements to hang on to what they call "hats" or badges of Top Reviewer or Advisor.
Also, your more relaxed attitude probably means that your reviews were above average in quality. Some folks at review or content sites go for quantity rather than quality, which is not exactly healthy or even beneficial for a site.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Yes. I am one of those writers who doesn't feel their day is complete without at least thinking about submitting one good, well-written review.
What IS stressful, though, is contests. I drove myself crazy trying to come up with a good first review on a book about presidential inaugurations. The first day I tried it, I drew a blank and had to write about a Victory at Sea episode; luckily, a very good friend of mine gave me the whole series last year for Christmas, and I had something to write about. It wasn't till yesterday that I was able to do the book review...and somehow I won $100 for it.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I have many items to be reviewed, and I even have 5 or 6 that would be a first review! However, it comes down to laziness. I just don't have the motivation lately :) Maybe because I have to many hobbies already, than I find this site and get addicted!
My goal this year was 365 reviews, but then I got engaged and thrown off. Even so, I believe I managed to post at least 200 reviews so that's not so bad! Next year my goal is just to write anytime I can, but since I'll be getting married I'm avoiding setting any goals. After the wedding, and once I'm settled into my new house in May, I plan to come up with a list of "goals" for Epinions and categories to focus on. But for now, I just write when I feel like it :)
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
31 Jan 07
There are times when I feel like I am going to run out of things but that just gives me a reason to go shopping! My hard drive crashed and I lost about 20 completed reviews plus all the info for SAP's on products that I wanted to get added. As long as they make Lego sets, pens and Type O Negative CD's, I'll always have something to write about.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh, man! That bites about the hard drive! My previous PC's power supply went bad, and even though I replaced the computer within 24 hours, it took me over a month to get this new one up and running...and that wasn't without its hassles, since the video card went bad after 3 days of use.
I, too, use Epinions as an excu-- er, incentive to buy new books and DVDs, and as long as I use stuff listed there, I'll be writing my reviews.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Reviewer's block, writer's block....yes, I know what that feels like, particularly as of late, when the reviews that used to flow so easily now seem to be less forthcoming, particularly in my two Top Reviewer categories.
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@FloatingGum (346)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I would love to write a review a day. Unfortunately with 3 kids to raise (plus a friend's two kids who are staying with us), a full-time job, plus a household to manage, I don't always have the time.
I take a lot of notes and have been saving them in draft so I have all the material available whenever the mood hits. I probably have 10 movie/DVD sets sitting out there that I just have to finish.
I get tired of the b.s. though. It seems like certain people can get away with anything there, including coming into my comment section saying I am plagiarizing when a Lead has weighed in on the matter, and "Community Care" does nothing about it. Yet I got shellacked in one section I used to be an Advisor in for being "too nice". All this wears on the motivation.
I like to branch out and sometimes it's hard finding material outside of books and movies to write in. It's helped moving to a popular vacation area, but I still struggle.
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes, the politics at Epinions can sometimes wear down even the most patient of reviewers...and that includes me.
I've stopped hoping that Kids & Family will ever grace me with Top Reviewer status; I've run out of reviewable Star Wars figures, but there was a time when I was doing enough reviews a month to qualify for the freaking hat. A few unfortunate disagreements with two Advisors, though, and I was blacklisted as a "troublesome" reviewer.
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@hcromer (2710)
• United States
6 Mar 07
When I worked in front of a computer all day, my goal was to do 3 a day. It didn't last very long. I've only gotten up to a total of 149. I never had a problem finding products to write about, but now that I'm writing on Associated Content more, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to think of something to write that is not a review (they don't really seem to like all the ones I keep sending in).
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Three a day? That's quite a lofty goal.
Right now, with 951 reviews written thus far, I am having a hard time writing even one a day. Must be that new contest thing of $10 extra if we write 10 reviews in March.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
26 Feb 07
Hmm... I somehow never set any goals, but have managed some 200 odd reviews in 5 odd years which works out to about 2 reviews every month. My way of reviewing is based on whether I feel strongly about a product and whether I feel that what I am going to share about it is going to add value to others. So typically I tend to do more reviews on products which have lesser number of reviews.
Also topics like books and movies are my most reviewed categories, while the others are bit less used. It is not due to the struggle to put ideas in writing, it is more the struggle to think what can I say differently that can add value to the existing lot that stops me from writing more often.
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@beckish (641)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Congratulations on keeping to your goal! I was planning to write one review a day this year, but life got in the way. LOL. So now I am playing catch up. I sometimes get writer's block on the site. I find it especially frustrating when I have a review in mind, but the product isn't listed. You can have them added sometimes, but it doesn't help with my immediate frustration. A lot of times I will simply browse the site, looking for things I want to write about. And when worst comes to worst I head to writer's corner; I can always think of something to write about there. :-)