What is backache
By parthivjshah
@parthivjshah (17)
United States
December 13, 2006 11:16pm CST
What is lumbago?
Weak muscles in the back and stomach increase the risk of backaches. Therefore, moderate exercise is highly recommended.
Lumbago is defined as mild to severe pain or discomfort in the area of the lower back. The pain can be acute (sudden and severe) or chronic if it has lasted more than three months. Lumbago often occurs in younger people whose work involves physical effort and is not uncommon in people of retirement age.
What causes lumbago?
In the majority of cases, it is impossible to identify the exact cause of backache. In about 25 per cent of cases, however, it is possible to identify the cause. Often, these patients are suffering from conditions like a slipped disc, osteoporosis (brittle bones), deformation of natural spine curvature (scoliosis) or more rarely, skeletal damage due to tumours or infection.
What are the symptoms of lumbago?
Pain across the lower part of the back that sometimes radiates into the buttocks, the back of the thigh or to the groin. The pain is usually worse on movement.
Limitation in movement of the spine - especially bending forward and leaning back.
Tense spasm of the muscles surrounding the spine and causing a stiff back.
With severe pain and spasm, the back may tilt to one side causing a change in posture.
The pain is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation or numbness in the back or buttocks or leg.
What are the danger signs?
If you suddenly find out that you are unable to control your bladder or bowel movements or if the area of the lower back or legs turns numb, contact a doctor or Accident and Emergency department immediately.
If you suffer from backaches and notice reduced strength or muscle bulk in one or both legs, contact a doctor. These warning signs indicate compression of the spinal cord and its branches and early treatment is essential if permanent damage is to be avoided.
What can be done at home to ease back pain?
Acute low back pain
Use painkillers. Special medicines for relaxation of muscles may sometimes be prescribed. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eg ibuprofen) and muscle relaxants relieve more pain than placebo.
Activity is beneficial. Stay active. Get on with your life within the limits of your pain.
Warmth helps, as does swimming in a warm pool.
Rest and sleep lying on a firm, flat surface, if possible.
Avoid stooping, bending, lifting and sitting on low chairs.
Bear in mind that backaches are rarely caused by a serious illness and usually go away in a couple of days.
Chronic low back pain
If you have suffered backaches for a long period, you should consult your GP. Rarely does an X-ray benefit. Referral to a physiotherapist or chiropractor for spinal manipulation might be beneficial and may produce relief of symptoms, but may not be long-lasting.
Low back pain benefits from back exercises, back schools, behavioural therapy and multidisciplinary pain treatment programmes.
There is no evidence that use of antidepressants, traction, facet joint injections and EMG (electromyography) feedback are effective.
How does the doctor make a diagnosis?
In most cases, a back problem can be diagnosed by a doctor from the information given by the patient.
Chiropractors usually perform a specially thorough examination and will observe the movement of the joints in the spine, pelvis, and hips; perform orthopaedic and muscle tests; and check to see if any nerves are trapped in the spine.
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24 responses
@Athique (154)
• India
14 Dec 06
First of all let me thank you for writing such a wonderful and precise discussion on Bachache because this is something i am suffering with and it is at a chronic stage now. I guess i am suffering with LUMBAGO as the symtoms are matching with my Backache i have taken an X-RAY and fortunate enough the result was normal as far as the alignment of my SPINAL CORD & DISC is concerned. I am consulting with a physiotherapist he also confirmed me that it is a MUSCLE SPRAIN which made me less worried, However the pain is still chronic and i have been advised to take an opinion from the BONE DOCTOR based on which PHSIOTHERAPY will be proceeded. The pain i feel often shoots to my thigh and buttocks making me immovable. It pains very badly when i try to change the position of my body and this particularly happens during sleeping hours in midnigt as a result of which my sleep spoils. After all this i am still positive that i will be able to get rid of it.
29 Mar 07
I thought i wrote the articale i am reading, my pain goes roun to my abdomen
@kiranscorner (74)
• India
14 Dec 06
above all this...a real back ache sucks man...only the person who has it knows it
29 Mar 07
Ye your right, take it you have had it, gotit, im sick of it , wearing me down.HELP
@tanujarneja (2829)
• India
14 Dec 06
Back pain is one of the most common ailments treated by Doctors of Chiropractic. Symptoms can be anything from pain to stiffness, numbness, burning sensations or all of the above. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will evaluate your condition by thorough examination. Backache can be treated by a Doctor of Chiropractic through spinal adjustments and physical therapy/ rehab.
Back pain is one of humanity's most frequent complaints and does not usually reflect any underlying disease. However, anyone with back pain that does not improve after a few days should first consult a Physician, as back pain can sometimes indicate significant and serious conditions which might not otherwise be diagnosed. Back pain is very rarely a sign of a serious medical problem. It is however important that the treatable medical causes are identified early on. ...
@parthivjshah (17)
• United States
14 Dec 06
ya,you are right, its better to consult physician especially in usa as he is count as a gate keeper in the us health administation era.
@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Back pain is one of the most common ailments treated by Doctors of Chiropractic. Symptoms can be anything from pain to stiffness, numbness, burning sensations or all of the above. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will evaluate your condition by thorough examination. Backache can be treated by a Doctor of Chiropractic through spinal adjustments and physical therapy/ rehab.
@clickerz (471)
• Philippines
15 Dec 06
I also suffered this and I dont know the caused.Thats true,I have also stomach disturbances, does this bachache caises stomach pain? sometimes its ok but it keeps comming back.
@michaelvanx (568)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 06
Most people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Infact, low back pain is second only to headache among the leading causes of pain all over the world. Majority of these cases can be treated without surgery.
The most common causes of backache are:
Birth defect of the spine
Psychogenic pain
Patient may have only backache & stiffness, or pain running along the legs with backache, as happens in disc prolapse with nerve compression.
Routine blood and X-Ray investigations most of the time are not very useful for such cases. In selected few cases, a CT scan or MRI scan may be needed.
Treatment: Patient education is the key.
Preventive Advice regarding correct posture
Avoid forward bending
Lifting weights without jerking
Use of firm mattress
Regular Exercise
Treatment Short period of strict bedrest in acute pain
Traction, if needed
Firm mattress
Oral medication for pain
Local anesthetic injection for certain cases
Followed by Elastic belts
Back exercises
Weight reduction
Light elastic belts that provide some support without unduly restricting movements can be useful, but prolonged use of such should be avoided as this may lead to weakening of back muscles.
@manu_ghimire (2626)
• India
15 Dec 06
i want to add to it
consult ur doctor first
you can use ibuprofen brufen 400mg Buy a hot pack from your local supermarket or chemist they really work. Get a good matress and have a massage. Also get some xrays done to get to the bottom of the problem.
@blanksolid (1631)
• Spain
14 Dec 06
Back ache usually arises from a spasm of the muscles that support your spine. Backache may be caused by various factors: poor posture, prolonged sitting, standing or stooping in one position.
Have a great day on mylot!
@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
14 Dec 06
A lot of the time lower backache pain comes from a muscle immbalance.
The immbalance is the front area (known as the stomach region) pulling on the weaker back area. How do you solve this? Most of the time it is a matter of losing the "gut" that is pulling on the lower back & then stregthening the back muscles.
Medication will cure the pain short term, but if the immbalance is there, you will always have back pain!
Simple, but not so simple for people to get in shape.
@dharmendra_pawar23 (907)
• India
14 Dec 06
Hopefully you are pregnant. Backache and frequent urination are good signs....Good luck , and wish me luck too.... :)
@123456_ (1052)
• Philippines
14 Dec 06
Lumbago is a term used to refer to low back pain. Such pain may also be accompanied by symptoms that extend to the buttocks, thigh(s) and leg(s) in either a uni- or bi- lateral fashion (but usually only on one side). If the primary symptom is leg pain caused by a compressed nerve, then the symptoms are usually called sciatica rather than lumbago.
Lumbago may also be accompanied by other symptoms and signs such as loss of sensation (usually the sole of the foot and posterior aspect of the calf region) and motor function (usually loss of plantar flexion of the foot and toes as well as a diminished ankle jerk reflex) in some areas and back stiffness (pain and rigidity upon movement of the lumbrosacral part of the spine). Other signs include reduced ability to walk or raise one's foot once straightened.
@pnmylove (39)
• Thailand
14 Dec 06
Backache cure:
Back pain is one of the most common ailments of mankind. Ever since human beings stood upright they have been having trouble with their backs. In fact, experts estimate that roughly 80 percent of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives, and slightly more men suffer from it than women