I am I wrong to feel this way??

United States
December 14, 2006 2:47pm CST
I am 25 years old and was a single child up until I was 15 years old then my dad remarried and had a baby girl, I absolutly loved her when she was born and took her everywhere I went but now that she has grown up a little(she is 10) I cannot stand being around her!! I have two children of my own and when she comes over to stay the night with me at my house she completely ignores my kids and is stuck to me 24-7. I dont really get along with her mother because she is jealous of the relationship that me and my dad have and now I can see that in my sister, I hate feeling like this but I really could care less if I was ever around her. Am I a horrible person for feeling this way about my younger half-sister.
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62 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
15 Dec 06
You cannot control the way you feel, only the way that you behave. It sounds from your posting that despite having a serious dislike of your half sister, you are prepared to accept her into your home and do not make any attempt to behave badly towards her or to make her feel uncomfortable. It is a pity that you do not have a better relationship, but you are certainly not a bad person because you are treating her fairly.
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@nishanity (1650)
• India
15 Dec 06
hey man...come on... the gal likes her elder bro!!! be nice... wat has she done tht u got to hate her? whether she is a half-sis or real sis, she is always gonna be ur sister.. give her tht consideration... be a good brother
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• United States
15 Dec 06
ummm yeah I am a girl??!!
1 person likes this
• India
15 Dec 06
HMMM NICE........
• Philippines
15 Dec 06
hahaha! lol...
@leedug (920)
• United States
15 Dec 06
No, you are not a horrible person at all. First of all, your sister is 10. At that age, kids can really get on people's nerves. It's that age a few years before becoming a teenager (know it all), yet still a young child (acting spoiled and babyish). That is completely understandable. Since you don't like your stepmother, you are probably seeing some the traits from her in your little sister. That is something she can't help. Try to remember that they are two different people. Give it time. Your sister will grow up and you two may become best friends. Good Luck !
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• United States
15 Dec 06
she is my sister, I havent lived at home for like 6 years, why should it be up to me?? I have my own two children to raise right I just think it should be a mothers job to do those kind of things! When she is with me, which isnt very often then I do remind her to use her manners but as soon as she leaves she goes back to being rude.
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• United States
15 Dec 06
Thank You and yes you are right she acts soooo much like her mother, she has aboslutly no manners whatsoever!! She chomps like a cow when she eats and chews bubble gum!! Its these little things I guess that "fuel" my actual feelings.
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• India
15 Dec 06
but did u ever teach her table manners now that you dont like her chomping.. someone has to teach her how to eat lik a human being, and the responsibility is on you to do that. and the idea of sharing. and the idea of her loving your kids. it appears that you have too much expectation of your half sister that un oher own she will do things to please you. no my dear, here we are talking about a ten year old child, who needs to be taught things. like as you say, she "chomps" like her mother, it is obvious her mother even doesn't have table manners. since you happen to know it is for you to teach the child
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Let's face it, ten year old girls are annoying. This little sister also was pretty spoiled by you when she wss little and does not understand that the rules have changed, you are a mommy now and your kids come first. Do not let your feelings for her mother color your relationship to her, because that is not fair. Just wait, she will grow up even more, and because of the interest you have shown in her will be a pretty neat person, and someone you enjoy. I was 9 years younger than my older sister, ten years older than my little sister. When we all grew up, we made pretty good friends. Little sister will soon be old enough for relationships with her peers and will think that you are from the moon or the dark ages. Hang in there.
• United States
15 Dec 06
Thank you, I think you have hit the nail on the head so to speak!! I did spoil her, I bought her everything, Heck I still do her hair for picture day because her fool for a mother cant!! I dont know but as I type this right now I am having a better understanding of how she actually feels!! Thank You!!!
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• United States
15 Dec 06
your sister sounds like she is very attached to you thats why she wants to be around you 24-7.just because you do not like your sisters mother does not mean you have to hate her too.its sad that you feel this way towards your sister.she likes to be around you and you dont care your like her role model someone she trusts why do you hate her so much?she is a little kid.
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• United States
15 Dec 06
I never said that I hated her, I cant describe it, its in no way a hate feeling but more of just like an annoyance!! I dont know I just cant put it into words.
• Philippines
15 Dec 06
no you are not a horrible person. i have a half sister as well.. we were so close when we were young, we played barbies and dress-up together and then - she grew up. i can't explain it and i'm sure you can't as well... but there's a mysterious thing about "half-sisters" - they are sisters that you did not expect to come and always wished you had... then they come along, they're young and they're like litte dolls in a way.. and then they begin to have their own characters, their own quirks, etc. mine just became prettier than me when she turned 13. everyone would say that we don't look like sisters now.. whereas before, people would say that we looked so cute playing together. now - we almost have nothing to talk to. she was not my maid-of-honor during my wedding... and she has never invited me to any of her birthdays. we still talk though, we try hard to have sister-sister conversations - but we fail at our attempts. it's good that we don't live in the same house, she's in college, she has her own life ... which makes me insecure as well - cos at her age, she's doing well with her life and going somewhere. at her age, i already got pregnant with my daughter angela. i love my half-sister - i guess. i just don't think about our relationship anymore... she's the sister i never had. and i still don't have her right now.
• United States
15 Dec 06
Yes its the same way with her and I but she invites me to everything and I just despise to go!!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
15 Dec 06
i do understand how you feel. you have your two kids with you and you need to give them your attention. however when your half sister is around, she wants to get your attention... almost all of it. plus... she ignores your children. that's not nice of her to do. atleast she should spend time playing with your kids. that will for sure make you feel a lot better and will even treat her better. however, since she's like that, i understand why you feel bad towards her. i just hope she gets to realize one day that she should be more friendly to your kids... and be a good role model aunt for your children.
• United States
15 Dec 06
Yes when she is here she will go out of her way to ignore them I think thats alot of the reason I feel the way I do!!
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
15 Dec 06
No you're not a horrible person for not really wanting to be around your 10 year old half sister. You already have enough on your plate looking after your own two kids, I can see why having a 10 year old follow you around would be annoying. If I remember right, 10 year olds can develope quite the attitudes too, am I right? lol
• United States
15 Dec 06
Oh yes you are soooooo right!!
@Sukhmeen (396)
• India
15 Dec 06
C u r absolutely right in doing this kids are just a image of god and i wonder how can she do like this with them dont worry ur right in ur way and he is even ur father.So dont worry abt such small things sometimes u have to cruel just to answer wat others do
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Dec 06
Have you ever heard of killing two birds with one stone? If there was a simple way to decrease the amount of time your sister spent at your place or make the situation such that you don't mind her coming over, would you consider it? Your sister is eager to please you, why not have her help around the house and help take care of your kids? She is only 10 so don't let her do anything unsupervised, but she could help you. You could end up looking forward to her coming over and be sorry to see her leave. Or she won't like helping and come over less. What is the down side here?
• United States
16 Dec 06
Hey thats a really great idea, I was feeling bad so she stayed with me last night and we actually got almost all of my christmas presents wrapped!! I think I am coming around, I still she a little jealousy in her towards my children but she will just have to get over it!!
• United States
15 Dec 06
no its natural, are you a little jealous?
• United States
15 Dec 06
Yes I very well could be but in now way because of her being my sister, Geez I have no idea??!!
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• Australia
15 Dec 06
No its natural to feel this way when i was 14 my mum had another baby she was sick and i cared for him all the time sometimes i wouldnt go to school as i needed to care for him and when ever i went out he was with me. Then when had my first child i didnt love him as much as i did infact i thought he was ugly and only my brother. Just think to your self she is your sister only and you love her only as your sister nothing more. its been 3 years since my daughter was born and i still feel the same. GOODLUCK
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@daggi1712 (158)
• Germany
15 Dec 06
first you are a mother, and you half-sister has to accept this !!
• United States
15 Dec 06
You are very right and I think she has accepted this but will not conform to it so to speak!! I have actually caught her raising her hand to my daughter before and my daughter like closing her eyes as if she knows what my sister is going to do, its horrible!! she is mean to my kids!!
• United States
15 Dec 06
Feelings are strong, you can't really change them. If you feel that way, that's just going to be the way you feel.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I would feel the same way. It sounds like your sister has become more like your own child then a sister. It's hard when there is that much of a split in ages my husband has triplet brothers that are 12 years younger than him and he always felt like more of a parent than a brother. I think you need to sit down and have a talk with your sister. Let her know you are a mom and your kids need you and you can't be a mom with her under your feet too. I think you need some time apart from her if she is ignoring your children and trying to take all your attention from them to her. It's not like your saying you don't love her. It's just you need to love her as a sister, not as a parent and she will need to learn the difference. Talk to her about her role as an aunt and how she should treat your children. Maybe it will help her think about being more grown up to be reminded she is an aunt. Good luck and please don't feel bad.
@BrendaA (365)
• United States
15 Dec 06
number 1. It is normal for her to cling to you since you are a parent figure. She wants to be more important to you than your kids. Number 2 always remember she is not her mother. Have patience and try to find ways to include your children with her.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I don't think that you are a horrible person. Though I think that you have a great opportunity to invest in the life of your half-sister. If you don't like her mom, you have the opportunity to show your sister love and things that perhaps she is missing in her relationship with her mom. She probably thinks that you're pretty cool - which is why she is stuck to you. She feels like she would rather be like you then playing with your children all the time. Perhaps she thinks she's too old to bother with your children.
• Brazil
15 Dec 06
Dont ignore her, but talk with her, speak is the best solution to everthing. Make rules, its not wrong to feel this. Wrong is dont solve this problem and stay as nothing happen.
@hac707 (162)
• Pakistan
15 Dec 06
I think you must not hate your sister it isn't her fault that her mother is jealous of you or she likes being with you. Just think of her as your eldest daugther and teach her to love your own children. Everything will be ok just due to love.
• India
12 Jan 07
there is nothing horrible about being jelous or envious or ones half-brother or half-sister. it is perfectly normal n part of human nature to do so.