Why do people...................

@cclay34 (486)
United States
December 14, 2006 11:31pm CST
Why are people so quick to judge people in other countries for the actions of their governments ? I am sure that not everyone agree's with or supports their government or their actions. It seems that people are fast to put down entire populations of people because of where they came from. How can you judge those people if you havent walked in their shoes or when you know nothing about their country or their culture ? I find that most times the people who talk the most and the loudest are people who have never traveled any farther from there home than a couple hundred miles. People who have never experience cultures from other countries. To them suggesting a trip to another country would be like asking them to travel to Mars on a Moped haha
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33 responses
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
15 Dec 06
Yes ! Indeed ! I agree fully with you and with your feelings ! Personally I never judge people from any country from the Government policies made by their country. This is because I know that my feelings for fellow human being are entirely different tahn our Government's. So same thing applies univerasally. Politics at international level is entirely different issue. Political science is a vast subject and experts in that field they know how to move, when to move and for what purpose to move, so that the prosperity of their respective country be achieved.But when it comes to a coomon citizen, from any country , basically he is a human being with human emotions. What ever race, caste, creed ,culture and country he may be having but the basic qulaity of human beings are present in one and all. An English man laughs the same way as a French man , German man or Indian Man. He cries like any other human being ! He eats more or less same things like other human being but may be in some different form. His body functions are same and his blood is also same like any other Human being ! Thas the reason great philosopher Vivekananda dared to call his fellow members in Chicago, during one of the delegations as his brothers and sisters ! His this address made his world famous within no time as that was the fact and is the fact that all the human beings are same and brother hood of mankind transcends the soviernity of nation. Regarding the people not travelled the world, I Think basically until unless do don't travel extensively you can't learn. And in the process of learning you will soon realise that the more you know about any thing then you realise that you really don't know anything about the subject. The people about whom you are referring are the isolated frogs in a well, who feel that their world is that well only and they completely know about it ! They should be out of the well to see the actual world ! Good topic for discussion , I am impressed ! Thanks !
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
i think it has a lot to do with how the media puts the story across if they agree then they put a positve story if they dont a negitive one .this is why its good to chat on the computer so you can hear from the people who are liveing there and its often very different from the news report
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• United States
16 Dec 06
It is difficult to answer the quesstion of "why?" but it is ridiculous. A lot of Arab Americans who had nothing to do with 9/11 did suffer for it. Ironically, these Arabs are in the United States because they needed to get away from their governments. However, not everyone is like that. Someone as hard-line & daring like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even pointed out in one of his speeches that he actually loves the American people, & that it is only the federal govermnent that he dislikes.
• India
15 Dec 06
It seems that people are fast to put down entire populations of people because of where they came from. How can you judge those people if you havent walked in their shoes or when you know nothing about their country or their culture? I find that most times the people who talk the most and the loudest are people who have never traveled any farther from there home than a couple hundred miles.
@cclay34 (486)
• United States
15 Dec 06
HAHA you copied and posted my quote, hahaha dont you have any thought s of your own on the subject ?
• United States
16 Dec 06
Hey cclay. Did you report it? If you look on the right, there is a + & a - & a ! in boxes. That is clearly a mylot violation here. Just hit the ! & report it. I admit that I didn't look at the subsequent pages, but maybe, it was an accident.
@snakeyes (569)
• India
16 Dec 06
Yes you are right,people tend to come to their own conclusions regarding the people of other countries without actually visiting that country,i think the media plays a very crucial part in this thing.
• India
15 Dec 06
I think to some extent in democracy, people are responsible for the actions. It is their responsibility to choose appropriate leaders and government, there is no escaping that. But to judge them solely on that basis is stupidity. Most of such reactions are due to preconceived notions. By the way, I don't agree with your argument about travelers being open minded, both may be related but they are not that direct.
@cclay34 (486)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I,m not saying travelers are any more open minded than anyone else, Im just saying that most people that do th most gripeing are those that have not left there own back yards and have no experience with any culture except their own,,,,, in a lot of case's
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
15 Dec 06
It's a mistake everyone makes. I used to do it all the time. Mylot changed my attitude. I don't think people deserve "punishment" for what the leader of their vountry have done. I think they must be punished if they elect this leader once again.
@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
16 Dec 06
I agree with you, most people tend to link the policies of a country and its government with its people, which I feel is wrong. Take the USA for example, I view the Bush administration and the political mudslinging in its supposed democratic and free governemnt with disdain, but the American people are a bunch of very pleasant, intelligent and fun people to be with!
• United States
15 Dec 06
I do not why people judge peole and blame people of other cultures for things they had nothing to do with it was the goverment not the entire culture.I do not judge people because i do not do something to someone that i would not want someone to do to me.its wrong to judge and people should stop especially when they do not know what they are talking about.everybody in a culture is not the same.
@medooley (1873)
• United States
16 Dec 06
This surprises you? We do it all the time. We assume that women and men are a certian way. We assume that certian races are a certian way. We assume that people from other countries are a certian way. That is what we do. People have their beliefs, and nothing is going to change that.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
16 Dec 06
well its true. i agree with you because many people belittle the Philipines, of the Filipinos. We do not want what is happening to us.. who wanted not to have successfule and stable jobs... really it is true that some people are just juedgemental.
@terita (280)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
I agree fully with you and with your feelings! Personally I never judge people from any country from the Government policies made by their country. This is because I know that my feelings for fellow human being are entirely different tahn our Government's. So same thing applies univerasally. Politics at international level is entirely different issue. Political science is a vast subject and experts in that field they know how to move, when to move and for what purpose to move, so that the prosperity of their respective country be achieved
• United States
16 Dec 06
I try my best to target the source and not go against the whole country.
• Indonesia
16 Dec 06
I in fact also have a notion the same as you. We cannot assess the other;dissimilar state people only seenly [is] its government policy. We ought to more wise in this matter attitude.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
15 Dec 06
Buddy you see there are a few appreciators in the world rather than criticisers to one good thing you will find a few to congratulate you but there are loads of them who wait to find a good reason to go against you And thanks to our media , things just end up getting fired up Flaws are every where in every country in every culture Noone is perfect but people just are in this ignorance that they are the best when they arent
@dawang (124)
• China
15 Dec 06
you know everyone like their country,no one like their country to be the worst
@girsang (353)
• Indonesia
15 Dec 06
Media make an importan`t role for nowadays about the image of a nation. I think people got influence from media.
• India
15 Dec 06
Most people are prejudiced thats why!
• India
15 Dec 06
that is problem with most of people. people make a point of view on other country pupils and they will think in that manner only. we should not decide people's heart from goverments
@aettouss (58)
• France
15 Dec 06
You right, too many people judge you without knowing 0.1% of your life. It's not just between 2 different country, but it could be between 2 people living in the same street. Note that we could say we know a person just when we live with.