have you tried smoking through hookah?

hookah - Popular myth suggests that hookah smoking is considered to be safer than other forms of smoking due to water-filtration. However, several serious negative health effects are still linked to hookah smoking and studies indicate that it is likely to be more harmful to health than cigarettes, due in part to the volume of smoke inhaled. One study found hookah smoke to be both clastogenic and genotoxic for human beings,[7] while another study showed that the CO hazard is as high with hookah smoking as with cigarette smoking.[8] In addition to the cancer risk, there is some risk of infectious disease resulting from pipe sharing, and other harm caused by any addition of alcohol or psychoactive drugs to the tobacco.[9]
@123456_ (1052)
December 14, 2006 11:39pm CST
A hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern or South Asian device for smoking, which operates by water-filtration and indirect heat. Hookah smoking is most popular in the Middle East, and is a niche market in most other places.** as of me so far i havent thats why im curious about it. how about you guys? guluck keep posting discussion!
3 responses
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
no but it would be nice to try .i think by the look of it it would be simular to useing a bong.
@dinkle (67)
• United States
15 Mar 08
A hookah works on the same principle as a bong, and infact it sort of is one. it's just a hookah is normally used with more legal substances..
• India
14 Feb 07
well i think its very bad habbit and it will cause ill health, so i have not smoked hookah
@anup12 (4177)
• India
14 Feb 07
No never tried so far.I would like to give it a try.I think it is very royal to take a smoke on the hookah.I think it gives a very good feeling and also relaxes your mind.