Which educational software do you want to have?

A simply great two cdroms set! - My favourite genuine cdroms for kids!
@nebulla (127)
December 15, 2006 2:18am CST
Educational softwares help kids and us too to relate what we read, visually. So, it stays in mind, gets learnt faster and is much more enjoyable than just reading.I love educational softwares from Chirag's Kid Genius for little kids. It is the best cdroms set I have found for indian kids upto6 years old. The matter covered in them is huge and covers all aspects of knowledge a child should know.I found this out from http://raceaheadproductions.com by clicking the link Chirag's Kid Genius. I ordered and paid by paypal, got it within a week. And my kid loves to explore it unknowingly completing his studies! Which cdroms would you prefer?Or have come across as excellent?
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