Child Abuse

December 15, 2006 11:33am CST
Child of the chronic diseases that the world is facing today..In most of the under developed and developed countries children are forced to work under humiliating conditions thereby assaulting there childish looks and life..Why is this? It is infact more common in south asian countries like pakistan and india with some african countries too where poverty is at its peak.Cudn't these high handed people ever try to find out a way out of this disease? You get out of home for something...out of a holy place..and to neone's surprise u'l find children begging? Although there have been commendable efforts by NGOS' but still the effectiveness of it is nearly nil. Why is the CHILDRENS DAY then..?? Why this act cudnt be abolished til now?? What are reasons behind this other than poverty (though this is one of da most influential reason?
1 response
@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
15 Dec 06
i m with u my friend child abuse must and should definitely stop and together we can make it possible