Worst doctor you've ever had, or heard of?
By sylviekitty
@sylviekitty (2083)
United States
December 15, 2006 12:56pm CST
I am curious what is the worst experience you've ever had with a doctor, or that you've heard of a friend/family member having with one?
My father died of lung cancer in April of 2004. He was diagnosed the previous August, after suffering from pains in his chest (and coughing fits) for some time. His doctor did only basic testing, and assumed he probably just hurt himself at work. My dad was doing some physical therapy. But the doctor did tell my dad flat out, that he did NOT have cancer (and he even wrote out a doctor's note saying he could return to work w/in a certain period of time). Not very long after telling my dad this, he was rushed to the ER in terrible pain, where more extensive testing proved that he did in fact have lung cancer. It was in the bone, they could not do surgery. The doctors could not believe his regular physician missed obvious signs, like clubbing of the fingers, which my dad had. This is just so disgusting to me. Partly because this man never did any real tests. He also treated my grandfather as a patient, and had a horrible bed side manner wtih him.
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39 responses
@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
15 Dec 06
My worst experience with a doctor has been in the last year. My husband and I tried deseperately to get pregnant and just couldn't. I finally went to my OB, who actually specializes in helping those who can't get pregnant, and explained the situation to him. Come to find out I had several circumstances standing in my way. After two surgeries and some time of healing, my doctor said it was finally time to start trying again. He put me on fertility pills to help. In the next month I got pregnant, however, the pregnancy was very rough on me and to make a long story short...I miscarried. The doctor was very sympathetic throughout this whole situation, and advised after the D&C that I could not try again for another two months and would need to come see him when I was ready. A month and a half went by and I started getting symptoms of pregnancy again. I took a test and low and behold I was once again pregnant, a little earlier then I was supposed to be, but not enough to cause much trouble. I called my OB office, and this is when the trouble began. The nurse advised me there was no possible way I was pregnant because I was not on the fertility medication and it was to early, it just couldn't happen. I got very upset with her and advised her the test came out positive and I would like to set up an appointment just to at least see what is going on if I wasn't pregnant. I went in and they took a blood test, which too came out pregnant. The doctor got very upset with me and gave me a lecture of how I was supposed to wait two months at least and that it was a selfish thing for me to go and get pregnant because it was not safe for me or the baby. I mean, I wasn't trying to...it happened though and that was that. I began getting a little paranoid with this pregnancy just because I had recently miscarried just a few short months before..and I was beginning to have problems and spotting with this pregnancy as well. I called the doctors office and explained to them I was having very sharp pains and had began spotting very heavy and was worried. They set me up an appointment to come in, the nurse was very rude to me when I was there, like I didn't belong there...or like she was to busy. I apologized to her and said that I was just a little worried and didn't want to miscarry again. She very rudely snapped at me and told me I just needed to get over it. I couldn't believe it. It took a moment for the words to register with me before I stood up and yelled at her that she had no clue what I was going through and how insensitive it was for her to say something like that. Needless to say I walked out, without paying my copay and found a new doctor. This doctor was very patient with me and got my baby here safe. He is eight months old now..came four weeks early and was only 4lbs 11oz...but healthy now. I think some doctors just get bored with you after a while, and think they can treat you bad...like they have some sort of power over you or something. Very sad!
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@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Congratulations on your healthy baby! I applaud you for standing up for yourself, noone has the right to be rude and inconsiderate of another persons feelings! Doctors are losing their ethics or whatever the word it is I am looking for, they are for the money and not for mcuh else. Not all doctors but a good majority of them are! Again congrats!
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@Blondiefish26 (4)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I have to start by saying that yes, indeed, there are some pretty lousy doctors out there; however, I have been lucky enough to find a couple that actually care about their job. To respond to your question, though, here it goes.
I had shoulder surgery about 4 years ago, to repair some tears and remove scar tissue from a previous injury. About 2 years ago, the shoulder pain returned with a vengence! I went to a new Orthopedic Surgeon in my area, as we had recently moved. The man literally squeezed my shoulder, looked at my chart, and proceeded to tell me that since I was on Prozac (which I had been on for about 4 years after the birth of my first son) I must have Fibromyalgia. What?!? No x-rays, no nothing. I have family members with Fibromyalgia, and know all about it. Needless to say, I was very discouraged! I then went to another doctor, who did one xray and found a torn rotator cuff. Go figure! I have to say, I am really glad that I went to get another opinion, as I'm sure unfortunately many people just get discouraged as I did.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
15 Dec 06
What is up with these stupid doctors who are blindly diagnosing people with Fibro?! I have several aunts and cousins with the diagnosis, and some of these people actually paid $400 just to have this guy tell them they have it!! I'm sorry about your torn rotator cuff, btw. That sounds painful!
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@NOCEagle (583)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Sorry to hear about your father....Only thing i remember about a bad doctor was when i was having a small surgery on my liver, they put me to sleep but it didnt last as long as theyr thought it would...so i woke up in the middle of the surgery, i couldent feel any pain but the sign was unbelivably scary, i was 11 years old back then, i cried for such a long time.....even no im afraid of surgery's.
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@mamashane (1140)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I'm sorry to hear about your father. I would be furious with that doctor! You asked for people to post our bad experiences so here goes......
My family had been seeing this dentist in our local town for several years so this dentist knew me and my children. My 4 year old had to have a cavity filled. Prior to this appointment, my child was never concerned with going to the dentist. They first gave her gas to relax her, then the shot of novacaine to numb her mouth and gums. The dentist did not wait for the novacaine to take effect and immediately started working on my daughter. My child screamed out in pain. I told the dentist to stop and she did not. My child was having a cavity filled without being numb! Can you imagine the pain....and in a 4 year old?! Anyways, I told the doctor to stop so I could comfort and calm my child and she wouldn't take her tools out of my daughters mouth. She saw I was ready to explode....she then took her tools out of my child's mouth and said "I can't work on her like this", THREW her tools down on the tray and walked out of the room. Her assistant sat there with her jaw on the floor! I picked up my child and walked out. She's terrified of the dentist now. I have NEVER seen my child cry so hard! I feel horrible and I should have punched that damn dentist but I knew that if I got upset and raised my voice, my daughter would only get more upset. I just wanted to comfort her and get her out of there. Needless to say, my family no longer goes to that dentist!
@pirenei (19)
• Italy
15 Dec 06
Honestly it hurts to me of your sad history, unfortunately of medical murders ce they are many to the world, but fortunately they exist also good and competent persons of the field, unfortunately in your case the history has been concluded badly and it hurts to me indeed!mi I augur that in future the things of the sort they do not repeat more for the good than all.
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@vikmaven (21)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I am sorry to hear of your terrible experience with this doctor. This sounds to me like good grounds for a malpractice suit. I am not sue-happy but this is so blatant. The clock is ticking, however. You may have only three years to file, depending on what state you are in, etc. And if you live in Florida, forget it. Florida medical laws favor the doctors, and there seem to be a lot of unadequate doctors down there...Again, I am so sorry that this happened in a country that is capable of such great medical care.
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
16 Dec 06
Am sorry about your dad!
This is ridiculous
I mean who made him a doctor
Just by mere looking how can you judge any disease that is rooting inside?
Really such doctors should be imprisoned
@frosthon (2249)
• Singapore
16 Dec 06
Woah, that's a very bad case of mis-diagnosed. I do have some experiences with doctors here as well. Sometimes, I go there sick, but they merely ask me a few basic (anyone would know answer) and then give me some common medicine and give me one/two days sick leave. I think he reckon I just wanted the sick leave. Which is why when I am sick sometimes, I may as well go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine.
@unaware (129)
• India
16 Dec 06
a yr back i had tonsilitis operation, jus b4 the operation i was asked to change the dress and i was given a hospital wear and a guy came n asked which ear has to b operated!! i was like..man i cant even run out of this place now..but thank god my operation went well coz that guy was not d doc.
@jal1948 (1359)
• India
16 Dec 06
My brother was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. Doctors at the reputed Tata Hospital said that he is lucky to come at an early stage and needs 3 chemos,then they said he needs to be operated urgently to prevent it from spreading. After admitting him in hospital the doctors took him for operatiom after 20 days. After the operationthey said nothing could be done as the disease has spread and they have removed a part of his right lobe of the lung.Post operation they called him for further treatment, to alternate between 18 radio therapys and 6 chemos He completed the radiology course but only 5 of the chemos as he went for the 6th one his bllod count had dropped to alarming levels,even then they wanted to perform the chemo by giving him a simple blood test.In the mean time I consulted a Naturopath who simultaneously treated him. He did not suffer from any hair loss,no weighty loss,no appetite loss,blood count back to normal and moving about hale and hearty thanks to the naturapath who does not charge for consultations, onyl for medicines.The hospital doctors apart from subjecting him to frequent medical tests were using him as a guinea pig without his knowledge and obtaining his consent under false pretenses. Gross violation of medical ethics but what can one do?look after a patient who has undergone a trauma or take the doctors and hospital to task. Till such time as some one is willing to bell the cat, the law remains in the statute books and we with our frustrations.
@hottamale (116)
• United States
15 Dec 06
i was having bladder surgery at four years old. the nurses put an adult size cathedar in me and it hurt worse than anything...i was screaming my head off and they would not let my parents come in the room.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
16 Dec 06
oh my god that is horrible. :( what were they thinking?!
@anuragmishra (127)
• India
16 Dec 06
once i went to a hospital,, the name of which i will not like to disclose... i had too much pain on the left side of my jaws... got my xray and ultra sound done,,, showed it to a doctor.. he was in fact a senior doctor.. he say the xray and said that a bone has enlarged on the left side just under my ears.. ok i said fine,, he wrote some prescriptions and i took the medicine for one month.. but even after one month the pain did not stop,, went to hospital again,, that doctor was not available,, went to another doctor,, showed him the xray and told him the problem.. he saw the xray and started laughing.. told me that the pain is due the emerging of the wisdom tooth and nor due to the bone.. i was astonished at this... then i went to the dental department ,, got the check up done and again found that the pain was only due to the new tooth... and after that i never went to that hospital... and this hospital is the best hospitall of south india
@shrutisingh (186)
• India
16 Dec 06
another thing that happened to me was when i was twelve years old..my dad took me to a doc to have my ears pierced. the horrid doc had run out of anesthesia and he actually pierced one of my ears with a needle without numbing it first,when my father heard my crying out loudly he immediately came in and realise what had happened and we came out with just one ear peirced.i don;'t know who gives such horrible people ,degrees of doctors.
@shrutisingh (186)
• India
16 Dec 06
the worst doctor i ever met was a dermatologist..i hada bad pimple problem at the age of 27,although that is no age to get pimples,he actually tried burst them with iron tongs.....said that he would get the mucus out in one go..i was horrified.i let him do it once cause i though that might be this is a new way of treating pimples..but it hurt so badly i actually hit him and told him what i exactly think of him..turned out that he was no real doctor and was actually a quack..i suggest everybody to please check the credentials of your doc before you hand youself over to them.
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
16 Dec 06
this happen to my sister she had cancer of the bone.thay took the bone out an then told her she was ok no sign of cancer anywere else..she go an see another dr they told her she was ate up with it..an then they told her the treatment would work.that poor girl took 36 shots in the stomach 1 aday.an at the end of the 36 shots. dr told her she didnt have to take them.it was a waste of time.they made her real sick for nothing..36 days in the bed for nothing...money hungry drs makes me so mad..i dont trust them anymore..hubby dr got arrested for growing marajiua in his home,,crazy