Please help me to get to sleep...
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
December 15, 2006 2:55pm CST
Hello! I have a LOT of stress in my life right now, and I can't sleep. I get maybe 20 hours of sleep in a week and take care of a bunch of kids, plus work. I am in a relationship, be he's only home 4 days a month, so he's really no help.
Anyways, I NEED sleep. But when I lay down, all I do is THINK, THINK, THINK. And even if I do get to fall asleep, I dream about the things that worry me. And then I still feel like I don't get any sleep at all. I'm exhausted. Please give me some ideas!
I refuse to take sleeping pills. I have WAY to many kids to be completely knocked out. I have to be able to be alert in case of an emergancy.
Thank you. Have a great day!
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105 responses
@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
16 Dec 06
Well I applaud you for being so devoted and hardworking for your family's sake. If anything, perhaps the only way to get you well rested is to remove some stress from your life. Why not take a weekend or two each motnh, and ask for your parents or relatives to look after your kids while you go for a relaxing spa, or yoga session, or just a walk in the park.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Thank you for the kind words! As far as asking parents or relatives for anything, I'm on my own. I don't really have anyone to help me. But, it is a good idea...and would probably help out a whole bunch if I could have a "break". But, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Thank you for the response! Happy HOlidays!
@bsabers (668)
• United States
16 Dec 06
The thing that really works for me when i'm really down, and can't get much sleep is listening to music. I really enjoy listening to some soft classic rock from the 80s and just laying in bed and thinking about the good times i've had in life. When I think of fun memories from my past then it helps me relax and make it through another day.
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@flex90 (1441)
16 Dec 06
I know it is very hard, but when you lay down to bed, try not to think of anything. This usually works, but as I said, it is really hard. This is because when you are trying not to think, you are thinking of ways of not thinking, lol, if you get what I mean. What I usually do is imagine a blank white or black space and just picture that. That is the closet I can come to not thinking and if I do this for a few minutes I usually nod off to sleep. It is better to do this, then twist and turn for hours. Don't know what else I can suggest really, so good luck.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
lol, I know what you are trying to say, and that's really hard to do!!! Thank you for the advice. Happy HOlidays!
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
16 Dec 06
hi!i know exactly what you are talking about.i do not get much sleep becauase im always worried what i usally do is try not to think of things or try and take a hot bath.i have 4 kids so i know what your talking about.just try to calm down and relax because most people cant sleep when they are stressed.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Dec 06
Drink a pint of water before you go to bed and put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. You could even take a bath with lavender oil in it before you prepare for bed.
If this fails, which I don't think it will, there are a few herbs that will help you relax and thereby induce sleep. You could try Valerian Root (Valeriana Oficinalis, which helps with the onset of sleep and sleep maintenance, Chamomile for the treatment of insomnia, Passionflower, Hops, Ginseng, Lemon Balm and Scullcap.
Also, cease drinking coffee or caffeine based drinks 4-6 hours before bedtime, stop working at any task an hour before bedtime to calm mental activity.
At bedtime, keep your mind off worries or things that upset you; avoid discussing emotional issues in bed. Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated and a comfortable temperature, learn a relaxation technique such as progressive muscle relaxation and practice it in bed, (I do this sometimes, and it works) and if you smoke... Nicotine is a stimulant and should be avoided particularly near bedtime and upon night awakenings. Stimulants may interfere with sleep.
I hope some of this helps. Sleep well. :-)
@GrammaFood (716)
• United States
16 Dec 06
You could just take tylenol pm and it won't affect you or make you groggy. Their non habit forming.You need sleep hun to keep up with the kids,being tired slows your reflexes and thinking. Try to breath in and out and get some well deserved rest.
@FreddyLim (161)
• Singapore
16 Dec 06
May I ask what you think about when you lay down? If they are problems that you face during the day, try solving them before going to bed. Of course there are sometimes where you can't solve them by yourself.
You could also do some breathing exercises before sleeping... relax yourself and free your mind of thoughts... Some physical exercises help too, like jogging or swimming for at least an hour.
If you share your problem here, I'm sure I could help you better and there will also be alot of people who can help or advise you further...
take care...
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I'd rather not say what my all my REALLY personal problems are because last time I did, I was attacked and called a liar.
I worry about EVERYTHING, from the house catching fire, to someone breaking in. I must have like super sonic hearing because I can here every little noise that happens at night.
I just worry worry worry. THank you for your advice. Have a great day!
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
16 Dec 06
All you have to do is stay on mylot and type and type and read and read until you can't hold your eyes open. That's what I do puts me to sleep everynight.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I already do that! lol. But I never fall asleep cause I can't ever pull myself awayyyyyyyy from the computer. That's why I have been a member for less than 2 weeks, and made $1000.00 already...lmao...JUST KIDDING EVERYBODY! Thanks for the response. Happy Holidays!
@weehihi (132)
• Philippines
15 Dec 06
sleeping pills are NO-NO!!ul just get used to it. try not to think before you go to sleep. clear your mind of the clutters..drink milk an hour before you sleep..try to relax and destress once in a while..dont overdo urself...ure stressed out u know...hv a break once in something that takes ur mind off ur work...meditate..hmmm...try some chinese shops..maybe they have those herbal medicines that can help you ..... happy sleeping...oh pray before sleeping...;p

@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Thank you both for your advice! I really appreciate it! Happy Holidays!
@kristancarl (72)
• Philippines
16 Dec 06
yeah drinking milk helps me a lot in getting to sleep, i have the same problem, ussualyy id toss and turn for hours before id get to sleep, drinking milk kinda helps..
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@angelicEmu (1311)
15 Dec 06
If you get some essential oil of lavendar, put a couple of drops on a hanky (it's strong stuff, so any more than that could knock you sick) on your pillow, and you'll get a good night's sleep. As with all natural remedies though, if you use it for a prolonged stretch it'll stop working (as your body adapts to it), so I'd advise just using it for a week or two, then give your body a break from it. Herbal teas can be highly effective in helping fight insomnia - chamomile (made from the flowers only, not the leaves, and a high-quality one containing the essential oils such as Dr. Stewart's will work best), valerian I believe is good for sleep, and you might like to try relaxation techniques which will help you to physically relax, and mentally switch off. There's plenty of info on this sort of thing online; breathing exercises and visualisation are the sort of thing I've used in the past, and they really work. I hope these ideas are helpful to you - natural methods of sorting this type of thing are always the best!
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@angelicEmu (1311)
16 Dec 06
I was quite lucky as when I was a kid and a teenager, our family doctor used to advise us to use natural remedies and which ones were best whenever appropriate, preferring this to prescribed medicines, so I got interested in herbal medicines and holistic treatments quite early on. It's a shame not many doctors have this kind of approach, or knowledge nowadays! Hope you have a happy (restful) holiday too!
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@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
There are herbal supplements you can take to alleviate stress and promote sleep, they wont knock you out like sleeping tablets will, but will make you more calm and enable sleep to come easier. Off the top of my head I would say St Johns Wort, Camomile, Valerian. But talk to your chemist/pharmacist and they should be able to help.
Other natural methods of promoting sleep- I'm sure you have probably tried them all- having a warm bath before bed, having a warm milk drink before bed, meditation before bed...ummm, thats abotu all I can think of at the minute.
I can totally relate. My partner is away for work a lot, and I'm left to look after our child, run the household and I've jsut started my own business. Plus I have seevr postnatal depression which wasnt helping me. Maybe talk to your gp if things persist because you may have mild depression or anxiety. Or soem kind of vitamin/mineral definciency.
Good luck, hope things get better. :D
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Well, I am anemic. And I probably am somewhat depressed, but you would think that the combination of those to things would make me sleep more, not less. I'll look up some info on this and keep my mind open to it! Thank you very much! Happy Holidays!
@norteh (615)
• Netherlands
15 Dec 06
If you have tried everything (and nothing worked), just know that there are sleeping pills, which aren't addictive. Don't take the benzodiazipines. But there are a few pills, which aren't addictive. Your doctor knows.
And if you can't sleep. Don't lay awake there for hours. Go out of bed and after 20 minutes try again. This can help. I know i watched countless people which didn't slept.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Get out of bed and try again, that's interesting, I will give that a try! Thank you very much!!! Happy Holidays!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
16 Dec 06
a couple of things that work for me after the tea and lavender is to read a very boring book. and work memorizing poetry. Them keep concentrating on the poems. Keeps my mind from running away where I don't want it to go at night.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Very good idea. I've never been much on reading books, never have time with all these kids...but I think it's time to start! THanks for the advice...Have a great day! And Happy HOlidays!
@Khokhonut (702)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I was going to recommend talking to your doctor but he would most likely prescribe some kind of sleeping pill, and you don't want that.
How about a nice big cup of Chamomille Tea before bed and then crawl into a nice warm bed?
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Never tried tea! Thank you for the advice! I think my bed is half my problem though, I might as well be sleeping on bricks...ugh. I'll try the tea, the couch, and no tv. Thank you again! Happy Holidays!
@LittleStars (318)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Have you thought about TylenolPM? Its nonhabit forming and I myself still wake up refreshed in the morning. I have NEVER liked the feeling I have in the morning after taking sleeping meds - but with TylenolPM I have no problem. =)
What about meditating before bedtime? Maybe that would help clear your mind before you go to sleep?
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I don't know how to meditate. I'm going to look up some info on it though! As far as the tylenol pm's they just don't work for me. I can stay awake forever...I'm SUPER MOMMMMMMYYYYYYYY!
Thanks for the info! Happy Holidays!