Christmas Objections!

@forfein (2507)
December 15, 2006 6:35pm CST
Hi Just a thought to all those Political Correct people who are INSISTING that Christmas be called "Happy Holiday" or "Winter Holiday" Do WE ever get involved in any of these "Holidays"........ Jewish Rosh Hashanah - September Yom Kippur - mid September - mid October Islamic Muharram (The Islamic New Year) - April Ramadan Hinduism Vaisakhi (The Indian New Year's Day) - April 13 Mahashivaratri (Feast day dedicated to Shiva) - March NO WE DONT!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE........... leave our "Festive Season" alone We WANT to call it CHRISTMAS
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39 responses
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
16 Dec 06
Nobody is asking you to call Christmas by another name. They are just asking you to acknowledge that not everybody celebrates Christmas. There are other holidays happening at this time of year.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 06
Sorry have to dispute on that as I have seen a couple that have been asking us to call it Happy Holidays
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
16 Dec 06
It's wonderful, fine if you want to celebrate other holidays. You all need to quit knocking others who want to celebrate theirs. So many people are so two-faced. You can't talk about Christmas because it offends us, but it's okay for us to talk about any other topic that might be offensive to me. You're also very narrow minded. I have no problem hearing about holidays I don't believe in. I feel that by learning of other religions and cultures I'm improving my mind. I'm firmly entrenched in my own religion, so hearing about yours won't bother me in the least. Could it be that some people are a little shaky about their own religion so talk of Christianity makes them nervous?
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
HI I heard somewhere, that there is a "move afoot" to stop us saying "Merry Christmas" ! What next!
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
16 Dec 06
its festivity all around ! - enjoy christmas
i agree with u. christmas has to be called christmas. and no other name. pple are becoming too political. it doesnt harm any other religious n'sentiments nor it reflects how secular u r. i am a muslim but i never even felt offended with the way people of other faiths celebrate their festivals or how they call it. here in india, some festivals are celebrated with huge noise of music, dances and drums. its just their way. no point in changing the way one celebrates! Merry Christmas.
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Hi Thanks for that..... When I was in India, In Goa, there was a HUGE celebration, and there were processsions going throught out the night, travelling South! There were whistles and hooting everying !! Terrific!!! Kept we awake ALL NIGHT ! Did I complain?? NOPE Excellent celebration, Glad I was there to see it!
@bterrier (308)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Thanks Its a really great feeling. when another person of a different religion can say that. You know they don't have to but they want you to enjoy your holiday as they would theirs. Thanks again
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Here is the problem, When you wish someone a Merry Christmas that does not keep or observe it YOU are shoving your relgion down their throat, they don't go around telling you happy Yom Kippuer or happy Kwanzaa or some other thing they celebrate so why should you have the right to wish them something that offends them. If you want people to leave you alone in your holidays don't foist it off on everyone who does not beleive in keeping the season and festivities you do. That is why people say Happy Holidays now instead.
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Hey.... I DONT Foist my Religion down any ones throat!!! I go to Church maybe "Once in a month of Blue Sundays" !! Yes I beleive in GOD But so do Muslims, and I believe Hindus have a few GODS of there own dont they?? It is a FESTIVE Holiday and it is CHRISTMAS It has been CHRISTMAS for HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of years!! Just because we have "other nationalities" living in our country, this doesnt mean that we have to change our view!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS !!
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Thank you karoin, I don't keep Christmas and don't like people who DO NOT know me wishing me something I do not observe. I don't go around telling everyone during my holidays happy or merry whatever to them and if I did you would not like it any more than I do. If you want to say Merry Christmas to your friends, co-workers, family, neighbors who keep it and you know they do fine. But total strangers it is offensive and it is wrong. It is foisting your personal relgion and belief and celebration on them or me. That is why people don't like it. Some people do not observe this day and for you to assume they do makes and A$$ of U and Me. It has nothing to do with political correctness it has to do with respecting my rights and belief as I respect yours and do not tell you Happy Passover or Penticost or Feast of Trumpets, I keep those dates to my self within my own family and friends or people who observe it I do not tell the whole world Happy Feast of Tabernacles. But for some reason all you who observe Christmas you think it is OK to wish any and everyone Merry Christmas and that we should not be upset with your rude assumptions. Happy Holidays, or Season's greetings works for me it is more general and much less offensive.
@Kaorin (756)
• Australia
16 Dec 06
I don't think thats quite what they meant. Yes, it's been Christmas in December. Its also been many other seasonal holidays at this time of year for a long time. No one is saying you can't say Merry Christmas, but you're basically saying people can ONLY say Merry Christmas; that anyone saying anything else is in the wrong, which is not necessarily right at all. If someone wants to say Merry Christmas thats fine, but do be angry if someone says HAPPY HOLIDAYS, thats just silly. You're blocking their right to celebrate as they wish.
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
16 Dec 06
To be fair, you don't see Ramadan or Yom Kippur decorations put up in public spaces, either, so there's not really any reason for Christians to 'interfere' with these holidays. In fact I'd bet you many people (in the U.S. anyway) are hardly aware that most of the holidays you mentioned even exist!
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Hi I just chose those at random, I would think there are many more! The thing about "Christmas Decorations" is the fact it is PART of the Celebration! It is like "Dancing around the Maypole" Same thing! We decorate the MayPole and dance around it! We have the "Carnivals" in the Autumn, and we decorate the streets with flags and bunting! Same thing!
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
16 Dec 06
We don't do any of those things in the U.S., but then those aren't religious celebrations, are they? Like the U.S. always has decorations for Fourth of July, but it's a national holiday, not a religious celebration, so there's not problem with putting decorations anywhere. The U.S. has separation of church and state written into the Constitution, which is why the whole issue of decorations on government property comes up in the first place--state property or money isn't supposed to be used to support one religion over another. I don't know what the laws in the U.K. or elsewhere say about these things.
• United States
16 Dec 06
Just as long as people don't try to shove their religion down my throat I don't care what it is called. I do wish that there was not so much darn commercializtion with it though, every where you turn it is Christmas this and Christmas that, enough already get it out of my face! I am forced to see it and hear it every single time I turn around I'm sick of it already. And "heaven" forbid I say that I don't celebrate Christmas or that I'm not a Christian this time of year, it's war on my little head whether I want it or not.
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Hi Now this I have to agree with!! There was a time when "Decorations" were not seen until late December! NOW !!! Blimey it is just after Haloween!! I have to agree that by the time it is over we are all glad to see it finished!
• United States
16 Dec 06
There were some stores out here that started stocking up BEFORE Holloween was even here! That is just too much.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
17 Dec 06
The season is Christmas has been for ages, and it is a federal holiday called the Christmas Season not the Holiday Season. I really don't understand why this has become such a issue recently. I think I read some where that 80% of Americans celebrate Christmas so it appears that a small minority is trying to impose their will on the majority.
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
EXACTLY!!! How come 20 Per Cent of People can have such an effect on the MAJORITY !!!
@forfein (2507)
21 Dec 06
How come as I dont complain about Ramadan then when I visit Muslim countries!!!
• United States
17 Dec 06
Maybe it is that the 20% are tired of having someone elses views rammed down their throat over and over again, day after day. What are those people supposed to do four nearly three months - hide under their bed and forgo living or fight for some peace and quiet.
@chalmette69 (3007)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Well, I will always say Merry Christmas, it has been this for years and I don't plan to change, I don't think we should have to change for others, maybe they should change, I am not trying to disrespect anyone, but I think that it is only fair I be allowed to call it what I want just like they have the same right.
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
Thank you!
• Portugal
16 Dec 06
Everybody it´s free to give his opinion from that, but for me it´s Christmas time, period.
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
Thank you!
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Dec 06
I have heard about this situation before, and I intend to celebrate Christmas whether anyone objects or not. I am constantly appalled at the attitude of politically correct bodies who have the audacity to suggest that I cease to be an englishman. If someone wishes to celebrate Ramadan or Chinese New Year then I have absolutely no objections and respect their right to follow their own customs. In return I expect my customs to be respected and will not change them to suit others. Merry Christmas to you.
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
TOTAALLY AGREED Look at the Carnival at NOTTINGHILL !!! Not only do we NOT object, we even JOIN IN with it!!!!
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
19 Dec 06
call it whatever you like as will I
@forfein (2507)
21 Dec 06
Excuse me?
@stellarjade (1238)
• United States
17 Dec 06
haha, right on. i so agree. we dont mess with any other holidays, so leave it alone. it has been called christmas for how long, why change it? some people are just ignorant.
@forfein (2507)
18 Dec 06
This is my point exactly!! How long has it been called "Christmas Holidays" A couple of hundred years or so?? So... leave it ALONE!
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
17 Dec 06
That's right!!! I don't agree with the Happy Holiday wishes either. I'm so happy stores like Wal-Mart and Target allow their employees to wish people a Merry Christmas again! I got pretty mad about the whole thing last year. Merry Christmas to you!
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
And a Merry Christmas to you too
@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
16 Dec 06
Actually we haven't there such problems (yet!) but I have read about them, they are discussed in our newspapers also. There are a lot Russians in Estonia, and the Russian orthodox church is still using Julian calendar. I have some Russian friends, and I have nothing against it, to wish them "Happy Christmas" or "Happy Easter" two times, and vice versa. I don't believe, anyone is very pleased with political correct definition, it is nothing more than a not very successful compromise. Let's everybody have their feast days, and let's everybody call them as they like (incl. us and CHRISTMAS)
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
Hi Thanks for that. You are right, fortunately you have not got the PC people in your country yet!! Believe me, my friend, you do not want them!
@lilly22 (35)
• Australia
17 Dec 06
One thing has to be made clear: christmas is christmas. It's the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. So there is no political correctness in this. Its black and white. If you don't like christmas and don't believe in Jesus then you don't celebrate it. Its as simple as that.
@forfein (2507)
17 Dec 06
Oh I TOTALL AGREE!! I dont have a problem with that, but let THOSE that want to Celebrate it CELEBRATE !
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
17 Dec 06
I agree with you there, But I will always say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone, and to all A Good night!! LOL
• United States
16 Dec 06
Way to go forfein. I agree totally. We all have our holidays and we should beable to have ours. Thank you for that.
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
I just get so fed up of the Politcal Correct Crowd!! Dont you? It is CHRISTMAS after all!!
@mkup30 (494)
• United States
17 Dec 06
nobody said you have to change the name of christmas - just realize that not everyone celebrates christmas and that there are other holidays being celebrated this year and why pretend christmas is the only one? why not acknowledge the other holidays and respect those as well?
@nzinky (822)
• United States
16 Dec 06
snow scene - snow is a sign that christmas isn't far away
When I go to a store and they don't have Merry Christmas on it or won't say Merry Christmas..........I call for the Manager over and make a scene.......Tell him if he wants to make money he had better change the policy and by the time I'm done talking to him there is usually a group of people standing there listening to me.........Then when I turn to walk away they say, You go Lady that's the way we feel......It's not Happy Holidays or Winter Holidays,IT CHRISTMAS THE DAY THAT CRIST WAS BORN AND UNLESS WE LET THEM KNOW WE AREN'T TAKING IT ANY LONGER THEY WILL COME BACK TO OUR WAY OF THINKING..........My husband is Jewish so yes we celebrate those too.......
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
There we go!!! That is the way it should be!!! Hey.... I dont min the Jewish celebration, not at all!! I had a Jewish Lady friend once, and we both enjoyed the celebration, but she went back to Israel
@BuDell66 (46)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Thanks for the post. I never thought about it that way and never did like the way I am made to feel when I did say Merry Christmas. I feel forced to use the Happy Holidays which does not make me feel happy LOL. So here goes a first in a long time MERRY CHRISTMAS!
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Well THANK YOU !!! And welcome back to the REAL WORLD ! And a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you Too !!!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Dec 06
I don't mind when businesses have signs that say "Happy Holidays" as long as it's just a generic sign that says it. After all, there are at least 4 holiday's going on in december. On the other hand, if they have a tree, a Santa, a Nativity Scene, or other trappings and trimmings specific to Christmas only, I think it's pretty lame to then say "Happy Holidays"... since it's obvious they really mean "Merry Christmas".
@forfein (2507)
16 Dec 06
Thank you! My Point EXACTLY !!