Debt and Credit rule,, Some one Knows about it...
By neha_khan
@neha_khan (1802)
8 responses
@neha_khan (1802)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
sorry I cant understand ..
plz explain
Actually i am studying accounting nowadays therefore i want to understand it ,,,
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@suniljoseph (246)
• India
16 Dec 06
there is more to it than that. that is just one of the 3 rules of accounting
@shrikantx (978)
• India
16 Dec 06
that is very much simply.
Debit Card - in which Bank ur havin account he gives u card an u can only use that amount which is in your Bank account i.g if you r havin 50000/- in ur account then u needed not to take cash wid you while u shopin... through crad u can do shopin 50000/- rs.
Credit Card - this so simply. this is like you r bowro money from ur friend n can use this amoutn for 50 days widout any interest. after 50days u hav to pay interest on this amount.
i.g you r havin credit card in ICICI Bank ur limit is 100000/- n u just shopin of rupees 15000/- n ur Billin cycle is starts from 20th of the month...
u shope on 21st from 21st you got 50 days to use that money absoluetly free.. from 21st to 20 you hav 30days n 20 days more exsactly 50 days
n well if u purchase some thing on 19th before ur cycle statrs like 21st then u got only 20 days coz ur billing period is from 21st to 20th k hope every thin is clear
have a nice time sheryl is here
wana emails from me simply mail me at my ld once
@neha_khan (1802)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
Semms you are a techer of acoounting, i just understand it through your bank example thanks a lot for your respond,
it is so simple...
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@suniljoseph (246)
• India
16 Dec 06
Credit and debt are the type of cards. they are named because of the entries that is passed when you use them. for eg if you use a debit card to purchase something your bank account will be debited for the same amt.
if you are using a credit card then your credit card account will be credited for the same amount.
@Bhutto (741)
• India
18 Dec 06
Hai neha-khan debit what comes in (money ,land anything which comes in is called debit)and credit is what goes out let it be anything.i think you have understood now if you are still in doubt mail me. bye
@suniljoseph (246)
• India
16 Dec 06
ok guys, there are some points here and there, but some are missing.
Let me try to explain it.
There are 3 types of accounts..
1. Personal account
2. Real account
3. Nominal account
According to the type of account the debit and credit would vary.
For eg. If I am giving Neha Rs.100 then the Journal entry would be like this.
Neha A/C Dr 100
To Sunil A/c 100
The rule is
* Debit the receiver, credit the giver
Lets take an example of a Real A/C
I purchase some goods from Neha.
If I purchase it for cash the entry would be
Purchases A/C Dr 100
To Cash 100
If its on credit, ie, I havent paid the money yet.
Purchases A/C Dr 100
To Neha 100
When I pay the money to Neha the entry will be
Neha A/C Dr 100
To Cash 100
The rule is
* Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out
Here you would need some more explanation...When I purchased something the thing that came in got debited, and Neha got Credited because she is the giver... remember the first rule. Since cash went out it got credited.. 2nd rule please.
For nominal accounts the debit and credit is reverse.
For eg I purchase good worth Rs. 100 from Neha and she gives me Rs.10 discount
the entry will be
Purchases A/C Dr 100| ---------2nd rule Debit what comes in
To Cash A/C | 90 ----------2nd rule again. But i only paid 90 for it
To Discount A/c | 10 --------- 3rd rule.
100|100 A/c tallies doesnt it?
But Neha would write a different entry
Cash A/C Dr 90| -------since only Rs.20 was received
Discount A/C Dr 10| -------3rd rule
To Sales |100 ------2nd rule... value of what went out
The rule is
*Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains.
Since I gained from from the discount I gave credit to discount
Since the discount was an expense to Neha she debited it.
Following are the three golden rules of accounting
Debit the receiver, credit the giver (Personal accounts)
Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out (Real accounts)
Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains. (Nominal accounts)
Hope I made it clear.
@neha_khan (1802)
• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
oh! Its so difficult....
i can tremember the rules
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
3 Feb 07
Did you mean Debt or Debit?
I have a site for you that may help you understand the accounting principles from an Islamic perspective:
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
As a general rule, all assets and expenses are on debit side. While, Liabilies, equity, capital and income are on credit side. To reduce the we have to reverse their normal side (debit or credi).
To add cash is to debit cash. To reduce/spend cash is to credit Cash.
There can be as many debited or credited accounts per entry but atleast one each. But total debit and total redit should be equal.
Example. I bought land for 1000 and equipment for 12; all in cash.
DR. Land $1000
DR. Equipment $12
CR.Cash $1012
@bhattyboy (116)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
The one which comes is Debited and the one which goes out is Credited.
For example.
I buy furniture with cash.
So furniture will be debited and cash will be credited.
@bhattyboy (116)
• Pakistan
16 Dec 06
The one which comes is Debited and the one which goes out is Credited.
For example.
I but furniture with cash.
So furniture will be debited and cash will be credited.