What is your favourite cuisine?

Nasi Lemak - My favourite dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
December 16, 2006 9:47am CST
I come from a multiracial city which consists mainly of Malays, Chinese and Indians. The food I am used to are hot and spicy, even our fast food chains cash in on this to accomadate the masses.
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10 responses
@Etharon (217)
• Malaysia
16 Dec 06
Penang Laksa - Best Laksa In The Whole World!
Hi I am from Malaysia too. That picure of the nasi lemak that you attached looks absolutely delicious. My favourite food from our country is the rendang, which is hot and spicy too. I also like nasi kandar which is indian food. This is quite strange as I am chinese actually. Chinese food is mostly blend and boring. They really need to spice it up a little. I am sure any tourist who has visited Malaysia would agree that our local cuisine is very diverse and quite tasty too.
• Malaysia
17 Dec 06
Hmmm...I love spicy food which are not too hot. 'Rendang' if done properly can be very tasty however fatening I've been told due to the high content of coconut milk. Nevertheless, tasty. Thanks for the response.
@Oontan (49)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
Etharon, I doubt you have really tried the authentic Chinese food. You should try Si Chuan Food in China... no blend, no boring.. it will really spice u up...coz the food is really cook in chilli oil!
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@sweetrala (1436)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
Lydia's Lechon - The Philippines most novelty food. Lechon is roasted pic on open fire pit of coals.It is marinated with herbs and sauces.FOr more info http://www.lydias-lechon.com/thelechon.html
Im from the Philippines and i think our food is one of the best in the world.It's mainly influenced by chinese,japanese,spanish, american,italian etc...But we also have our native foods that even foreigners love so much.Filipino's love to cook and it shows in our food.
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
Do I see a suckling pig in your posted picture or is it a whole roast. Sounds like the Phillipines have the worlds' cuisine. I would have thought Phillipines would have a very strong American influence. I guess not.
• United States
16 Dec 06
Italian Cuisine - italian restaurant
I am probably an Italian food lover. I love a GOOD pasta with a GOOD sauce. Personally, I prefer my own cooking over most dining out places for Italian.
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• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
Yes I agree. Pasta with an excellent sauce would tast yummi. My favourites are cabonara, arabiata and bolagnese.
@Oontan (49)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
BBQ Lamb Steak - BBQ Lamb Steak in China
I just loved the mongolian food in China. I used to visit China and I never miss the BBQ Lamb. I once went to Xi'An, that is the place I got to eat the best BBQ Lamb Steak in my life........my salivar is dripping again ...
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• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
Never been to Xi'An. When you talk about lamb steak, somehow it reminded me of a very good lamb shank with brown sauce that I had some time back.
@Oontan (49)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
I just loved the mongolian food in China. I used to visit China and I never miss the BBQ Lamb. I once went to Xi'An, that is the place I got to eat the best BBQ Lamb Steak in my life........my salivar is dripping again ...
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
Thank you for sharing.
@llooky (327)
• Romania
16 Dec 06
I mostly like the Italian food! I love pasta and pizza, especially with a little but of tomato sos! It's absolutely great! But I also like the romanian food called "sarmale" :D Absolutely great!
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• Malaysia
16 Dec 06
I have never had the chance to try Romanian cuisine. Italian, love it! We have quite a number of Italian restaurants where I come from. Ranging from fine dining to cafes. Pasta is definitely my favourite Italian food.
@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
25 Dec 06
I come from France, i love every food. I love plat with chocolate :P.
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• United States
25 Dec 06
I love Mexican food the best. After that, Italian food.
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@Manly001 (707)
• India
30 Dec 06
my choice Indians
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@zack_3004 (1207)
• Malaysia
2 Jan 07
my favorite cuisine is malay food. i really love to bone soup.