Is every person who attends church a Christian?
By craftwave
@craftwave (1338)
United States
December 16, 2006 10:02pm CST
Some people believe that just because a person attends church regularly that they are a Christian. As a pastors wife I can assure that that is not so. Some people attend because it is a social club or its the thing to do. Because there is no real relationship with God there is no real change from what you see happening outside the church. So when unbelievers or kids growing up in the church see this it turns them off. Then they generalize what they think every Christian is about. Take a look at the bible and you will even in Jesus time that the Pharasees, which were religous leaders, Jesus called them a brood of vipers. Figure about 10 percent of the people you see in an average church is really Christians. But you know I don't really mind the others being there. At least they'll hear the word of God while they are there.
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17 responses
@OOHCUTE2340 (761)
• United States
11 Jan 07
To me the Church is a hospital, where the hurting, lost, and hungry can gather to find hope, peace, joy, healing, it a complex mixture of humanity, to think that everyone that attends Church is a Christian is very board thinking -- each and every Christian, and seeker are at different levels of understanding, growth and relationship with God, the people of God, the man of God, with themselves. Jesus in his infinite wisdom, made us all unique, gave us all choices, provides us with tools, and encourages us to learn of Him and His ways, gives us Pastors and teaches to guide us. And what is a Christian - my understanding of a Christian is someone who is striving to be Christlike, they aren't perfect, they aren't even good for there is only one that is good that is Jesus Christ and I don't think its a surprise to Jesus when someone is attending Church for social reasons, He knows there heart, He knows the path in which they must walk and the trials that may or maynot bring them closer to Him. If you are attending a church where people are coming and leaving the same that they have entered in then I would encourage you to look for another body of Christ to join yourself too -- I speak from experience I searched for years in many places, churches, fellowships, and the day I walk into a service and walked out different was the day I knew I was where God intended me to be -- we are perfect, but we are growing and God is leading :)

@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
As I am a pastors wife I really don't mind that non christians attend for other reasons. I know who to pray for. And as my husband always preaches from the word of God I always pray that that word will reach the hearts of those who do not know Christ. Actuallly I would rather they be in church then else where. Because then I at least know that they are hearing the word of God. It just saddens me to know that so many go for the wrong reasons. I can honestly say that where ever my husband preached lives were changed. "If I be lifted up then I will draw all men unto me." And my husband always lifts up the name of Jesus. It just gets discourageing sometimes that people treat church as a social club instead of a pleace to meet the Lord. But we keep plugging away.
@OOHCUTE2340 (761)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I remember when I first felt Jesus -- and got baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost, I thought oh no, what I am going to do now I have to be perfect!!! :) -- Because I had that misconceived idea that "Christians" were perfect, wonderful, kind, giving, unselfish, etc, etc. people. But the Lord gently helped me to grow and understand, that people, His people, His children (all people) are just that people with human fragility and shortcoming -- and Praise God because I daily fall short of His glory.
I can get discouraged too, for me it saddens me that others haven't yet experience the wonderful joy of the Lord, because that is where our strength comes from -- Keep doing the will and work of the Lord and He will give you desires of your heart ;) -- I'm sure you are a wonderful support and blessing to your Church, I hope I didn't offend - I am very passionate about my faith and my God. :)
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@OOHCUTE2340 (761)
• United States
11 Jan 07
sorry for the typo on the last line it should read we are NOT perfect, but we are growing and God is leading :)

@Avichail (694)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 07
Dear craftwave,
everybody here has said it all. I couldn't agree with them more. On the other way around not every person who does the rituals according to their belief is the true believer, either. Many true Christians are still at the temple, mosque, claimed to be atheists and all.
I am also concerned with a notion that churchgoers are good people. We know it too well that eventhough we are saved already and living a sanctifying life we cannot claim ourselves to be good people. We're still sinners, a redeemed one, commit the sins and keep repenting, too. I think some "failures" that Christians are unable to reach the non-Christians is because Christians (including myself) sometimes position ourselves better than the non-churchgoers...=)
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I agree. The problem happens when people professing to be Christians but aren't go to church and then they do not lead a Christian life outside the church. Unbelievers see this then generalize saying all Christians are hypocrits. Sometimes others don't see the difference between church goers and Christians.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
12 Jan 07
There would be something VERY WRONG with a Church where everyone attending was a believer. It would mean the Christians were not doing what they should be doing: reaching out into the community with the love of Christ, and bringing them in.
The percentage of believers in a Church would vary with the Church. I would venture to say there would be some much lower than 10% and some as high as 80%.
"Church" and "Christians" are two names which have lost their significance in today's society. So many people call themselves Christian when they know nothing about Christ and have no desire to know Him. Unfortunately, we see these people and "religious" people, and people with a variety of other reasons, attending Church and dragging the name of the Church down. As you say, to many a Church is nothing but a social club - and some have lower standards than some social clubs.
Thankfully, there are still many good, Bible-believing, Christ-centred Churches around and these are continuing the work of Christ on earth, and maintaining a good name in the community.
The old argument still stands: You don't throw away your good money simply because there are counterfeit notes around.
God is sovereign and is still on the throne.
Christ is Lord and His Church still stands.
The Holy Spirit is still active, convicting men of sin, righteousness and judgement, and He is still encouraging, empowering and strengthening His people.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I completely agree with you. One way tell a church if they are doing the work of god is to see if it is growing. If it is you will usually find a bible based preacher and a loving church that welcomes all.
@harivinod (781)
• India
11 Jan 07
it need not be, a human who believe in god has every right to go any where. he can even go to masque
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
if attending church proves anything, it only proves that you are a church goer, nothing more. Some can do more than that, they can preach in the name of Christ, they can heal the sick, they can work wonders but in the end the Lord Jesus calls them doers of iniquity. Not everyone who calls me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Amen to that. Now if only everyone would see the difference between church goers and Christians.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
What makes it sad is so many believe that just by attending church that they are a christian.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Thanks for being honest about why you go to church. I wish more people would be honest like that.
@altechancing (11)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
Just as God says, not all who says, "Lord! Lord!" will enter the Kingdom of heaven. But only he who does the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus says, "You call Me Lord, Lord, but do not the things which I say".
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Yes, I truly believe that we will be surprised by some that we thought would be in heaven and are not and by some who we thought would never make it in a million years, is there.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
1 Jan 07
Oh my CraftWave you asked quite a question there.
As a pastors wife you probably know that at times there isn't even a christian behind the pulpit. I have know pastors that lead people to the lord with their words, my sister-in-law is one, but he was so far from a christian I was shocked he was allowed to remain a pastor.
My wife attends a local church and she is a Christian, I do not attend, but over the 25 years we have been married I have watched the compromises witin the church and I have listened to preacher put compromising down and yet they will jump in their car and join their friends for a meal out after church.
Then they cry about how people have to work on Sunday.
I think they are sending out a very confusing message.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
3 Jan 07
And what you say is just the tip of the iceburge. Yes when my husband became a preacher it sure was an eyeopener for me. And yes there are more and more preachers that do this as a carreer change and aren't really called. And many I know are not saved. Such a shame.But I keep thinking that the scripture says "My word will not go out in vain." so even though it is coming from an unsaved person God can still use it as long as it is His word that is spoken.
@mindz_me (179)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
There are many people who r regularly going to church every sunday just to be called a good christian but the reality is that they r just using it to let other people have a good impression to their family, or to cover their true color. There are even a church leaders who r just using the church to make money. Its really hard to find a real religion now a days.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Sometimes we have to look beyond the ones that play at church and search for those that are earnest.
@Starlady0_1 (586)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I would think that not everyone who goes to church would be a Christian. But as you stated they are receiving the word of God. And yes Church is for sinners and Saints alike. I don't always attend Church due to health problems but do enjoying watching the services on tv.
This brings to mind John 3:16,17 I myself am glad that God sent Jesus to die for our sins. For I know that I have sinned in my life at one point or another, we all have.
And yes Church is sometimes a social gathering but at least they are in the right place to hear the word of God as you stated and to meet others who hopefully will have an influence on them.
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Yes, the hope that something will sink in is what keeps the hope alive and makes me strive to be a better example. More people learn from example more then from what they hear.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
10 Jan 07
No, I do not believe that all people who attend church are Christian's.I do believe that many are there to learn how to become a Christian. I believe most have a yearning to become better people. I believe most people feel that something is missing from their life but some just dont know how to go about finding it. For some it is hard to take the bible from their heads to their hearts. It takes time for them to learn these skills.
I also believe that many are Christains and are trying hard to be what Heavenly Father knows they can become. It is a life long process and we must try and become better each day than we were the day before. We must also help those who are serching for peace in their lives.
@drmt57 (295)
• United States
11 Jan 07
definately not, i just finish telling my daughter this a few days ago.some people go looking for a mate both male and female,some go because they was raised up in the church and this is what you call a relegious person, not a christian, they go because they think it is just the right thing to do.some go to speculate,just yo see how people act in the church and compare them to the outside world.some go to show off their gifts, talents, and abilities.ex singing in the choir. some go to get a position in the church to try to rule and reign over you and some go because they are hungry for the word of god,and to fill a void in their lives, so in conclusion, all people that go to church are not christians, and this is true from the pulpit to the door.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Yes I agree with everything you said. Alot of people think that just because a person is behind the pulpit that they are a Christian. When my husband became a preacher it sure opened my eyes to the fact that this was not so. I'm also glad that you see a difference in being religious and being a christian. too many people think it is one and the same.