Do you agree? -- astrology is not a science, it is non-science, it is nonsense?
By Akhilesh
@yourgoogly (1671)
December 17, 2006 12:25am CST
Do you agree? -- astrology is not a science, it is non-science, it is nonsense?
4 responses
@bacardiblast_K (813)
• India
3 Jan 07
well astrology is not a science bt its not non sense too, bcz sume people really believe on tht.. n sum not.. n sumtimes it works.... well i read mostly bt always forgt after 2mins, bt like to read my stars wht they shown..
@enivid2006 (535)
• Ukraine
18 Dec 06
Yes, IMO astrology is just a complicated pseudo-scientific system without any fundamental theoretical or experimental background behind it.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Dec 06
I disagree....dont confuse Astrology with the silly horrorscopes you read in the paper or online....Astrology is very detailed and accurate but that crap you read in the paper isnt what its all about....I've done numerous personality profiles for ppl using Numerology and Astrology and they are always floored at how precise and indepth (shortest one was 25 pgs) it is...