do u believe in evolution?

evolution? - evolution?
@nishanity (1650)
December 17, 2006 2:58am CST
i really dnt understand y, but at this era of science and technology, ppl still find evolution hard to beleive in... y is tht so? some people tell me tht they rather believe they were created "in the likeness of god" as the bible states, rather than believing tht oone evolved from the single-celled organisms... some people are so ignorant and think evolutio started wid apes!!! and tht offends them!! pls tell me what is so great abt the human race that we have to think other races are simply lower than us? is it the great brain we possess? evolution states tht we evolved from single-celled organisms... it seems sensible aint it? rather than some god(no one says how he was created, by the way!!) who came along and waved his magic wand and created us!! evolution is somewhat is connected to the BIG BANG theory too!! wish i knew why some people are against tht now!!most scientists actually have done carbon dating on some rocks found on the face of earth and proved tht they were abt a million years old or more... and people still look into the bible and say tht the earth is only 6000 yrs old!! wat an insult to the earth!! i am born as a christian, so i can only quote from the bible to make points against the theists who are against the evolution theory... so tell me what is ur opinion... are u a believer of evolution or not?
4 responses
• United States
3 Jan 07
Actually we believe on this theory with a limited way. 1) The scientists found after deep research that the man of the early age was very huge and very strong. But nowadays the man's height reduse and he is not so strong as like early age. This theory may be accepeted. 2) the Darven done the research on the different species of the Animals and atlast he joined the relation of Human Being with the animal (Monkey). Disgusting ......... Can u imagine ...... U r the offspring of a Monkey. Monkey is the Grandparent of Human Beibg. Oh my God..... What I do for the people of this civilized world. If the monkey is our forefather, than why their offsprings (Human Being) leave them behind. The Monkeys should more intellectual than the Human Being, The School, College and Universities should oppoint a monkey as a lecturer. Hah Stupid Darvin.............
• India
17 Dec 06
Yes i believe in evolution. Anyway we must do rapid research then only we can get good points without researching how we can get good result
@nishanity (1650)
• India
17 Dec 06
well there are scientists who are doing the required research
@nishanity (1650)
• India
20 Dec 06
wat!!!!!!!!! i dnt believe this!!! no one else to discuss on this topic!!! aint this a general topic
@kpisgod (994)
• India
4 Jan 07
i am born as a christian, so i can only quote from the bible to make points against the theists who are against the evolution theory ??? There are four Yug: Satyug, Treta, Dwapur & Kaliyug. Satyug= 17 lakhs 28 thousand years Treta= 12 lakhs 96 thousand years Dwapar= 8 lakhs 64 thousand years Kaliyug= 4 lakhs 32 thousand years Upon conclusion of seventy-one circuits of this cycle, there is a period equally long during which the world is inundated; then the cycle begins again. The Concept of Evolution in Hinduism
@nishanity (1650)
• India
4 Jan 07
y did u quote me for?
• United States
3 Jan 07
Actually they used te term apes for very early men .... According to the Darvin and his followers the apes are look like Monkey. Suppose we believe on this theory. If we are the offsprings of Apes or Monkeys. It means our Holy persons (Ram/ Adam/......) oh God/Ishwar forgive me.... I can't go out of my limits. I think u have understand What I am trying to say.