@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
December 17, 2006 12:41pm CST
ISLAM the best of all religion teaches peace harmony and the best way to spend the life
the image hat the media spreads about ISLAM is totally wrong
AS QURAN is the glorious book of ALLAh and is best among all the books present in this whole world
THE messenger of ALLAH (S.W.T)
was the most perfect and best man in this world
and v can make our life GOLDEN by walking on the roads of ISLAM
any querries plz do ask
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48 responses
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
18 Dec 06
thanks for ur response cud i help u to know about ISLAM
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@Louiethe20th (127)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I agree with suitsme, it is not Christians or Catholics going around the world strapping bombs onto school children. On the other hand, I do believe that there are some Muslims that are peacful and only want to live their lives.
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@dareformore (794)
• Pakistan
11 Feb 07
Well it is the activities Of america that are making the muslims to do so. What will You do if someone comes at your home and destroy you and all your relatives and your posessions. So put it on your own self and see what will be your feelings. I don't want to be offensive but just clarifying the fact that it is the policies of America that are creating Hatred for itself.

@kabella50 (309)
• United States
31 Jan 07
You must realize that all people are raised in their cultures to worship the way they are taught by their parents.Of course you believe Islam to be the truth,You are raised by Islamic parents.Other children are raised by parents who teach them that their choice of worship is truth so there should never be arguments over what others hold as truth.The Quran says there is no compulsion in religion,meaning people shouldn't be compelled to a belief so that alone should stop the fighting about which is better.I happen to believe and know for a fact that God in His infinate wisdom doesn't care which religion you answer to when He calls you to Him He will send the message through any religion you are tuned in to get your attention.Case in point.Years ago Ihad fallen asleep one night not realizing my radio must have been on,I say musy have been because I am not into the habit of lisyening to the radio before bed,usually only during cleaning times in the mornings.Well this Sunday morning in my sleep I could hear the voice of a man on the radio teaching scripture and teaching scripture that I thought I understood growing up,but he took those scriptures apart and boke them dowm out of their metaphores and I found myself in tears for the truths he was teaching touched my soul.From then on I have been seeking God and His wisdomIhave been trying to make an invisible God visible everyday by what I do and Say to others.That man was the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and no matter what others say about him he opened my mind to the Quran and it's beauty.Most people never heard of Islam until 911 so they have no knowledge of the real Islam and the muslims who are good muslims in this country do nothing to send messages to the Amerians that they are against the horrors that the media is reporting.It's not the media that's making Islam look bad it's the fact that good muslims aren't standing up for their religion so people will always think all muslims are terrorist.
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@aib536pk (124)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
i appreciate ur talk kabella.u r absolutely right.actually now the muslims are not following the actual path told by the prophet MOHAMMAD(PBUH) and QUR'AN.and media exposed this part of the muslims.i have met the muslims living thier lives on the path told by MOHAMMAD(PBUH) and believe me or not i have never seen such realx and satisfied persons.not going far away i give the example of mine.i had been involved in all the forbidden activities of islam but when i reverted to the path of islam life is greatest as it was never before.i don't know what religion u r from kabella but i just want to say that plz must read the religion ISLAM in detail and not judge it by followers but by the real messeges of islam
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
Hey Kabella, you are a wide read person , you did it again. i wish pioneer gladiator undertood your english and never mention his words again.
let peace be to all and happiness reign to earth.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
Though being a muslim, I respect all religions and honour everybody's right to chose their religion the way they want. I believe Islam is the best religion because Allah (swt) has chosen it for us and He Himself has certified it to be complete.
(Quran 05-03). ..... This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do we still need another certificate for it to be The Best.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
NO WAY.. The God wishes success for all the mankind. This is why He Himself has chosen this religion 'Islam' as a pathway a guideline for success. Anybody not following the true path will never reach the desired destination. Isnt that very obvios to you.
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@Doramicoki (23)
• Hong Kong
1 Feb 07
Allah wish sucess for all the mankind.
And then Islam is the only religion that can suceed and people of other religion are total idiots.
That's respecting other religions?
My brother,I am not saying Islam is bad(and I am a girl so don't call me brother) but you said you respect all other religion and then you say Islam is the best which mean other religion are worse and fake and lead to failure.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
Okay, my fellow Islam followers, peace loving, mylot members I have a question for you.
Why Sunni Islam and Shia Islam even exist?
After all they are divisions in the best religion of the world, according to pionergladiator1. The best religion of the world, with divisions? WOW!!!!!!!
And how do they relate to each other, in iraq, and why?
Waiting your peaceful answers.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
From the wikipedia.
The Shias have a majority of the population in Iraq, where the Sunni establishment controlled the government for nearly a century until the 2003 Iraq War. The British, who, having put down a Shia rebellion against their rule in the 1920s, "confirmed their reliance on a corps of Sunni ex-officers of the collapsed Ottoman empire" [27].
The Shia suffered indirect and direct persecution under independent Iraqi governments since 1932, especially that of Saddam Hussein. Shia religious leaders were particularly targeted. "Between 1970 and 1985 the Baathist regime executed at least 41 clerics" [28], and Shia opposition to the government following the first Gulf War was reportedly suppressed.
Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi has quoted Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab on various occasions in statements he made, especially the infamous statement that urged his followers to kill Shi'a of Iraq for their religious affiliation.
Muslims persecuting muslims?
Peaceful, really.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
Behined this all play lies the british dear!
U havent studied the history i suppose!
Do u believe in any religion?
It was 1150(i mean the year) when the christians started maligening Islam coz they couldnot fight against them!
They were cowards
read the cruseds!
Read tariq bin ziad it was when the jews and christians started maligening Islam! But remember they wont get sucess!
'when truth comes false hood perishes for false hood is bound to perish'
try viewing the history!
Who made the brother to fight with the brother?
When salahudin ayubi conquered the halab and Damishk?
They were the christians!
Luk from where shia suni issue orignated!
Turn pages from the history u will have the answer yourself!
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
The thng is that the divisons and problems in the religion were being promoted by anti Muslim pèople
the divisons dsnt grade that one is Muslim or the other is not!
Both are Muslims Alhamdolilah!
Thats not an issuè
a true Muslim worships his creator and nothng more the basic reason for worshiping i$ to show submissiveness and thank the creator
both shia and suni are Muslims with a little change in their way of praying and a bit more
and y dis issue pinches u ?
U are not a Muslim!
Any way ask more questions i will b pleased to answer
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
Islan may even teach peace, harmony and etc. (don't know and will not waste my time looking for it), but it is really hard to believe it when you see a follower tie a bomb to himself and blow him and a lot of people around him to pieces.
Even harder when we fail to see public speeches from the followers of islam against such acts of violence.
But, are you happy with your religion, then of course you will think that it is the best religion.

@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
24 Jan 07
i have cleard the misconception about Muslims as a terrorist!
See my article in the discussions i have started!
As i cnt paste the link here!
May Allah give u guidance
+ - !
Wow, stop. You have CLEARED the misconception about muslims as terrorists?
WOW Again.
Did I say, All muslims are terrorists? Ops, No, I did not.
I wrote that it is hard to believe that it is a religion of peace when a follower (not all of them) blow himself, and the muslim community FAIL to strongly and clearly speak against it.
So sorry, until the muslim community either declares its support for Terrorists acts done by muslims terrorists OR
speaks LOUDLY and CLEARLY against these same acts, it will be difficult to associate islam with peace.
3 people like this
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
i have cleard the misconception about Muslims as a terrorist!
See my article in the discussions i have started!
As i cnt paste the link here!
May Allah give u guidance
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@Albone (1338)
• Italy
17 Dec 06
i agree with you that media give us a bad information about islam, because it seems that every muslim is a fundamentalist and hates who belong to a different religion... I have in my country and in my city too a lot of proof that islamic one is and was a great and tolerant culture. If you come in Palermo you will see a lot of Arab-Norman monuments. When there were Crusades, in sicily Muslims and Christian lived together... there are a lot of philosophes and mathematics in the past who helped europe to rise from the darknes of Medieval period... one of them translated Aristoteles works giving them back to europe... So, Islam is good because there are a lot of good persons that don't use it like a tool to rule on other persons...
The only thing i suggest is to not talk about "best religion"... it seems you consider religion like your favorite football team... And everyone is convinced that his religion is the best :)
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
18 Dec 06
DEAr can i prove scintifically that it is the best religion?
i hope u r a gentle soul and will hear that with patatince
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@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
31 Jan 07
I could not find a single verse in Quaran where it is said about peaceful co-existance with a fellow human (non-muslim).
Why quaran always talks about killing, don't you have forgiving nature.
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@asadahsan (723)
• Pakistan
18 Dec 06
well my dear islam is the best beacuse islam teaches us the lesson of peace love ,brother hood, and learn us that we are here to do work for ALLAh and one day we will be back and infront of him and give answer how much good things and how much bad things we have do i mean to say that islam is best bcoz they have a concept of that ALLLAH is only one so i think it makes islam diffrent then other religions and i belive ALLAh and muhammad P.B.U.H...
@shooie (4984)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Everyone thinks their religion is the best and that is a good thing. I believe in the bible. I fallow that road map for my life. Do I say everyone else is wrong do I beat other religions down? No. It is not my place to tell this one or that one they are wrong. I believe in the here after as well so I guess in the end we shall see. The media says things bad about all religions if they can find a scoop on it.

@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
U gave a good response dear but i believe Islam to be the best!
As it is the religion of the nature!
And also is a complete way of life!
Alhamdolilah Islam is the Best

@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
29 Jan 07
Yes Islam is the best religion and Islam teaches us Love and Peace, Islam means peace, if you translate this word "Islam" in to english its mean "Peace", islam is fastest growing religion in the world, Islam is a religion of Brave peoples, thanks
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
29 Jan 07
Thanks 4 responding!
jazak Allah khair!
May Allah reward u!
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
Y r u always critiscing others with points that donot have any söund basis!
@urbandekay (18278)
30 Jan 07
Fine words butter no parsnips, peace is as peace does
all the best urban

@blanksolid (1631)
• Spain
27 Jan 07
Each person has got his own religion so none religion around the world is the best from my point of view, each religion has got her own rules so you can prefeer one or other depending on her rules, have a nice day on mylot and happy earnings also.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
I say Islam is the Best!
And will always say
insha Allah!
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Not to sound rude, but what you just said is reasons why a lot of people are turned off by religion. Not one religion is better than the other.
You sound like one discussion I replied to earlier was talking about. How people push there religion down people's throats. That other relgions are bla bla.
Before saying your's is the best, do research and look at the other ones. Before being judgemental.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
i know the basic beleifs of all almost all the religions
and i am not trying to force the religion on u
just trying my best to lead u to the path of truth!
@guitarchick88 (46)
• United States
3 Feb 07
and how do you know its the truth huh???!??? God. im sick of these muslims pushing there religion is "THE BEST" :roll eyes:
@urbandekay (18278)
25 Jan 07
You claim you can scientifically prove that Islam is the best religion, well I don't believe you.
all the best urban
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
26 Jan 07
Urban, there was a debate that took place in the US. It was titled 'QURAN AND MODERN SCIENCE'. It took place at the Central Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virgin1a, on August 5, 2006. To access its contents online use this link:
I suggest you go through it and then let us hear your thaughts here.
Like you always say.. all the best:)
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
25 Jan 07
What i have said i can do that Alhamdolilah
we Muslims believe in the Holy Quran to be the Glorious and the last book of Allah so dear
1.The Holy Quran is proved to be scietificaly true
about 80% of the Quran is proved to be true the other 20% the scientists fail to understand yet dear
2. The Holy Quran was reaveled more than 1400 years ago!
And these are the scientific facts of that time when there was i thnk no existance of scientists
3. Just turn the pages of the history do u see any advancement at that time.
4.Take the case that those were the predictions of some body for ur assurance!
Do u know probability?
If u add all the pridictions together
do u know where the probability goes?
And any thing -50 probability has no existance that is what science today tells us!
So Quran is the word of God that is provd such things canot be pridicted by any human!
5.Mohammad(P.B.U.H) was not a learnd person and told us the Holy Quran that was reaveled to him by Hazrat Jibrael(A.S)
6.All the predictions made by The Glorious Quran are turning true!
7.So dear Islam is proved to be the best religion!
8.If u have any concept of evolution!
That i have already falsified in my article!
Theory of evolutio VS theory of special creation!
Any queries u are welcome!
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@urbandekay (18278)
25 Jan 07
Ok, your claim was that you could scientifically prove it, so lets see;
1. Saying the Qur'an has been proved to be scientifically true does not make that so, where is the evidence for this claim?
2. Date of revelation means nothing, there are older and more recent scriptures with claims to have been revealed.
3. Yes, there are many advances since that time, many diseases are eliminated or treatable that weren't then
4. Sorry, this is not written cogently.
5.Muhammed had certainly learned much, it is known he was conversant with Christian scripture from early Arab Christians who inhabited his area.
6. Saying predictions are coming true proves nothing, which particular predictions?
7. Incorrect
8. Incoherent
Far from proving anything, you merely present a series of statements, your case is weak or non-existent.
All the best urban

@inflamation (866)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 07
I think the full spiritual details of these questions are covered in my answer. As for what does Islam have to offer for the individual, well all I can tell you is that the Arabic word "Islam" means submitting yourself in peace to Allah Almighty, your Creater. "Islam" is derived from the Arabic word "Salam" which means peace. So Islam offers inner-peace to you. It offers direct relationship between you and Allah Almighty. As for how can I guarantee for you to be saved through believing in Islam, I would simply answer: There is no guarantee in the sense of speaking on behalf of GOD Almighty!.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 07
jazak Allah kahir brother for giving such a wonderful response in the name of Islam may Allah(S.W.T) reward u!
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Reward you with how many virgins? What kind of sick relgion is this? You should be ashamed of yourself?
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
23 Jan 07
Jazak Allah khair brother for the appericiation
may Allah reward u
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
do u know what Jazak ALLAh means?
it is not the way u understood!
@julialaurene0206 (1262)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
i dont know about Islam but still i respect your religion
@UmmBinyamin (419)
• United States
27 Jan 07
LOL I LVOE THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
Jazak Allah khair sweet sister!
May Allah reward u:)
in this world and the hereafter
@Pinkcoolfire (33)
• Norway
23 Jan 07
Jazak Allah
may Allah reward all of u who are doing efforts for the cause of religion
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
by preaching and telling others and acting upon the golden principles of Islam it can be!
and thats what we Muslims are doing here
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@msmonkeyfeet (789)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Bottom line is: Somebody somewhere wrote something at some point in time and people started believeing it for whatever reason. This goes for ANY religion. I guess it all depends on who your favorite writer is :) Somebody once wrote that Santa Clause was real, and unicorns, and mermaids, and the Easter Bunny. You can pick and choose which ones you choose to believe in but that doesn't mean you're right, or that people that don't believe in them are wrong. And the fact is that unless you can get one of them to show up to dinner one night in front of everyone, you can't really "prove" they exist. And you shouldn't go around saying that your Santa Clause is better than someone else's Santa Clause or that they should believe in yours instead of theirs. The books are out there, we all know where to find them if we want them, let's leave it at that. Besides, it makes you sound like a little child who's saying "my dad can beat up your dad!"
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 07
i donot agree to what u said sister the religion is not such an issue!
it is something ahead of [only personal beliefs]
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@abutruth (15)
• India
3 Feb 07
ISLAM is one of the best religion,it teaches all kinds (top to bottom)
quran told all the thinks, it told how muslim live in the world.never say any religion , always say one of the best religion.this also told in quran.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 07
jazak Allah khair!
may Allah reward u!
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