Home remedies Pt. II

@emagyne (664)
United States
December 17, 2006 7:23pm CST
I posted a discussion about Home Remedies and I have discovered alot so I decided to do a part IIThis may help people with toothaches, now it doesnt make it go away all together but if its late at night and you cant get to the doctor until the next day or so, try this. My grandma used to do this: Whatever side that your tooth is hurting on (right or left) get a baggie and fill it with ice and water and hold it in that hand. So if you have a toothache on the left side of your mouth, hold it in your left hand. This will numb that pain for awhile and it works quickly. Also, for those suffering with Asthma, strong black coffee will do the trick. My 4 year old has asthma and this always work. Acne: White toothpaste...tried and true. Also, a drop of visine helps to get the redness out of blemishes. Fevers in babies: I have done this several times with my kids and it works. If your child has a fever and you need to get it down and tylenol isnt working, take a penny and place it in their sock or tape it to the chest and the copper in the penny will draw out the fever. Colic in babies: Get some Pepsi, put it in a dropper and give them some. They will belch all that gas out of their stomach. I did this after being told when my little girl was a baby and cried hours on end at night. I went to the doctor several times and nothing worked until I did this. Morning Sickness: In a coffee cup, heat up some hot water, add a teaspoon of cinnamon and about two teaspoons of lime juice and drink. Not tasty but oh how it works. I have also done this. They were about to put me in the hospital with my first baby because I stayed so sick and lost so much weight due to being sick everyday. My mom consulted this older lady who told her this and after I drunk it, I wasnt sick anymore. Eczema Rub Noxema on the infected parts of your body. Old, not new and improved. i found this one on the internet and my daughter has eczema and this works really well. Home made icepacks"1 cup of rubbing alcohol and 2 cups of water and to make it look real nice, a drop of blue food coloring. This will not freeze solid so you can lay it over knees etc. Feel free to add to this or comment. Thanks
1 response
@bkwiatv1 (605)
• United States
18 Dec 06
the home remidie of a life time is asprin enough of that can fix anything
@emagyne (664)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Yeah, my grandma felt that way about Epson Salts. I dont care what was ailing you, wasnt nothing a good dose of Epson Salts couldnt cure.