In the news lately. Israel has me completely baffled.
By ashposts
@ashposts (6)
United States
December 17, 2006 9:18pm CST
How do they justify the fact that the holocaust happened as a the reason that they returned to the Middle East and embarked on turning to the people who they found living in the land with acts of agression.
Mind you - they returned to the land of their fore-fathers and of Abraham - of whom the present day Palestinians are also his descendents.
How is it, that they are not able to fathom that by this time most of the residents had already stepped to Islam as their faith?
I always wonder, as refugees or prodigal sons, could they not have just gotten re-assimilated into a location of their choice or country of their choice without fighting?
Then, it is how they fight. They have huge weapons of war and the Palestinians are seen throwing stones.
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16 responses
@thundercat (505)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Before you get into this debate I think you need to do a little research. From your message it is clear that you neither understand the issue nor understand the arguments of both sides. For example you said the Holocaust, out of respect I ask that you capitalize that word, was the reason for the creation of the State of Israel. Apparently you did not know that the strong Zionist movement actually began in the late 1800s with Jews buying up land in what was then called Palestine and controlled by the British. I will agree however that it was the capstone on the creation of Israel that the Holocaust did take place. And with the exception of one war that took place since 1948, Israel has not been the aggressor, it has been the Arab states around them and the terrorist groups that live there. I will however point out that Israel is at peace and has been for decades with the countries of Egypt and Jordan. My suggestion is that you do research and engage people who actually know about this topic before you jump to some of your conclusions.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Dreadstar, you're the one who's tiresome with your deluded versions of reality. I couldn't care less about Christmas, celebrate it or don't, I don't care. And there hasn't been persecution against any other race in the history of the earth like there has been against the jews, that's what makes it different.
@thundercat (505)
• United States
18 Dec 06
At no time did I say that there weren't 6 million gentile deaths and 6 million Jewish deaths totaling 12 million innocent people killed by the Natzis. However I don't know what conspiracy theories you are spouting about the Jews wanting to abolish Christmas. I think that falls in the same category as the hoax that was the Articles of Zion and the blood libel that cropped up centuries ago accusing the Jews of killing Christian babies and using their blood to make matzah.

@clownfish (3269)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Hi! The nation of Israel was created in 1948. They did not return to anyone else's land, they retured to their OWN land. They have every right to protect that land, it is theirs. No one has a right to take it away from them. And no one has the right to say that they have to "assimilate" to the islam faith, either. Why not say the muslims should assilimate to Judiasm? Israel is not the aggressor, they are the ones being attacked.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
18 Dec 06
You wouldn't believe me, but God himself gave them that right, or did you throw the Old Testament out along with the rest of the fundamentalist christians?
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Then you take it up with God, He's the one who decided it that way, or did you forget about Him?
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
18 Dec 06
Well, I guess you'll find out for yourself. I am truly sorry for you.

@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
18 Dec 06
Wow, you sound just like an Irish person. I am Irish, and the average Irish person embarrasses themselves with their complete lack of knowledge re Israel. Irish people assume that Palestinians are the same as Irish, thrown off their land by the British! I assume you are simply trying to be controversial.
Did you know that during the second World War, Palestinians sent a delegation to see Hitler? Something to do with their mutual dislike of Jews..great way to foster trust between Israelis and Palestinians in a future state! Also, a large proportion of Palestinians have strong ties with Syria and Jordan, many have right of residency there. Why can't they just go there instead of trying to take a tiny bit of land that the Jews want? There never was a country called Palestine, just a British administered protectorate with that name. Also, maybe there wouldn't be an Israel if all the Arab countries had not thrown all their native Jewish people out, people who had in many cases lived there long before the country turned Muslim. Jewish people are resourceful and adaptable not to mention a most tolerant people. Palestinians could learn a great deal from them.
By contrast, Palestinians have corrupt leaders (Yasser Arafat's personal fortune was in the billions), they are socially backward, having practices such as honour killings. A great many Palestinians are killed by rival factions, Hamas and Fatah. Until they start taking responsibility for their own well being and vote in some decent leaders as well as engage in dialogue and peace, the Palestinians are doomed to their fate.

@trkanaujia (68)
• India
18 Dec 06
Jews have been persecuted throughout history. This is mainly because they lived in a land which was surrounded on one side by Christians and on the other side by Muslims. Both these communities have proved to be enemies of the Jews. The Holocaust was just a modern example. Various such incidents have happened in the past to the Jew Community.
As regards the state of Israel, I personally think that it is rightly their own land, but they must share it with the Palestinians, or else noone can avoid confrontations between the two communities.
@thundercat (505)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Actually this is a common misconception. During the height of the Islamic Empire the Jews were in complete peace living in the Islamic Empire. They were scholars and writers and doctors, and they were very well respected and liked. Then following the Christian Crusades to take back the Holy Land it was the Christians that then started the endless cycle of persecution.
@LoYaL132 (335)
• Netherlands
18 Dec 06
I really dont like what Israel is doing. If they are good they would just leave them alone and give them there land. Israel have weapons and Palestinians have at least just some AK's. Nothing more, and rocks.. They can't do anything. I really hope there will be a end in the Israel-Palestinian conflict!
@calvin222 (1606)
• India
18 Dec 06
Israel is a people i really admire. fact is they are there now and instead of coming to a compromise which israel has tried a number of times, the other side is relentless and continue their campaign of terror. when in israel it is a pleasure to see them enjoying themselves and leading normal lives, inspite of.... and they are a very friendly people. they have tried for so long to live in various countries but have always been persecuted so natural instinct of survival comes into play.
@treblem (316)
• Philippines
18 Dec 06
israel is one small country in compared of a vast muslim middle east. muslim palestinians could be accomodated bytheir muslim middle east brothers yet they continue push themselves to a small country of israel. israel is for israel. they just fought in defense of their country not in offense. open your eyes.
@bryelee (451)
• United States
18 Dec 06
They were returned to a location they wated, their own land. Give me a break with this poor Palestine crap. I don't see any Isralies bombing innocent woman and children. Where have you been every time they show on the news another Palistian bombing innocent Isralies?
@ahmadch88 (25)
• Lebanon
18 Dec 06
first i want to male it clear that its true that their were jews in phalastine but not world jews.
in 1948 all jews that r in the world came to the land of phalastine.
so no body can say that phalastine is their land but their was a fews jews that live in phalastine.
and i am not with u that the holocaust happened as a reaseon that all jews of the world came to the middle east.
ill tell u the reasen the reason is that christians was afriad from the jews in that time when their r in europe . so englend put jews in the middle east and they stand togather to help the jews.they knew before that they will stand with each other in the holocaust.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 Dec 06
To me, Israel has always belong to the Jews and it is their land, but they should know that when they moved around as much as they did before and after WWII, and when they came and went to a land that was theirs and then became land of Muslims, that they would be met with hostility. If the Israelies want people to love and respect them, then they need to change the way they work with people in their country.
@krishna_iyer (29)
• India
18 Dec 06
i am not a jew, but if there is one country i would be willing to relocate, it is israel. they country is brave, the people are brave and their collective resolve to stick to their home land keeps power and mischief-hungry muslim nations at bay. i dont understand why muslims cant tolerate anyone else kafirs and want to eliminate them. it is another matter when these guys are in a minority, they are aggrssive and politically savvy and manipulate things in their favor with bleeding heart liberals. once they attain the majority status, wham, they want all kafirs to convert to islam,
with such neighbors, does israel need enemies? it is right that they possess all types of weapons to defeat such cowardly crowd who make war on women and children.