@kishchun (497)
December 18, 2006 9:51am CST
do you think women should work outside or be just at home as a housewife taking care of her family, in particular, her kids. it might be easy for the women involved and the children too, if they stay at home, but what about the personality of these women and their aspirations? won't they yearn to achieve something more in life, miss out on so many things, if they stay at home? of course it is not to deny the fact that many of the working women miss the small but precious moments of life, of their children, the greatest pleasures there are , because they work outside. i am one of these, fortunate and unfortunate at times - very few times because of my sweet mom's help . still, i do feel it. do come back with your input. thanks
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123 responses
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
Personally..I think that if you have kids you should stay home with them. However...many women would rather work...or sometimes they have to help with bills. I stayed home with my son and raised him while my partner worked. I am glad..because they are only young once and you will be sorry you missed them growing up because you were too busy I would stay home...I also don't like the fact that other people would be raising my kids...
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@kishchun (497)
• Oman
18 Dec 06
thanks, and yes, i completely agree with you. it's such a pleasure watching your kids grow up, and it's also scary leaving them in other hands...
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• United States
19 Dec 06
I completely agree with you, but I also understand that not everyone is able to stay home due to financial constraints. Now my kids are both in school all day, so I am looking for a job with Mother's hours. That way I feel like I'm contributing financially but am also able to be here when the get home from school. I think each family needs to decide what works best for them. :-)
• Qatar
19 Dec 06
children would love to have their parents with them at home too.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I think it depends on the woman's preference. Since my kids are in school, I prefer to work outside the home. It makes me feel better about myself.
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• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
:) i agree with u...hope u earn more
@iAlicia (758)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Welcome to the new millenium... we, women are soon going to be taking over the world.
• India
19 Dec 06
you should. the day is toolong way to go,you should not be greedy about that.Women should do what she should do, they should not do some thing to over ride man.After all men are from Mars and women are from venus.have you read thet. just read that,you will come to know why men and women are not equal.
@shaf732 (85)
• Singapore
19 Dec 06
woman should go out and work. It does help in your life to get out of the family life for that few hours you are away. In away it release tension and you have more people to talk to and you also won't be left out knowing nothing. You also be an independant person and still can go on with life supposing your husband die. You can't alway depend on your partner otherwise you will be handicapped. Summarising all you actually keeping yourself in phase on time too
• India
19 Dec 06
decision must depend upon the type of job .. and the family .. there are a lot of factors to think upon . .
• Pakistan
18 Dec 06
I think women should be at home, because their place is at home, i mean a man has been made to earn for his family and women have been made to look after their families... i just dont get it what women want to prove that what men can do , women can also do... so what if they can do it , its still not their place... they should watch over their children and family ... because women are soft hearted and should watch over their families.
• New Zealand
18 Dec 06
Wow. Looky here people, we have one of the dinosaurs here with us. What is your point? And who are you to say that woman should stay @ home? What if some woman out there like solo mums or mums with a lazy husband that doesnt want to work, have to go out and get a job? Are you suggesting that they stay at home aswell?
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
19 Dec 06
right,hererufina. wolve, what should a woman do when the husband doesn't care to take care of her and the children? still stay at home, go hungry, cry or beg? sorry, your words don't seem logical to me, or rather, very narrow minded and old - fashioned. you can give some credit to the capacities or abilities of womean and the sensitivity of men as well. i wish you'll take this in the right spirit - positively, as i would like you to.
• India
19 Dec 06
In today's women who are educated opt to work outside. If the husband and in-laws don't have a problem with working outside as well as looking after the family then there is no reason why women should not work outside. Though the first priority should be her family then the work. If the women is ambitious then work will have the first priority. Any of the choices the women and her family has to decide on it.
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
19 Dec 06
hey, this is to all of you who have responded to this discussion - thanks a lot for voicing your opinion, your point of view. it's very much appreciated.
@ferryy (1082)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 06
If you ask, you must know, what about kids? education, health, or anything about kids. ??Okay, ones more its enough? No. If women outside, her kids will be liar, cause "he dont know love from mother"
@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I think women should work, even if it's just part-time. It's good for them to get out of their houses, do something that stimulates their minds, make friends at work and earn some money. And it's actually good for the family too. Men hate to admit it, but in tryth they appreciate their wives bringing in some income. It eases the burden of providing for the family.
• New Zealand
18 Dec 06
I totally agree with you on that one. Plus not all of us have the privalige to be stay at home mums. Would love to but the way money is making the world go round these days is too hard. Where i come from anyways.
• India
19 Dec 06
Personally , I think women should stay at home if they have kids particularly during the formative years of children. Probably, after the kids are have grown (physically and emotionally )so as to take care of their basic needs, it would be OK for women to work outside and monitor their kids simultaneously
• India
19 Dec 06
Also the support of their husbands would be could be crucial
@kamalcpc (704)
• India
19 Dec 06
no, they should not work outside, they has to be at home and take care about the family
• India
19 Dec 06
i wish u r a female in ur next birth and u get a partner who will do exactly this to u ! Cheers!
@Genie123 (59)
• India
19 Dec 06
Yes they should definitey work if they r capable of! Why not!!! Cheers to the women folk!!
@isha900 (1459)
• India
19 Dec 06
yes when they capable so they should work
• India
19 Dec 06
• India
19 Dec 06
i will say .. it'll depend on the environment u are living in !! . . and to a woman's preference also ! !..
• India
18 Dec 06
no prob in workin....
• India
19 Dec 06
that depends on situation .. if job demands .. late night working .. i will not suggest a woman do the job !!
@vbembot (747)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
Its more of a choice i would say. Some women would like to stay at home and take good care of their children and the family as a whole. But most women now a days would rather help their husband financially because of financial difficulty. so it depends on the women. again its her choice. but for me i would rather work and have time for kids after work this i can achieve self fulfillment professionally, as a person and as a mother.
@prasadr (871)
• India
19 Dec 06
Yes. why they dont. There are many retrictions t them in todays socity. we have to overthow it. Any way, they too are humans, no? There should be strict law to protect the freedom of women, there should...
@leilani47 (780)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I'll speak for myself. I prefer to work outside of the home. I almost have to. It's not like the olden days were women stayed home with the kids, cooked, cleane - while the men worked their butts off. Two incomes in a household is almost a necessity. All in all, I feel that working outside of the home makes me feel independent. I still have time to spend precious moments with my children.
@pavan_sry (264)
• India
19 Dec 06
if they interested they should work
@dipti9669 (364)
• India
19 Dec 06
why cant they....women r best n they can manage everything vry well.........they gotto work so that they also can b independent
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
I think moms would be better off just rearing children. Not that I think women are only good for the house but the next generation would be better of with their moms by their side during their growing years.