December 18, 2006 10:51am CST
We often seen them on the streets and sometimes they scared us for their actions or there was a fear that they may harm us.........we referred them in common terms as CRAZY individual but in Psychological term they are called SCHIZOPHRENIA. Schizophrenia is a thought disorder marked by delusions, hallucinations, mood disorders and disturbed behavior. It includes disturbances of personality involving feelings of individuality, uniqueness and self-direction, disturbances of thinking with explanatory delusions influenced mainly by outside forces which may be natural of supernatural, unpleasant sensations which are connected to delusions and speaking in a loud voice.
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38 responses
• Philippines
18 Dec 06
yeah , we cant blame people being scared with mentally challenged individual you will nver know what they will going to do to you.. in short they have disorganized thought, there concept of the world had change and paranoia is always in them thats why they may harm any person that made a contact to them.. schizo having double phase of behaviour the manic and depressive is really hard to deal with. and being diagnosed with this kind of illness means being broken your whole llife. a broken glass cannot be fixed even the pieces is still complete.... am i sounding like a wacko?..lol
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@terita (280)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
yes it is but it effect men and women both in different ways
@rave883 (140)
• India
18 Dec 06
SCHIZOPHRENIA - brief description about schizophrenia
yes but do u know schizophrenia affects men and women differently, schizophrenia tends to begin in men at an earlier age than women, men who have schizophrenia generally begin showing signs of the illness between ages 15 and 20, compared to ages 20 to 25 for women and men overall are less responsive to medication and schizophrenia also tends to have a larger impact on men than on women - the long term outcome tends to be worse for men than women it's said that estrogen may play a protective role in women against schizophrenia
• India
19 Dec 06
yes you are right, i hope you are a psychologist, we need to care for them, and i think this would help them not to cause danger to the society.......
• Philippines
30 Dec 06
I am a Psychology graduate , i have a background to this topic and treatment but i am not license to do some treatment or even prescribe medicines. But i can conduct Counselling, case study and some psychological test.
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I do not know about in the Phillipines, where you live, but in the United States one reason we have so many people on the streets who are mentally disordered is because 1. many community mental health facilities were shut down, leaving these people no place to live. That is partially the result of the civil rights movement, which says that people have ther right to refuse their medications if they want to. We cannot make them take the medicine, even if it does let them function as a member of society. People with certain mental illnesses get to feeling better, while on medicine and believe they are cured, so they stop taking their meds, lose their jobs, lose their homes, commit crimes or just behave in a strange manner, and then have to be shown to be a danger to themselves or others.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 Dec 06
Schizophrenia is a disease. Most people doesnt know what they are doing. I think like we should care for the people who have schizophrenia like we care people who has fever. I dont think CRAZY is the right world used for them. Like people physically ill we should consider them having disease.
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Wow someone finally said it right. Just because you have a mental illness you are not crazy. I have bipolar. My neighbour also has bipolar and her brother has schizophrenia. I would not label any of us as crazy. We just have an illness just like someone who has diabetes or another illness. We did not ask for it. Yes some people stop taking there medications. But that is a persons choice as there are a ton of side effects to the meds. I have gained weight and I shake from my meds. People always remark on my shaking. It is embarassing. I would never walk up to someone and ask why are you bald.
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I meant to say just because you have a mental illness it doesn't mean you are crazy.
• India
18 Dec 06
Schizophrenia  - Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that affects about 1 percent of people all over the world. People with schizophrenia sometimes hear voices others don’t hear, believe that others are broadcasting their thoughts to the world, or become convinced that others are plotting to harm them. These experiences can make them fearful and withdrawn and cause difficulties when they try to have relationships with others. Signs & Symptoms ----------------- Symptoms usually develop in men in their late teens or early twenties and women in the twenties and thirties, but in rare cases, can appear in childhood. They can include hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, movement disorders, flat affect, social withdrawal, and cognitive deficits. Treatment --------- This is a time of hope for people with schizophrenia. Although the causes of the disease have not yet been determined, current treatments can eliminate many of the symptoms and allow people with schizophrenia to live independent and fulfilling lives in the community.
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@blazonvj (428)
• India
19 Dec 06
hey sorry to say this...can u explain wat is schizophrenia in simple words????? is this wat we call crazy ,mad and all?
• Philippines
30 Dec 06
Yes it is
@caribe (2465)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I really don't think you have anything to fear from the majority of these people. They are more of a danger to themselves than to other people. Of course, there are exceptions and there are some dangerous people. But most of them are pretty harmless.
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Only 1% of Schizophrenics will become violent. The rest are really harmless.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Yeah...it is really too bad. I feel sorry for people who have these disorders. Actually...it may be more common than one may think. I actually knew a woman whose husband suffered from this disorder and was on medication. However..he still acted strangely and spoke of crazy things..he actually scared me. It is also very hard on the families..because they are the one's who have to deal with these issues from day to day....
• United States
18 Dec 06
what's worse is now there appears to be alot more of them becuase of the hidden ear cellphone gizmos. I seen a lady walking through HEB waving her hands and shaking her head and appearing to be talking loudly to herself. Then she turned the corner of the aisle and flipped her hair back, only then could I see the earpiece phone she was wearing lol
@caribe (2465)
• United States
18 Dec 06
That is so funny. You could mistake someone talking on a cellphone or listening to music through an earpiece as someone with big emotional problems. LOL
• Indonesia
19 Dec 06
Wah... so many nice response about this Psychological term At the first time I know about this Psychological term when I read "MPD Psyco". It's horrible when the main character feel hear or halutinated that some one want to kill him. And he kills her beloved one because of this I think we should bring his/her on psikiater soon
• India
19 Dec 06
i think we can support them and make them a better person, i think it can be cured,,,,,,,
@Idefix72 (502)
• Italy
19 Dec 06
SCHIZOPHRENIA, u will never be alone with that .. it's a big problem i think, but (it seems) it can be cured..
@isha900 (1459)
• India
19 Dec 06
thanx for knowledge
• India
19 Dec 06
there are different types of schizophrenia like Paranoid, Hebephrenic, Catatonic, Simple etc.. out of these the one with the worst prognosis and the one which we see on the streets is the Hebephrenic type i.e. disorderedly type ... cause is believed to be genetic, 'cause the disease seems to cluster around relatives known to be suffering from the disease ... late onset types like paranoid, catatonic have better prognosis than early onset types ...
• India
19 Dec 06
i wanted to know what is a natural cure for this disease....as one of mi friends apparently has it!
@pavan_sry (264)
• India
19 Dec 06
put right subject
• India
19 Dec 06
The state of mind in which a person behaves abnormally is said to be schizophrenia. I feel that most people are unaware of this particular situation in which often times people who think or brood over matters, fall into. At times and it is natural for anyone to do so, people react harshly with such people. What a person who are in such state of mind needs is "love and affection" and the capacity to bear up with the person suffering from this disorder of mind. Reacting with anger or usage of harsh words can aggravate the situation further and create complications. It is also important that we diagnose a person as suffering from schizophrenia. From what I know is, the symptoms to be noted when this state of mind occurs are - a) The person keeps cleaning up the house or her area of occupation, does extra effort to work and tire herself/himself out ; b) Starts hiding money or ornaments and even wears costly ornaments inspite of forbidding him/her from doing so ; c) If in love someone, he or she starts making advances to the friend he or she loves and takes special pains to care for that particular friend of his/hers. d) Avoids medicines and even drinking water. I may add that such people should be showered special love and affection and allow them to say or do as the way they prefer to do. This is partly from experience but mostly from guesses.
@akaymas84 (179)
• Italy
19 Dec 06
many persons succeed to gain this ugly disease... what it has been written till now is right and share...
@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
19 Dec 06
i think you are talking about mentally retarded people as much as i can understand and i am reaaaaally afraid of them they may harm you or do anything they want and you cant blame them or do anything to them as they do not have control over their own minds
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I have seen people like that and I always pray for them. I think it is very sad but there must be a reason why God would inflict such trials on them. I beleive that we must be compassionate and try to help people who are afflicted.
@sootix (92)
• India
19 Dec 06
a sadder thing, though, is the fact that the patients themselves believe in each and every one of their actions.. what may seem like a cooked-up story to us, is a very ture-to-life event for them.. my friend's mom suffered from schizophrenia until recently, and the kind of harrowing time that he used to go through during her attacks used to be very is sometihng that not eveyone can take..