My Interesting Theory.....
By ready2earn
@ready2earn (435)
December 18, 2006 1:23pm CST
Hello just joined so i thought i'd share this theory i've come up with. It combines chaos theory with the BB theory. To begin suppose the universe was created through the big bang. I believe that every action we take is part of a chain reaction that began at the start of the big bang. Everything we do - how many times we breath in a day, when we blink, which cup we choose out of the cupboard, is all part of a pre designed chain reaction caused by the intial conditions of the big bang.
To look at it in another sense, - to hit 2 snooker balls, where ever the cue hits the white ball affects where the white ball hits the black ball. And the angle where the white ball goes is certain depending on where the cue hit it. This means our path in life is certain and pre designed depending on the initial state of the big bang.
Now say the big crunch is going to happen. The universe will collapse on itself and all the matter will go back to the centre. If the big bang happens again, then the intial changes may be different and the events in the chain reaction of the big bang will be slightly different aswell, meaning the universe will be created again but all the planets and galaxies will be in a different position.
Now as time is infinite, and according to einstein - if a ball is thrown at a wall forever one of the times it will pass through the wall. This means that anything is possible if it happens in a cycle forever. If the universe keeps cycling through this process of exploding then imploding and changing slightly each time to produce a different universe. One of those times will be identical to the way the universe has expanded today.
This could mean two things- the first being that this could be the Nth time we have lived this course of events and existed in this universe.
The second is the most interesting, it means that someday in the future it may be billions of years away, but someday we will live this life ( and the certain course of events) again. And maybe one time that the universe explodes again the initial conditions might be slightly different - so that we live this life again, but only a few changes are made to our lives, so the big bang caused a set of chain reactions of events that caused a tiny change in your life such as going to a different school, which can change the way you live the rest of your life.
So basically, if my theory is true, we are going to at some point in time live this life again, and it may be identical or it may be slightly different depending on the intial conditions of the big bang.
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25 responses
@faelady (161)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
Hmmm...your idea of it all coming from the Big Bang is an interesting one. I especially like the pool balls analogy.
I personally believe that all time is eternal, and, more importantly, all time is one time. The only thing that prevents us from seeing everything that's ever happened or going to happen is our adherance to space. As three-dimensional creatures, it is impossible (or at least very difficult) to see past out past out walled-in viewpoint to the fourth, or fifth, or other dimensions.
Anyway, I also agree with you that we are in a repeating cycle. What we have done, or what we are going to do, we have done before. Maybe in a different time in a different body (perceptions again), but it has happened before.
The question for me is - is there a point where the cycle breaks? If there is, then will it erase all that's happened before since it will destroy time/space/future/history? Is it's destruction predetermined? If it is, is it the beginning of a new cycle?
@vinayak_kammar (270)
• India
19 Dec 06
It is a like a nuclear reaction. the chain reaction will never stop
@DeepThought (433)
• South Africa
19 Dec 06
Personally, I think that time is simply a product of the way we chose to perceive reality, it does not really exist outside our heads, but is a simple way of ordering our own experience of life.
Of course, without time, we cannot really speak about cycles in any way.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
19 Dec 06
Bingo! you have just given cycle of rebiterth that our ancestors kept beleiving a new angle. I find that very interesting. Just out of curiosity may I add a thought to it. You see so many times may be you also had this experience, havent you felt that we have done this before been in the same situation before. It keeps happenning to me I do not know why? May be now with your theory we can answer that question. I personally feel someone should work out on the probability of this theory.

@vinayak_kammar (270)
• India
19 Dec 06
There is one who can work on this theory bcoz to work on this theory he has to take a rebirth which no one know before hand whether we will take a rebirth

@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
19 Dec 06
So you say a recurrence of life process similar to the one we are having now in far away future, now my question is that is it based on some new scientific findings or it is just what you feel?
If you have learnt it somewhere in the net please suggest the link, as, I'll like to learn more.

@vinayak_kammar (270)
• India
19 Dec 06
Don't belive such theories as such theories are outdated . we are in the 25th century

@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
18 Dec 06
As interesting as your theory is and I'm not dicounting it as a possibility. I just wonder if we are living our lives over and over and will continue to do so for years to come, why does it matter because you will never realize that this is what is happening. Yopu will never remember this life to be able to realize that the next one is different or the same. At some point you will have this theory again but only to forget it maybe in the next life. What do you think?
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I love pool! Or what did you call it? snooker! I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but the thing that next comes to my mind, is that when you hit the white cue ball, it takes an energy to do so. Some force has set it all in motion. Now, some religious folks find fault with the phrase "big bang" but I figure if God spoke the universe into existence, in one day, that was definitely some big bang! Now I agree with you that one ball hits another and a whole sequence of events is set up, and I do believe that is more or less what happend. But to my mind, things were purposely set on course in certain sequence and way, so as to bring about, a good and certain result, and very likely the best possible of 'end' results. Of course, to me the supreme power is the life force, you know the force be with you, life itself, that elusive thing scientists cannot find, nor pinpoint. To take your idea a bit further, I can't concieve of how a big bang and sequence of events leading to all this manifold life and intricacy... well, anyway I can't see how a big bang occurred randomly, bringing about all this sequence and order, as most big bangs or explosions one ever seees, does not result in order, but a great breaking apartness, which by the way is the second most held law of science, which states that all matter, is tending toward falling apart, and decreased order, not increased order, so matter itself, which is always falling apart, forming into the complex order of the universe, and of life.. doesn't add up. Now some folks say the sun shining on matter, brought about life, but matter only increases order and utilizes the sun's energy, if it's alive. Take the branch of a tree, sap runs through it to the leaves, it increases order, using the energy as long as it's connected to the tree and is alive. But break it off the tree and all the sun does for it is to heat it up, like it will a compost pile, and it begins its disintegrating and breaking apart. Same with the leaf. Bodies, everything, matter not already 'alive' does not increase order and form complex universes and life forms. It must be that we are more than matter walking around. Did you know that there is a little known element called photon in the heart of granite. It's a lot like alka seltzer, in that it is very soon gone. That the photon is in the granite, very strongly suggests that the granite did not form over millions of years. This is actually good news. For there is hope that there is actually a purpose to life and that it is not just an anomaly.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
19 Dec 06
that is intresting but it is niot exactly unknown is it.except for one fuindamental change,the universe may occur again with all the same elements but we will not live in it other words,or rather for easy reference,if you open a box and reseal it again,you would not be able to seal the same way the box had been sealed.there would have been some microscopic difference.but even after say a million tries you have managed to seal it the same way,it still would be different,how?by the very fact that time has elapsed.that is the box at time 0 is not the same box at time 1 millionth second.therefore your principle is flawed!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
19 Dec 06
wow! talk of idle brain, nothing better to do? OK, no pun intended, but if you do live this life again, why dont you try and do something worthwhile so that the future world becomes a better place to live? (instead of daydreaming & theorizing?)
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 06
Yeah, i do agree that, if time is infinite, anything could be possible, like if the big bang keeps happening infinitely, it might happen that 2 big bang sequence are identical, from explosion to collapse. But the possibility of the big bang sequence is also infinite. In maths, infinity could be cancelled out by infinity as well. There the possibility of having repeated big bang sequence are exactly identical is near to absolute zero and is no longer our concern anymore. Your theory is interesting, but did it ever cross your mind that we might be in multidimensional space where there are millions of big bang on-going? Given the space outside our universe is infinite, there is also a possibility of an identical big bang happening simultenously in the other dimension or space out there, exactly like us :)
@paravai (25)
• India
19 Dec 06
@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I believe in this theory to a point. I think eventually the way society is going, we will end up blowing up somehow, someway. I mean there are bombs, and other ways to destroy this happens, it happens that is the way it was meant to be...
@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
19 Dec 06
See whatever THEORY or ARGUMENTS you propose, please think how the first action had taken place and by whom.This thought finally leads you to the conclusion that some one had taken the first step.To do all this size of activities for billions of years, the Univers has a master, whom we call with different names but dont accept that he is unique, one and all powerful.
@TheApparition (337)
• India
19 Dec 06
This is quite an interesting thought!!!
The analogy of two snooker ball is also enlightening.
My question is regarding Time.Do you suppose the existence of an absolute time ?Was their time between the end of the cycle and start of the next cycle?
I get this doubt because , I feel the during the 'rebirth'(either by BB or anything else) both space and time ceases to exist.
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
So everything's just theories added by your postulates while there are other theories on pile. Your imagination and logic is so great but for me I would live my life in the eternal now no more no less.