Ghosts vs. Demons
By faelady
@faelady (161)
December 18, 2006 1:36pm CST
I believe in ghosts, and I believe in demons. That is: ghosts are the spiritual remains of people who have died but are stuck here on the earthly realm; demons are creatures from another dimension that also walk on this earth. I have seen both forms, and many entities over the years, and can tell you that they are two very different species.
In fact, ghosts don't even realized that there are demons around. Different spheres.
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44 responses
@fyrescryer (912)
• United States
18 Dec 06
So are you saying that ghost and demons are both here but on different levels/planes??? And that no ghosts see demons? This is interesting to me. I hear and see spirits sometimes. I have done ouija as well but when i do that things tend to drain me and i get very tired, and i am always worried that someting bad will come and am always on the lookout for it. I do things that will protect me from them but if you are saying that ghosts and demons are on different levels/planes then technically when i am talking with a spirit then no demon should be able to be there because i am communicating with something on a different plane? Is this what you mean or am i totally off here, lol!!!
@faelady (161)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
Yes, they are on different planes, and yes ghosts can't tell that there are demons around.
However, some demons do have the ability to manipulate ghosts, and travel through them (sometimes as a "possession" of sorts). Why? Because unlike ghosts, they realize that there are other planes of existence. Demons need to get across to our side - I haven't been able to figure out why, just that some are fanatic about it. They can use ghosts as portals to get closer to us.
That's why ouija is very dangerous - cause we can't tell if the spirit we are talking to is actually who we think it is, or a demon pretending to be. Which is how some demons trick their way across the veil.
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@fyrescryer (912)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Yes i would have to agree with you there ouija is very dangerous and should not be "played" as a game. People just don't know what they can open up by doing that. I myself tend to pull things into me, i have no idea how i do it i just do, i find that after a session of ouija i am worn down to the bone and heavy with burden so i have to go outside and ground myself for a bit to feel "clean" if you will. I have had experiences on the astral plane as well and i don't know why or how i do it. Obviously you are of like mind so if you would like to hear about it more just pop me an e-mail and i will be glad to share. I am always looking for others who have had similar experiences but LOL have never found even one yet. ( of course living in the bible belt does not help!) Oh and yes i have been talking to what was supposed to be a deceased friend of mine and i had an inkling it was not really him so i threw a test and all i know is it wasn't something very nice. These things scare me and i don't really understand why i can do them, and i cant seem to find anyone who can explain it o me either. Most are non believers or they just think your a freak, however i have seen, heard, and felt things that are not of this relm and i know that they exhist.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
18 Dec 06
I believe in both as well and I also believe the ghost don't realize demons are around. But I believe that while ghosts can't physically harm you just make themselves known, demons can actually harm you.
@learnandearn (254)
• China
19 Dec 06
Interesting! But why ghosts don't know there are demons only because they are in the different planes? I mean why do u know them around. Are u in the same sphere with one of them? Just kidding! There's old sayings about this in China: they exist when u believe it, while they don't when u misdoubt them.
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@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I've personally seen both, many, many times. I was connected these sphere for years, where I learned a lot of things before I cut off the bond.
Ghosts are very self-absorbed. They usually can't see anything but themselves and what they remember of their old life. They usually don't even realize that we're here, let alone demons.
@viorelsnake (99)
• Romania
19 Dec 06
The word ghost has been used since biblical times. In Matthew 14:25-26
it states: Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them,
walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea,
they were troubled, saying "It is a ghost!" And they cried out in fear.
If a ghost is nothing but a departed soul then why did these disciples
have fear? Could it have been fear of the unknown? Lack of
understanding, or did these disciples believe this entity or ghost they
were seeing was infact a demon?
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@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Lack of understanding. Really, it's hard to grasp concepts that defy our understanding of the world.
Whether it be someone walking on water (impossible!) or that ghosts are in the same space as you are (huh?), it's natural for us to be scared of such ideas and push them away as nonsense.
Note that though there are Doubting Thomases, those that believe will understand the greater workings of things.
@brabus13 (59)
• Romania
19 Dec 06
As a ghost hunter and paranormal investigator, I have had my share of experiences with ghosts. I have also had my share of people asking me how I know it was a ghost that made those experiences happen. My response goes something like, 'when I get my hair pulled, my shirt pulled or I get pushed and, when turning around there is no one there, it’s hard for me to say that it’s not a ghost. When performing an investigation, I know where the other members of the group are and the realization that I was touched by something that no longer exists as a part of this world, becomes very profound to me. It took an extreme amount of energy for that ghost to perform that action and he/she picked me to do it to. I feel very honored. It is not often that one is chosen for such an honor.
As I am able to discuss the effects of dealing with a ghost, I think it is proper at this point to discuss the possibilities of demons. First, let me make it very clear that in over ten years of performing investigations in buildings, graveyards and homes I have never come across anything evil or malevolent. I am not saying that there isn’t anything like that out in this world but it is not something that I have ever come across.
Personally, I don’t believe that such things exist. I also don’t believe that these things have anything to do with religion or God. You cannot demand them to go away in the name of the Lord. The Lord didn’t make them. How can you expect the Lord to take them away? Religion has nothing to do with any of these things.
Demonologists cannot take away things that are evil. Taking the word for what it is and means – demon is obvious in that it is something not from this world but –ology is “the study of”, therefore, demonologist stands for someone who studies demons. The word doesn’t stand for remover of demons. I have a difficult time understanding, let alone believing that someone…a human being can take away something that is made from evil. Standing in the middle of a room with a cross that has probably been blessed does not make evil leave. It does make the person performing this ritual and the person who lives in the house feel much better but it serves no other purpose.
The idea that someone can be possessed is not an impossibility I suppose, however, I find that more often than not, it is merely the “raging hormone syndrome”. This is a phrase I have coined recently to explain the pre-pubescent hormonal feelings that emerge from young children that are soon to be young adults.
Demons are beings from the underworld, beings that might have super powers or are able to make humans submit to its’ whims. Demons are beings that have been made up by placing them in movies and on television. In my religion, there is heaven, hell and purgatory. I have learned of hell and what it constitutes, that is, the raging fires that burn in hell and all who must remain there because they have sinned. I don’t know if there is a hell but I do believe that there is a heaven. I believe that there is an all-knowing God.
I think that there are plenty of explanations that are manmade or natural that will explain the demons that present themselves in our world these days. I believe it is more of a psychological or psychosomatic entity than an entity that can overpower a young person’s mind and make them do whatever they want.
Our world has so many pressures in it that we are no longer the easygoing people we once were. We live in a world of hate, war, famine and to deal with our family life diminishing before our eyes makes it harder and harder to be surrounded by positive energy. We need to go to extremes to make the negative energy remove itself from our presence and continue to allow the positive energy, which makes us happy and comfortable, continue to thrive in our lives. Hopefully we are able to continue this ritual and be able to grow in our spiritual and physical lives.
This is all you need to know about...
@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Thanks for your response! *waves to the fellow ghost hunter*
I agree that ghosts are not malevolent. I agree that demons have nothing to do with spirituality.
I have seen possessions (in non-teens). I have come across many "demons" that are just doing their own thing, even though I don't understand it.
However, I have had a few experience which are most certainly blatant evidence of malicious intent.
Thanks again for your comments.
@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
19 Dec 06
You can see the ghosts and demons in and around you.Those keep on spoiling your peace of mind are ghosts and those harm your interests are demons for you in this world.They are there for everyone and in large numbers in this world.
In day today life everyone experiences this phenomena and to find peace in our life we have to articulate this art of living with such ghosts and demons as one cannot avoid entirely such elements in the society.
@Astarte (812)
• Italy
19 Dec 06
In Greek and Roman culture Daemons were not only evil creatures. Daemons mean "fate", "god" and "divin power". Greek daemons was good (they call them Eudaemons) and evil (Kakodaemons). Eudaemons were like the Christian Guardian Angels, they protect and watched human beings. In Ancient Rome we found the figure of Genius (similar for some aspects as Eudaemon).
I think Demons are inside of us.. They are not creature for other dimension with a material body. Demons live in our fears, in our doubts, in our anxiety...
@moonflowerpixy (536)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I don't know if I have ever seen a daemon. I do believe I have seen a ghost. Maybe even a couple of them. I definately have had experiences that were completely unexplainable. I believe all things are possible no matter how improbable!
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@knucklehead (73)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I do belive in Ghost. We have two in are house. One is a woman. She mostly stayes in our den. My son say she hums. He has had his friends hear her to. The funny thing about that he never had told them about it they asked him about it her. the other is a man the first time I Had a encounter with him I was on the computer and I keep hearing someone walk back and forth in my daughters room I was the only one at home. If you are right about demons I think we have one of them to. When My husband was working at night. I had gone to bed one night and had this ever unnerving feeling I wasn't alone in the room It was so strong I had to get out of the room. When I went back later it was gone.
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@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
"He has had his friends hear her to. The funny thing about that he never had told them about it they asked him about it her."
Isn't it interesting that just when you think you're crazy and seeing things, someone else confirms it? I've had this happen, and at first it freaked me out cause who wants to have it confirmed that there ARE spirits out there.
If you feel like you have to leave the room again, do. If it becomes too much, then find something to bring into the room to protect and comfort you. It doesn't matter what it is - just that it's important to you. It could be a vial of holy water, a bird's feather, a dreamcatcher - whatever. Just something that you have faith in. It will help guard the boundaries for you.
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I've always thought of ghosts as the "imprints" of people on the local energy. Like recordings. They don't seem to have much in the way of sentience. Which would explain your observation that they don't see the demons.
Demons I have always figured are not necessarily evil, but they are so alien as to have motivations and goals that are completely unfathomable to us. So you know, might as well be malevolent as far as we're concerned.
@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
You and I think very much alike.
Some ghosts really are just "imprints". As a whole, ghosts usually are so self-absorbed that they can't see out of their own little world. They don't realize that we're here either. They just bump along, confused most of the time, trying to live out the life they were used to. Though, there are those that stick around for a reason - usually to impart information.
"Demons I have always figured are not necessarily evil, but they are so alien as to have motivations and goals that are completely unfathomable to us."
Bang on. I have a few ideas, but not anything complete yet.
@terminator_44 (44)
• India
19 Dec 06
u need to dear visit they do exist...
but its good at least u'll not frighten at its sight if u son;t know its a ghost and ur belief that there is no ghost will take u through... :)
@pure_soul (21)
• United States
19 Dec 06
hmmm....have u ever actually seen anyone of these species?:-/....i mean...really seen? sounds freaky:)....yesterday i went to one of my friends place and they have something similar to what u have said at there place coz things happen all of a sudden like we were sitting in the dining area and the lounge's lights turned on then that dish washer started then they told us like it's time for us to go upstairs as in morning they r up we r down and at night they r down and they want us to go up:-/....was really weird....
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
I myself am basing my beliefs in the Bible. I haven't seen any ghosts yet but have experienced some strange things that might be considered as ghostly visits. I do believe that there are demons and that they are Lucifer's angels. All I have to do is believe in the Bible and live its teachings.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I do believe that there is good and evil in this world...all you have to do is to look around and see that. I have not personally seen any ghosts or demons...and I really don't believe in all that...however there are people who apparently have? I don't know if I believe all that, but I sure don't want to find out either....
@harsh1985 (593)
• India
19 Dec 06
well i am not intrested to go into details..
because it is really confusing and not belive in both form..i strongly belive in god and i know that if god is with you....don't need to afraid by anyone...ghosts or demons
@terminator_44 (44)
• India
19 Dec 06
i have seen ghosts but never demons... so it seems u r my guide to these different spheres... :)
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 06
I too believe in ghosts but their existence is not as important as ours. This is because we humans are much more smarter than ghosts, so we are able to empower them if we know the way to do it. I believe if we have strong heart I mean if you are brave the ghosts will be afraid of you and therefore will not disturb you.
@faelady (161)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Yes, if you are brave they can't bother you. Will is all important.
And you're right about humans being smarter than ghosts. Though, think of it more that we're aware of other things around us, and we can change and adapt to them. Ghosts are stuck in themselves and in rigid thinking.
@LunarCrusade (119)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 06
Ghosts? Demons?
Hmm...I think they are real.
Yeah, they are different. Very different.