Dear Sir/Madam...Merry Christmas... Pay this or see you in Court...
By megs85
@megs85 (3142)
December 18, 2006 2:29pm CST
I have until the 26th December to come up with around 12,000 dollars. No Joke. Any ideas? Otehr than robbing a bank which to be honest I'm half tempted to do. I'm not usually a "poor me" sort of person, but I don't particularly want to go to jail and leave my seven month old son. How the h*ll am I supposed to make repayments with no job? How can I get a job when my wage won't cover childcare? "Oh hang on kido mum's gotta go to work now look afetr yourself for a few hours..." The government doesnt give me help (Oh hang on I get 30 bucks a week- his formula costs more than that)... So tell me, what the H*LL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? Noone will help. I dont have the moeny. I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY, and I am so sick of all of thsi I honest to God feel like jumping in front of a car. If it wasnt for my son I would...
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38 responses
@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
That really sucks!
You must be American, since our gov't would be there to assist you with living costs, education, medical blah blah blah.
Do you have family that could help you with child care? Don't most companies offer some sort of daycare when you work for them?
Geez, I really don't understand why the government puts people in these situations. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
18 Dec 06
YOu ohaven't said what sort of debt this is but if it is a credetor they can't put you in jail for long as its not a fine with the local constabulary.
If you haven't tried arranging a different repayment plan you can try that. If it is with a collection agency they can sue you but all that means is they go to court and ask that you pay it....the judgement spells out how th payments must be made, and if you don't make them then the might hold you in contempt of court. What that would mean for you depends on where you live.
If you are taken to court, DO show up. One of the favorite things for collectors and attorneys to do is get you really scared so that you are so afraid that you don't show up. That way they win by default and you are stuck with whatever they get the judge to put down as the judgment.
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@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
18 Dec 06
Its a number of different debts. Credit Carsd, personal Loans, etc... Most of the time we dont even have enugh for rent. We pay for our sons food, nappies, etc and half the time we cant even afford to eat. How am I going to make any sort of payment arrangement? I have treid in the past and all I got was "Sorry, we cant help you..." and "No, thats not acceptable..." I have to go bankrupt and I know it, but Im just frustrated coz I've had three collection agencies knock on my door in the last 24 hours demanding payment within a week... Christmas Day/Boxing Day taht will make it. I'm like "Yeah Merry Christmas t you too buddy..."
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Dec 06
SageMother is very right..the collectors PURPOSELY do things like this to intimidate you (including pickign this time of yr)..and she is also right in saying that if you have a court date GO TO IT! if you skip out on that you are without a doubt SCREWED...if you show up and explain to the judge your situation I'd be very surprised if the judge doesnt arrange for you to make payments....NOW BEFORE YOU SAY "I CANT MAKE PAYMENTS" LISTEN TO ME....should the judge make payment arrangements, accept it but ask if its possible for it to being in Feb or so so you have time to make arrangements blah blah blah..that buys you time! not a lot of time but time none the less....get through the holidays....go at your finacial situation from a different angle...look into filing bankrupcy which from the sounds of it is going to be your best bet...scrounge up the money for hte first payment or so (that way the courts see you making an effort) THEN file bankrupcy....
ALSO you should look into any assistance programs that are available to you, any government programs that are available to you and so on some sort of budget and stick to it...simple things like getting rid of cable tv..if you have a cell phone get rid of it..only buy necessities when it comes to groceries (never mind the quick heat and serve meals, brand name items or take out etc) and make sure you have staple foods in your house..I just finished telling one of my nieces not too long ago that if you have ground beef, spices/seasons and a side (rice, pasta, potatos) you can make anything....use coupons, only buy foods on sale, if you have a long distance service on your phone that you have to pay for (rather than a flat rate plan) cancel it and tell ppl they'll have to call you on their bill because you cant afford runnign up a bill right now...and the real kicker for a lot of ppl..if you have items at home that you really DONT need, sell them (for example we have 3 computers, 3 tvs...if it came to the crunch we'd be selling two of book collection and DVD collection I've had to rebuild a few times in my life, jewelry..all my gold i had to pawn when my daughter was a baby etc)..its only material things, if it really holds no serious sentimental value (like something your grammy gave you before she passed away for example) then its replaceable...
These are just suggestions..I really have no idea what your spending habits are like and its none of my business..I have no idea what your shopping habits are like and again its none of my biz..I'm just givin you ideas that I know worked for me etc...
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@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
19 Dec 06
Well, I thinkyou can declare bankrupcy megs, depending where you are, and whatever you do, dont give it up.
I can have my lawyer check your options, if you need it, email me at
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@1fatpig (785)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
Well , here in Australia they have a single parents payment .. say around $350.00 a week paid by the goverment , go to your centrelink office and apply , theres a lot of help in Australia theres different groups and organisations that will help .. somehow this sounds like a scam . Im sorry if Im wrong but I cant see how you got into this mess in the first place ....
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
here in australia i am not a single parent and therfore am not entitled to the money. scam my a$$ watch your mouth, i am not in the mood to be doubted. i live in melbourne, wanna come to my place and look at the letters demanding payment.
i am so sick of hearing oh go get a job, if it were that simple i woulda done it already.
i have made some shocking money choices, but i am not an idiot!
how i got into this mess in the first place...
banks giving loans, credit cards etc to young, naive, unemployed students- yes its my fault, and yes I was silly to do it, but its done, and what am i supposed to do now?
I'll tell you one thing about this grand country of ours.
And so you should be sorry just for the record, im not moaning about not knowing who the father of my baby is, or asking how to deconstruct a space station...
i was genuinely asking for advice, but you know what?
typical. just another aussie that doesnt give a damn about their neighbours.
@viking888 (390)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
Sorry for telling you this but you are in a dilemma that you created yourself. If you owed the credit card companies and the loan companies, it only means you were living beyond your means and that is disastrous. Younger generations now really has a problem with understanding what our elders has taught us early in life: "Work hard, play hard, live your life to the fullest as long as you can afford it." Well at least what our elders say to the young. I was told that. I did not listen and I found myself in the same situation as you are sometime in my life. I recovered from it though through series of lifestyle changes. I had to satisfy myself with what I had while working my way back to where I was. It worked and now I am careful...
Don't believe the lawyers, they want to be able to collect. No one gets jailed for a loan owed. The time, trouble and money it will cost the company will not be less than the 12,000 you owe them so they will not pursue, specially knowing that you may not be able to pay anyway. Good Luck!
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@Tanika (632)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
Heya, i just noticed that you are in australia - which means that if you are taken to court for these debts and can prove financial hardship which doesnt sound like it would be a problem then your creditors HAVE to accept ANY form of payment plan you can provide.
i know this because i too have been in your situation and still am to some degree. i had over 10,000 dollars worth of debts and was taken to court for non payment of them. i too thought that my only option would be to go bankrupt. i got free legal aid and i told my situation and was informaed that they are legally obliged to accept any payment you can provide based upon you circumstances.
I know they will say it is not acceptable and that they need some riduculous amount of money from you but if you are making the effort then they must accept it. and if you tell them 'i can pay 5 bucks a week and if thats not acceptable then you will have to take me to court' they will usually accept that rather than going to court becasue they know that if it comes to court they will be told the same thing anyhow when your finances are reviewed.
i am sorry you are going through this and i hope you can see your way to the other end, Tanika.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Dec 06
You are fabulous!! Hopefully Megs will read this and it'll ease her mind a little...its easy for some of us in other countries in different circumstances to offer advice and hope that it'll help but iwth you being from the same country and formerly being in a very similar situation I htink you're advice is far closer to helpful then some of ours...
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
19 Dec 06
i'm so sorry to hear that! but that's a huge sum of money!!! it's really hard to come up with that sum in such a short time...i dont know much about the law in USA, but in msia, i think you can try to default a few payment and if it's no more than 3 months default, i think they will not be able to take any action...but whatever it is....i hope things will be ok for you soon! Dont worry too much and dont think silly have your son to take remember how happy you were when your son say his first word?? Take Care, my friend!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
19 Dec 06
what about your husbands wages? i mean he leaves at 5 am and returns at 9pm or later , he must be on a good wage, what does he do with the money ?
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
He makes a pittance, and the money he does earn is used to pay rent (over a grand a month), bills (around 2000bucks a month), food, nappies, wipes, clothes for my growing son, paying off family members that we owe thousands to, paying off other loans that he is...etc. It goes nowhere. This is why he is working such long hours, because of this stuff. This is why I'm selling on ebay...etc. Because of all this... Make sense now?
@BulletsMama (221)
• United States
19 Dec 06
You say you have no job because you don't have daycare. Have you tried finding a job in daycare? That way you could take your child to work with you. There are tons of jobs out there that are kid just have to get out there and get one. There is no way in h*ll that I would sit and say that I can't do this or that and expect free money from anyone...No one will help you if your not helping yourself. Been there done that....I understand that your freaked out but go out and pound the pavement look for will come to you.
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
You need to have qualifications to work in day care. Ive started an ebay business and made $100 in one week, but that doesnt solve my immediate problem. I dont expect handouts and I am trying my @$$ off to find a job but its kinda hard when the only ones that are going require experience and or qualifications that I dont have. AND I still have noone to care for my son...
@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
19 Dec 06
omg. what is wrong? ok i got a plan for you. but i think you wont like it. Have your passport ready and everything. Then buy a ticket to central america or mexico or any other country that pay a lot for call center. you can work at a call center. Since your an american they will pay you higher because you can speak english. sooo if you have an extra get out of there. just a suggestion but dont get mad.
@barbarella (354)
19 Dec 06
What would probably happen in court is that they will assess how much you have coming in and how much of that you need and then will arrange for a very small amount to be taken out of your benefits each week to repay the debt. It will mean you are slightly worse off but if you already don't have enough to live then it will be virtually nothing that they take so I don't think you should worry too much.

@nhtpscd (1416)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
A working bankruptacy is one that is removed after you have paid it off. You make regular small payments till done. Also if the do take you to court here and offer to pay a certain amount the court will make them accept it . Put you offer to pay them in writing of a certain amount per fortnight they cant just make demands. Keep a copy yourself. But it all depends on how long the debt has been in place and how many warnings they have sent you.

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I don't know much about things in your country but ours provides something called WICK. They give pregnant mothers and children under 5 Milk, formula, eggs, cheese juice and fresh fruits and vegetables. Maybe you could check to see if there are any programs like that available to you. You could also get a hold of a local church or two. Many here have food pantries, if they don't they will tell you where to find one. Have you ever considered babysitting for pay? I used to do that when my kids were little so I could stay home with them.
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
Thanks for the idea about contacting the church for food, thats a good one. I have thought about babysitting but I dont know how competent id be with more than one child... and there is a surplus of babysiters in my area thatw ill come to your home and babysit for next to nothing, but thanks for the practical advice...
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
20 Dec 06
At least you are thinking about babysitting. I know way to many people who babysit just for the money. They are mean and impatient with the children that are not theirs and the poor children suffer.
I know a church will help you. They help me all the time.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
19 Dec 06
Well am sorry to say even if you earn it via any means even if you go for a job you cannot earn that much
But you can go for a loan maybe
Or yes the last resort
Rob a bank!
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 Dec 06
If you have a court date then what you should do is get it continued or make a payment arrangement.I dont think you will go to jail unless its a crime that has been committed.Pray and things will get better have faith.You might want to go to your local social service and apply for assistance.Do you love children? Fosterparents I think get money for keeping children. They class is 4 or 6 weeks
@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Is this a credit card issue? Dont run with it but do negotiate with them. Try to check my discussion with the subject of cash or credit in my page maybe that will help you out. I'm sorry to hear that. Merry Christmas and don't forget to pray. Godbless.