Unosolved Mysteries of the world - CROP CIRCLES
By pyari_bulbul
@pyari_bulbul (111)
December 18, 2006 6:40pm CST
Crop circles are geometrical formations of flattened crops seemed to be based on the principles of sacred geometry found in many countries but mainly in England. They have been found in wheat, barley, canola, rye, corn, linseed and soy. Many pattern are even found in snow.
History of crop circles is not new. The earliest recorded crop circle is depicted in a 17th century woodcut called the Mowing-Devil. The image depicts a strange creature creating a circular design in a field of corn.
Researchers have found the evidence of strong magnetic and electric field within the crop circles also some phenomenon which can't be generated by humans like very high temeperature which doesn't destroy the stems but bend it.
SO what do u think about it?? is it pure hox or some unsolved mystery of the world?? or some signature of aliens left on our planet..might be related with higher dimensions.. who knows??
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35 responses
@Redzion13 (195)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I'm not very educated about crop circles but I do know one thing. Almost everything involving crop circles that you see on television has many flaws. They focus on one small fact even though there are many that oppose it. I'm not saying that I believe in either side. In fact I don't. I do however believe that there is life somewhere else in the solar system. The statistics have proved that it would almost be impossible for there not to be. On the topic of crop circles though, I think that most of them (NOT ALL!) are kids trying to pull a prank.
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@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
our brain generally process the information about images or symbols collectively rather than processing information about each piece seperately until unless we need it. I think in this situation actual information about middle small pieces are blurred and then its interpolated by brain just to fit in the whole collective image or symbol information...
@vinney_143 (662)
• India
19 Dec 06
Crop circles are those things which were shown in the film 'signs', right? I didn't know anything about it. May be, aliens or some insane humans work. Do you have any idea about bermuda triangle. I am very curious about it. Answer to that in my thread,which talks about bermuda triangle.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
yeah i heard about bermuda triangle mystery in earlier days but not now anymore as its related with strong magnetic fields in that region..
@benoybose (155)
• India
19 Dec 06
I am hearing this for the first time. I am studying about crop circle from the source
@nanna_m (71)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I believe that if they ARE hoaxes, somebody has way too much time on their hands. LOL... Look at some of these designs and the sizes. If people are making them, and I'm not saying they're not, then I'd like to see them at work to see how it's done. I don't dwell on crop circles, but I do find them very interesting.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
yeah surely those are interesting..and many designs are related with comples sacred geometery
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
yeah surely those are interesting..and many designs are related with complex sacred geometery
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
19 Dec 06
I do think there is alien work behind to most of them. It's very difficult for a human being to create such large designs. It has to be a whole team, with extremely good equipment etc.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
i agree even whole team can't make such complex structures within such less time interval...i think cropcirles are created overnight or less time..aliens might not be there but some natural phemonenon is definitely related with it which is unknown to us till now..
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
yeah it seems to be related with magnetic field...balls of lights can also be related with magnetic field as we know about auroras..but marked bending of stem cells which is possible in very high temerature can be also related with magnetic fields?? and do these crop circles form on the same place again n again??? if not then either magnetic field strength changes or something else is also related with it.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
yeah but we should know wats happening around our
@jesi06 (279)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Although there are many hoaxs, I believe some of them are indeed real and I hope they stay "unsolved mysteries." I am sure everyone wants to believe Earth is the only place there is "life" but we would have to be ignorant to truly believe that. Let's all just pray they are friendly :)
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
"Let's all just pray they are friendly:)" ... this statement reminds me of the movie "independence day" :-)
@mhahax030 (8)
• China
19 Dec 06
Although there are many theories as to their creation, none have been able to explain satisfactorily exactly how the circles are made. But, perhaps some of the most persuasive evidence comes in the form of video taped footage showing small bright balls of white light in and around the crop circles. Many of these lights have been filmed in broad daylight and the objects seem to move with purpose and intelligence, could this hint at a possible link between these balls of light and the formation of crop circles?
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
i saw one of that video clip and yeah i also think there must be some link between those balls of light and formation of crop circles.
@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I don't know how to explain these, but I think they are neat :)
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
we can be able to explain things when we have full knowlege about the subject...hehehe this is the job for the researchers right now
@sikkim (113)
• India
19 Dec 06
whatever be the outcome as some say there is life in other planets that does it but its true most of the crop circle are human made to hoax others.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
i believe in aliens :) and yeah those humans who made these hoaxs are also interesting
@alainnmiog (660)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I saw on a documentary or a new program a couple of years ago about crop circles. They actually showed two young men creating a few crop circles. The men showed how they made them, how they designed them, and just how incredibly easy they were to make. Maybe not all crop circles are hoaxes, but many of them are. I also don't believe that Earth has the only intelligent life in the universe.
@cowboyzfan (718)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I don't know about these things. It either could be a prank or something can actually be out there.
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I don't think that people should mess with things like that. There are some things that man was not meant to know. We try to find out about dangerous things because we are prideful and think we cannot be hurt, but we are wrong. We should stay well away.
@pyari_bulbul (111)
• Belgium
19 Dec 06
humans are superior than other animals coz human brain is curious and want to explore unknown things..
@InsaneFishy (27)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Truthfully, I find the main majority of crop circles are human made, mainly to mystify curious people, or attract publicity to a certain area. The ones that aren't man made... well... I believe they're made by aliens who take pit stops at Earth to refuel their highly advanced hydrogen powered spaceships.
Of course, I find it rather strange that the farmers who find these crop circles are mystified, instead of pissed off at the fact that someone screwed up their crops.