Evolution theory a Religion?
By fsustriker
@fsustriker (826)
United States
December 18, 2006 6:52pm CST
I personally myself believe that it is a religion, and not a scientific fact. I am a Christian, and believe in God, and think that he created everything. I am not saying that people cant believe in Evolution, but how can it just be taught like it is fact. Is it not so, that there are many leaks in it? and stuff that just cant be explained? They say that they cant teach creation, because how can we know that there is a God. But than how can we teach that, when we cant even tell how old things are. I went up to a professer, I asked him, How do you tell how old a fossil is. and he said by what layer of rock it is in, but than later I thought hey how you know how old the layer of rock is, and he said, by this fossil being there. So the fossil theory is just a loop relying on the other, with no certain fact.
Hey, It could be real I dont think so, But is there really any proof to this fact of it being creation. People think it is impossible for there to be a God who created us all. But is it really any different in believing a bowl of soup that turned into a rock, that turned into a tadpole type thing, that jus somehow turned into a human is realistic? So I think that there has to be alot of faith on Evolution to think its true. But than having to believe its true without certain facts, doesn't that consider as a religion? What do you all think?
No bashing what I said I would give a negative remark. Just post your oppinions, doesnt have to agree. But also no bashing others replies. keep this to being nice to eachother. its just your oppinion, dont have to all agree now do we.
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20 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Dec 06
I completely understand what you are saying. I don't believe in either one, Genesis or Evolution. However I don't really have a problem with them teaching Evolution in school, I just make sure my girls understand, it's a theory, not a fact. I then show them all the holes in it. To me this just further support what I have always told my girls, don't ever just take what people tell you as truth, look it up and judge for your self.
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@fsustriker (826)
• United States
19 Dec 06
very nice way of putting it. Great thing to teach your daughters I think. Even thought they should trust some people, but theories, should be judged by the individual, and a theory could turn into a huge belief, but still false, no one knows for sure.
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@SerpentsTongue (67)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Well fossils can now be dated using a process called Carbon dating that is pretty accurate. I don't see why evolution and religion cannot coexist. Why can't God have created evolution? Just my humble opinion. It is just there is a lot of proof and fact to evolution that religion doesn't begin to have. Christianity just has the Bible. Evolution has Carbon Dating and similarities in DNA and fossils of humanoids that evolved, such as Australeopithicus and Neanderthal man. It sounds like your professor just didn't want to fully explain it to you. And by the way, I am religious as well as believing in evolution.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
It's unfortunate that the word "theory" has a different meaning in science than it does in every day usage.
In science a theory is a step up from a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative guess as to how a set of observed facts can be explained. A hypothesis becomes a theory, when new facts continue to fit with that explanation, and the explanation can be used to make predictions that can be verified (and HAVE BEEN verified) through experiment.
Yet we use the word "theory" casually in our every day language often when we have an unproven idea about something.
The two concepts are not equivalent.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
today we come to know that darwin hypothised that the living beings are evolved from non lving things
and his hypothesis had attained the status of a theory
but darwin provided a very stupid idea about evolution that tahe anerobic bacteria had been evolved from elements like carbon hydrogen and oxygen etc
so there is some one who made everthing possible
and that proves THE theory of SPECIAL CREATION
THE CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION from non living things is wrong
@maximus2006 (835)
• Hong Kong
19 Dec 06
In my opinion, the Evolution theory is reasonable while it has it own weakpments.
About the age of a fossil,it can be measured with morden technology calld the Carbon 14 detecting method(I can't remember the name clearly,sorry,but it does exist.)
As fas as I know,the weakments of evolution theroy is that it can't explain the sudden increase of species during certain period. Nowadays ,there are many new thoeries trying to fix the weakments of evolution theroy,but no one can be called excellent. There are still many secrets unsolved.
I think sometimes we can explain it from the angle of religon while it is just a hypothesis because no one knows what happened million years ago. we always depend on religion if we can't explain something.
@sangeethsaagar (6)
• India
19 Dec 06
Evolution-a single word that sparks controversy whenever pronounced right from day one is subjective to our belief whether to take as religious or scientific..even the concept of 'intelligent design' tat challenged its credibility failed in proving in itself as scientific..Still the question of irreducable complexity in micro life forms persists and its origin is attributed to some mysterious unknown powers as science puts it or 'god' as others believe..tats the real beauty and pathetic nature of idea itself because as a beleiver of god dickens himselves questions about it and arrives as a inconclusive result explaining the remainin 99percent of theory..simply put it..picture tat mystery as god if u want which also seems credible because god is a potential candidate for it or try to reason behind tat(which is quite impossilble as far as our six senses can reach)..but i personally no one should simply deny the theory itself on such clumsy grounds as human cannot explain everything and also dont confuse science and religion because true followers of both ways sees the ultimate as either god or science depending on their stream which are one and the same..
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
14 Jan 07
No, Evolution Theory is not a religion.
Religions have dogmas, that are undisputable truths that cannot be questioned in any way. Religions claim to give you a connection with a higher being (a god) and give you rules of behavior(morals that most don't follow) and to be a way of an afterlife.
Theory of Evolution is an very good attempt to explain how life evolve and changes. The theory of evolution has changed since it was first formulated and will keep changing, it is the best explanation we have, without it all biology makes absolutely no sense, it conforms with geological evidence, it has been observed, and confirmed. The fact that it is called a theory doesn't mean that it was not proved. It doesn't not attempt to explain how life appeared on earth, it explains how life evolved. If there is a problem with the theory people can write about it, challenge it, and change it, if they provide a coherent set of explanations, that are scientifically acceptable (sorry, there is nothing scientific in "god created everything").
So, no, Evolution Theory is not a religion, no matter what their detrators say, and they, most are creationists, are funny, they say "Theory of Evolution has gaps and contradictions", they forget to say that gaps and contradictions are minor ones, related to specific populations or which mechanisms explain better a given kind of event. They fail to provide a better, scientific explanation to substitute it.
I am not saying, Believe on Theory of Evolution because it is the TRUTH, I say that it has, in my opinion, scientific support and none of the characteristics that define a religion.
@fsustriker (826)
• United States
14 Jan 07
Question is it still not having to believe very hard in that something "Evolution" I believe in micro where small things adapt, yea, you can see that. But macro, with people evolving, and animals evolving into something else? We dont see this anywhere happening. Some things have deformations due to error, but thats it. And also, the most known macro evolutionary theory, of the Big bang. How the universe condensed to that small dot the size of a period, and exploded, into lightyears and light years away.... Our planet, starting as a rock, to turn into a soupy substance, which turned into a fish, that got legs, that than somehow got us... That takes alot of belief and faith in that to actually think thats what happen. I think that a religion is just a group of people who have a faith in something, which in my defination, would make Evolutionist a religion. I see no hard evidence of any of that happening. And if you think for a second that it has more proof than a religion. I'm not saying any certain one, but just the point of it. Thats kinda kinda pathetic, and you have to look at what you are studying. If thats how you think, you would have to not believe in the Bible, For it says what happened. making you believe that there is no God, cause other religions tell how the world came. And you would have to believe that scientists would have come up with all the equations out there, so you are basing your knowledge off of someone who might not have known for sure, and theres no way to proove it wrong. Just think, do you really think your Great Great Great Great Great Great Grand father, just add a few more greats, was a rock. I dont know about you, but I would rather not think I was from a rock...

@matt608 (843)
19 Dec 06
Sorry to post again in the same topic but this really annoyed me. Religion is just a part of evolution. It is a small stage in one species development (ours) that had/has a wide variey of benefits and was evolutionariliy beneficial. I.g. the group that felt they had a purpose, and felt bonded strongly togethor by religion had a better chance of surving. It is a result of us developing the ability to question our existence (the key difference between humans and animals) which occured some time after some of us stopped living in the tress like monkeys and found that it was actulay not that bad on land, and so we started to stad up-right, which allowed is to be very socialble animals, and religion was a usefull tool.
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
19 Dec 06
I am a christian,and like you ,are thought in religion that God created everything, science talks about evolution,Now i do believe that there is a higher power,who makes thing happen,but like u said ,that is our religious beliefs,Religion expects us to believe without asking questions,they call it faith,whereas science has a theory for every thing of questioning and deducing and coming to an answer,and unless supported by facts will not relie only on faith ,even other religions admits there is a God but Jesus is a prophet,according to them.I would say religion is a sensitive issue,lets leave each one to his beliefs,and God for all,after all what difference does it make whatever our beliefs we are co-existing in this world.Merry X,mas to u and fly. God bless.
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I agree with you. It is called hte theory of evolution for a reason. I don't mind that there is a theory of evolution but I wish it were not taught in schools as if it were real.
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@shijjukhan (207)
• India
19 Dec 06
i dont about this evolution and all........ i completely believe in god and i feel that it is he who made the universe..... i mean everything....... evolution theory is ok but wat about giving life........ there are many evidences of this.......... just think howcome only earth is only place where human can survive and no where else........ y r humans only on earth........ y the same evolution theory didnt occur on other planets........ or other universe....... this is unanswerable right. so there is some power which controls all these things and it god... no one else
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@manase79 (117)
• Romania
19 Dec 06
A religion is based on a supreme divinity, or more , a theory of the world creation, priests, rules or laws, myths, heroes or saints...I think the evolution theory can't be considered a religion...but was a great victory in front of the religion interference in the act of science
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@Cauios (31)
19 Dec 06
I am crhistan as well but still beleive in the evolution theroy as there is lot of info and fact to porve it, that is why they teach it has a fact. I personally beleive that god is there when sceintist can not explain things to make it happen like the big bang sceintists can not explain why it happend but they know it did has they hav found evidince about it.
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@matt608 (843)
19 Dec 06
Fossile dating is not a theory. We know how old 'that layer' is by radio carbon dating, and also other techniques that also involve the radioactive decay of molecules. What do you actually think the scientis just guess how old it was from the number of layers down? stratigraphy is a complex science and is not as simple as you made out.
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@robinjoseph80 (142)
• India
19 Dec 06
God is a creator.Creating all things.Religion is helping to reach God. So we can give a proof for creation through religion. Because we are created as a Christian by God.
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@guitarkidwr (224)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I think that it is fine to be atheist, but I wouldn't call it a religion. I am a Christian, so I don't really think atheism is a good thing, but I can live with it. Atheism is just facts, not a religion at all.
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@mindysbboy (33)
• United States
19 Dec 06
hmm.. its a flippin thoery. It is NOT fact, and should not be taught as fact. thats majorly wrong. I will get very rilled over this subject, and so ned to be quiet now, but...just...no.
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