United States
September 22, 2006 9:27pm CST
do you know the answer? I do. this is a trick question, yes there is a answer. I'll give the answer when there is 40 replies. Unless someone gets it first. good LUCK.
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50 responses
@Irishbabe (269)
3 Nov 06
40 replies now........... please tell
3 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
wolf pups - arctic wolf pupies
EVERYBODY GAVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT THE ANSWER IS-----IF---------. THATS THE ANSWER. if, is the biggest word (most used) in the dictionary.
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• New Zealand
3 Nov 06
yes its 40 now but is the word dictionary
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@gobeyu (25)
• Israel
3 Nov 06
i say its the word "WHAT", but thats a wild guess
3 people like this
@chihouse (213)
• United States
3 Oct 06
doesn't hurt to guess ..... the word "A" ?
3 people like this
@chihouse (213)
• United States
4 Oct 06
no I didn't think that would work because it's a trick question. I'm very abstract and not good with taking time and solving analytical problems ( brain teasers) but I will keep thinking about it.
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• United States
23 Oct 06
give up already?
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• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer has been posted on comment # 40.
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@shylesson (360)
• United States
2 Nov 06
ok so if it is a trick question then my guess is "PAGE"
3 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
NOPE, I'm putting the answer on comment # 40. But give me a few minutes to thank every body. everybody got a + for playing the game.
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@shylesson (360)
• United States
2 Nov 06
"the" is the most common used word in the dictionary, yeh?
• United States
2 Nov 06
then it's rigged cause anyone can 'justify' their responses with the trick.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
could be semantics are an issue here though: is it the word most commonly used that can be found in the dictionary, or the most common word physically used in the dictionary?
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• United States
2 Nov 06
yeah but it says that it is a TRICK QUESTION.
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@oresal (1350)
• El Salvador
2 Nov 06
coaguluspositivestaphillococusarius or something like that supercalifragilisticespialidotious
• United States
3 Nov 06
nope, thanks for playing, keep trying.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Nov 06
lmfao-- i vote for that one
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@forfein (2507)
2 Nov 06
Is that little word that everyone uses nearly everyday of their lives??? S E X By any chance?
3 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
nope, thanks for playing, keep trying.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer has been posted on comment # 40.
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@tomservo (164)
• United States
2 Nov 06
pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis would be the longest as a 45 character word. It was intended for a lung disease, but later researchers found out the word was to be a hoax.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
NOT, keep trying. Thanks for playing, PLEASE read the question closely, (biggest word is a metaphor) that's why I put most used in the title.
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@tomservo (164)
• United States
2 Nov 06
so bad english? if you are asking the most used word... time is the most used noun...and "the" is the most used common word in English.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
oops-- i posted 'the' already *looks down* before yas. :P
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@shylesson (360)
• United States
3 Nov 06
This question is ridiculous: #1. the most commonly used word IS "the" and you've stated this is an incorrect response. #2. within the word 'dictionary' itself, it would be 'a'** and you have stated this is an incorrect response. #3. If you are referring to being actually physically used within the actual book, there is no correct answer as you have not established which dictionary you are referring to. **though some may cite 'to' as being more used than 'a'.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
don't get mad, go to comment # 40, and just laugh.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
not mad-- just stating facts.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
not to mention the longest word has already been posted and rejected, so what other trick is to come out of the hat?
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• United States
3 Nov 06
I have heard this 1 before but I don't remember the answer.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
yes you no what I meant by this, but you didn't say anything?
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• United States
3 Nov 06
I posted the answer just one after you. you were # 39.
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@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
26 Oct 06
• United States
26 Oct 06
nope, but keep tying.
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• United States
27 Oct 06
nope, keep trying-thank you for playing.
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@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I think I got it.....noun?
2 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 06
The word "word"?
• United States
27 Oct 06
not the answer, no I didn't--I have been busy with other things. I just logged on a few minutes ago and trying to figure out the new mylot, so far I'm not too crazy about it. But I guess it will take some getting used too.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer has been posted on comment # 40.
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• United States
27 Oct 06
Did you abandon us? I want to know the answer!
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• United States
2 Nov 06
"time", "Person", "Affect"
• United States
3 Nov 06
NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. the answer will be posted on # 40. thanks for playing, everybody got a + for playing.
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• United States
2 Nov 06
'Me', 'You', 'ok'
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
2 Nov 06
"Ha ha ha?" sorry, couldn't resist.
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
3 Nov 06
There have been over 40 guesses, what is the answer?
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• United States
3 Nov 06
I'm putting the answer on comment # 40, look there in a few minutes. I have to thank everyone for playing first. but everybody did get a + for playing. even YOU. LOL
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• United States
3 Nov 06
every time I post a topic and people come to my post I will give + to almost evrybody, some people are just plane crude. and I do mean hatefully crude, so those people get a - by there name. you have been a good sport, thanks for playing.
@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Thanks for the plus, I am just curious what the answer is.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
FOR LOVE ? MAKE LOVE ? FOR THE LOVE OF? LOVING ? love, affection, devotion, fondness, infatuation?
2 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
NOPE none of these, you were closer with, the. thanks for playing, keep trying.
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• United States
2 Nov 06
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
is it the male anatomy or the females?
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@shylesson (360)
• United States
2 Nov 06
2 people like this
• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer is------IF.
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@camaroz28 (326)
• Italy
2 Nov 06
"noun", "verb", "adjective"?
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• United States
3 Nov 06
thanks again for playing.
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@forfein (2507)
2 Nov 06
It is ............................... ELASTIC Because it stretches and stretches and stretches ........
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• United States
2 Nov 06
NOPE, but that is a good answer. thank you for playing, keep trying, winner gets best response.
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• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer has been posted on comment # 40.
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
2 Nov 06
Easy! It's "smiles" there is a mile between each 'S'. Good riddle though.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Nov 06
nope, but I do like your answer. the winner will get best response by there name. everybody gets a plus just for coming here. Thank you for playing, keep trying.
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
2 Nov 06
Okay, I didn't see where someone posted smiles before me. Um... antidisestablishmentarianism.
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• United States
2 Nov 06
grrr i want to know!! lol
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• United States
3 Nov 06
the answer is on comment # 40, thanks for playing.
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@gobeyu (25)
• Israel
3 Nov 06
the longest word in the english dictionary is "Antidisestablishmentarianism", but you asked for the BIGGEST WORD not the longest, the answer i do not know but would probably kick myself when i find out.
• United States
3 Nov 06
nope, thanks for playing. time to give the answer.
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