Do u exercise regularly?

@anup12 (4177)
December 19, 2006 3:55am CST
Exercise is very importnat to keep your body fit I do it but sometimes I skip it also although not delibaretly I think i t is very importnat for all of us to do some sort of exercise to keep our body fit and fine
3 responses
• United States
19 Dec 06
Are you just telling this to us? Because I'm pretty sure everyone here already knows that. And it takes more than just " very important" to get people to actually exercise. You need to throw in some of the specific health benefits. 1. While you're exercising, your metabolism is revved, burning a bunch of calories. More caloried burned = more weight loss. 2. As far as long term benefits, exercise, especially weight-training, helps build stronger bones and prevent osteoperosis, increases your aerobic capacity (you won't get winded going up and down a flight of stairs, for example), and a host of other things. 3. Makes you look like a hot mama/sugar daddy.
1 person likes this
@anup12 (4177)
• India
20 Dec 06
Excellent response thanks very much for sharing the tips with all of us.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I exercise for atleast one hour daily.
• United States
22 Dec 06
i try to one week I aeem to do it pretty well and the next week I am off