How much does it cost you to get your hair cut??

@matt608 (843)
December 19, 2006 6:53am CST
It costs me £11 !!! I know that is really expensive, but there is nowhere cheaper here in Cambridge, England. What about you? dont worry about changing the currenccy.
3 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I dont know what that is. I live in the USA I pay $30 an its the one I trust. I have been going for years now.
@matt608 (843)
19 Dec 06
Im surprised at how expensive peoples are, I thought it was just me!
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I pay $20.00 U.S., but my stylist is giving me a discount because I get my hair trimmed every 3 weeks, so I'm good for business (my hair grows like a weed- it must be all of the vitamins I take!). When I have it colored and highlighted, though, it costs $80.oo What does your haircut convert to in American money, just so that I can compare?
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@matt608 (843)
19 Dec 06
wow $80!!! I think £10 is about $18, but that is a guess.
• India
19 Dec 06
umm...I live in India.. Haircut Costs Rs. 10-20 here. £11 is too much yaar! its Rs. 880 [Approx.] If we change the Currency!
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