My parents hate me...

@vanezzyi (206)
December 19, 2006 10:20am CST
hi. its near chirstmas and my parents hates. I was supposed to graduate this february but unfortunately i failed my stat subject so i will be delayed and will be graduating on april instead. I am so depresse. I dont know what to do. Its doent feel like the Christmas season. I feel like my parents doesnt love me at all. I am thinking if spending xmas at my bf place. I dont know what to do. I realy tried my best ...
5 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 06
As long as you tried your best there is nothing that can be done about it I don't think your Parents hate you Why not sit down with them and have a chat about it and see what happens and if they still don't understand then you do what you think is right for Christmas I do hope you get it sorted and have a nce Christmas
@vanezzyi (206)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
thank you for the kind word. ;) i really appreciate it...
• Singapore
21 Dec 06
i'm sure you are feeling depressed and down because of failing the subject...and the fear in you made you think that your parents hate you..they dont, which parents dont love their children? be confident, my friend...your parents and friends all loves you!
@vanezzyi (206)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
my parents said that they are tired of me...that they felt like its finally time to give up the fight..on whether i will graduate or not...i hope you are right...i hope my mom will give me another chan ce
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Dec 06
you tried your best, right? well, your parents will understand. the good thing is you'll still be able to graduate. although it gonna be months after february. but don't feel bad. everything will be okey. for as long as you're gonna graduate, that's important.
@vanezzyi (206)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
i hoe you are right. I am very worried. My mom and dad hasnt said a word to me since theyve found out. I know i have disappointed them but hope they could understand that i realy did my best. i dont feel like spending the xmas season hera at my place
@crazy_me (588)
• Philippines
19 Dec 06
I don't think they hate you. They are probably just disappointed and hurt. Spending Christmas at your boyfriend's place wouldn't help. Be the first one to make a move to make thing okay again between you and your parents. Cook something for them, ask them to watch a movie with you, or just hug them and tell them that you're sorry.
@vanezzyi (206)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
its after parents and i are finally ok but they are having doubts whether to send me to school again for the next semester or not...sigh..i hope i can make them proud of me somehow...
• United States
19 Dec 06
I hope you don't think your parents hate you because you didn't pass. That's not the way parents are supposed to be. Parents are supposed to love unconditionally. Cheer up, you are young and will pass next time because you will have been through it before. If you tried your best than you should have no regrets. I think you should spend Christmas with your boy friend and just give your parents a call and tell them you love them.
@vanezzyi (206)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
yea. i guess you are right. but it has been three days and i my mom still hasnt aid a word to me. sigh, what a life.