A teacher hanged up the phone on my friend!!!! What do you think of this?
By Simplemind26
@Simplemind26 (510)
December 19, 2006 1:38pm CST
MY friend wrote a note to the teacher asking her to call her about her son.The teacher called her at 8am.My friend was asking questions and advice on how to help her son with his studies.The teacher said she had a class to teach and couldnt talk.All my friend said was I didnt ask you to call me this morning,call me later when you have time so we can speak about my son.The teacher hung up on her!!!!I never heard of a teacher doing this.My friend made a report and went to see the principle.The teacher claims teh line got disconected.BUt its not true...What do you think of this?
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69 responses
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Yes i am positive..No the teacher has not called my friend.But my friend did file a report.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thanks for responding..Yes i mean why would you call a parent at 8 am when you know you have class starting and to teach..It makes me wonder sometimes what schools permit this.
@humaaaa (1386)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
first of all if the teacher had a class to take she shouldn't be calling at that time the other thing could be the teacher is right that the line got dropped.
now there could be anything, but if the teacher hung up intentionally than this is an insult and your friend should take action against it.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
thanks for your answer..I feel the same way..When you have a class to teac why do you decide to call the parent than..My friend did now we just have to wait and see
@binarycriminal (87)
• India
20 Dec 06
I think that person is not suited for that proffesion
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@soulist (2985)
• United States
19 Dec 06
How do you know that it's not true that the line got disconnected and the teacher was unable to call back because of class? I'm sure a teacher wouldn't purposely hang up on a students parent, but try to work something out where they could speak about the child.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I know because my friend isnt the type to be rude.Also the teacher said to her I dont have time for this i have a class to teach..When my friend said "i didnt ask for you to call me now you can call me later when you have time.The teacher said i dont have time and hung up on her.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
19 Dec 06
"I didn't ask you to call me" sounds kind of rude, even if it wasn't meant to be. Maybe it was misunderstanding on both parts.
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@amafrias (455)
• United States
20 Dec 06
The teacher did pick the time to call, and if it were an accident, she did have the number and should have called right back. I would have been at my daughters school in 2.2 seconds. I correspond with my daughters teacher almost on a daily basis through her agenda, and eat lunch with her often and see her teacher then also. They only get one chance at an education, and I feel it should be just as important to that teacher as it is to me, or they should not be teaching.

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Sounds like the teacher has an attitude and needs an adjustment. If she can get her kid out of that class she should, if not then keep close tabs on what the teacher is doing and tell her not to back down from this woman who thinks she can do what she wants. Your friend pays her salary and deserves to be able to speak to her, within reason, and be treated with respect. I personally would tell the teacher to pick a day and time once a month and they can meet to discuss the child's progress. Let this teacher know who's REALLY in charge! The parent!
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
Thanks for responding..Dont worry my friend is going to keep tabs on this.Her son is in grade 1.There is only 1 class for that grade..Lets hope the principle will investigate more and take action..The teacher should apoligize to my friend.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
The teacher should confess that she did hang up..She should apoligize to the parent.And i am sorry but yes the parent is in charge of her child..Its noone elses child.The mother is concerned for her child.The teacher should not be in this field if she cant respect parents..How would you feel if it happend to you?
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I have three kids, and I never expect to have a teacher give me a thorough response in a telephone conversation. Your friend would have been better serviced if she asked the teacher for an appointment to come in and "face to face" discuss the progress of her child. You get more done in a face to face then you do during a telephone call anyway. Also, if your friend could request a special education evaluation to be done with her son, and/or request a formal meeting with the teacher and the principal where they can hammer our a plan of action as a team, which can include end of the week written progress notes from the teacher, as well as strategies your friend can implement at home to encourage her child's improvement.
I have run into several nasty teachers throughout the course of my childrens education; so, there are definitely some rude ones out there that should never have become teachers. But, I've also seen many more parents that expected teachers to move mountains, and they themselves did nothing to assist in the efforts. Educating your child is a team effort that has to be carried out by the teacher and the parent together working towards the same goals.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thankyou for respomding and sharing your story.I know that some parents can be demanding dont get me wrong.But in this situation that isnt the case.My friend had went to a parent/teacher interview the month before..The teacher explained that the child needed some extra help ect..My friend got her son a touter to come 3x a week to help him out for 1 hour.She waited a month than decided to write a note asking the teacher to call her too see the progress of her son at work.The teacher shouldnt have hung up on her.The teacher could have set up an appointment up with her..Its not very professional to do that..Teachers should know that.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thank you for you feedback Rainshine.Now you have a better picture of what occured.Thanks for your help i apreciate it being new and all
@honest007 (793)
• India
20 Dec 06
The teacher did pick the time to call, and if it were an accident, she did have the number and should have called right back....
I would have been at my daughters school in 2.2 seconds.
I correspond with my daughters teacher almost on a daily basis through her agenda, and eat lunch with her often and see her teacher then also...
They only get one chance at an education, and I feel it should be just as important to that teacher as it is to me, or they should not be teaching.....
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
Thanks so much for posting...These replys to my friend are really helping her..She has now went too see teh school board since the prinicple isnt doing anything about the situation.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
22 Dec 06
There are two sides to every story. So, I really cannot in honesty make a remark. It sounds rude, unless the phone really did get disconnected. But if that was the case, she should have called the mom back.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
Thanks for your responce.I am trying to reply to everyone but i have been very busy.****Update is that my friend went to the school board and now she has a meeting next week with the teacher and principle so we will see the outcome of this situation.Thanks so much everyone for posting and giving your input.My friend has read all of your replys to this topic.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
Wow that is bad really bad
But I have to admit that I have had a couple of rude Teachers when my Kids where at School, I also believe that a lot of Teachers are not in the Job with full commitment anymore but that is just from what I experienced when my Kids where at School but it sounds like it is getting worse
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Thankyou so much for your feed back my friend is reading the posts and it is helping her!
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
19 Dec 06
well the teacer feels she know her child a lot better than u do thats why she hung up.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
As a teacher your not suppose to be rude with a parent or hangup.Its not like my friend was telling the teacher off.She was just being polite.
@rakinitin (685)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Writing notes and waiting for phone calls sounds like a lazy way of taking care of the issues. Perhaps your friend should take it upon herself to address the problem in person. It must be taken into consideration that teachers are the ones who end up raising the children nowadays. We cannot expect them to extend themselves to such levels. There really is not enough info to go on in regards to the importance of the son's problems. This is not meant to offend.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
She had went too seee the teacher before she called her 1 month ago.She wrote to her asking her to call her for a progress on the child. THanks for your posting and happy holidays.
@jayarajgr (816)
• India
20 Dec 06
The scene reveals that the teacher is very unproffesional. Maybe she don't know anything about your son because she is not evaluating the needs of her students. Hanging the phone simply means she don't know what to say. She's a bad teacher.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
Thanks for your reply Happy holidays to you adn your beloved ones
@mrwood76 (21)
• United States
20 Dec 06
A truly difficult situation. I will admit everyone has a bad day. However it still does not excuse this behavior. And who isn't underpaid anymore. That statement is hilarius. the teacher should handle her position a lot more responsibly. teaching is a serious position. When you take that psoition you should know what you are getting into. Everyone has an excuse for everything. I say take responsibility for your actions and stop making up stuff just to save our own perspective butts. This teacher needs to take responsibility for her actions and be a bit more responsible.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
Thanks for your response!You are right we are all human beings.
@ris_pun (2)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
i reckon itz quite perceivable whether a person has hung up or the line got disconnected. If the line got disconnection, that is quite rude on the teacher's side. The teacher seems not be liking her job. On the other hand, your friend should rather personally meet the teacher during the school hours. cheers!
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
Thanks for posting Happy Holidays to you and your beloved ones.
@sameera786 (650)
• South Africa
20 Dec 06
Well she definetly has chosen the wrong profession.If she is a liar and doesn't have patience how can she then teach your kids.If the principle is not going to do anything about it then take it higher.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thanks for your answer.Yeah i am going to tell her to go to the school board.If the teacher would have apoligized at least and admit her error it wouldnt be so bad..But to say it isn't true thats bad.The principle has a situation here on his hands lets see what he does.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
20 Dec 06
well..I know my sister just went threw this last month,,,and her teacher is as much as a jerk as your teacher sounds!And he hung up on her as well..and i can tell u that she went to the school ..and they talked..and he was just as rude and full of nonsense. she also tried discussing this with the principal..so she made an appt with the Heads of the School district..and they are takin action ..so i would just says..dont take her crap and tell your friend not to be bullied by teachers like they do now..and good luck
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thanks for the words of wisdom.Oh my god your sister went through the same things...So it is getting common.Already we worry about leaving our kids in daycare scared of them being mistreated...But now even in elementry schools...
@SViswan (12051)
• India
20 Dec 06
The teacher shouldn't have called in the morning when she knew she had a class and wouldn't be able to talk. Even if she thought it was going to be a quick phonecall and it turned out to be longer than she expected, she could fix another time to call again which would be convenient to your friend and the teacher.
I think your friend did the right thing. I would have done the same thing.
Fortunately for me, my son's teachers always call me back and if they are busy, they give me a time when I can call or when they will call me back.
@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thanks for your answer..Well usually thats the way it works.I mean the teachers are suppose to call you or give you feedback on your children.You are lucky.I mean education is important and teachers are role models to the kids.
@sllyrbtvw (94)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Eww, that is a tricky one. It is really the teachers word against the parents, and I don't think the school will really do anything. I would suggest that the parent discuss it with the teacher on a one-on-one basis, and see where it goes.
@Redzion13 (195)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Its understandable considering that the teacher had to teach her class. I mean no disrespect but its "A teacher hung the phone up on my friend"
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
thanks for posting.I type really fast so i make alot of errors.Were only human after all right?
@puderdinc (13)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I think that was so rude and unproffessional the teacher to do such a thing, she knew she had to teach class so she shouldnt have called at that time, she should have waited until it was a more convient time to call. That teacher needs to be reported to the school board for being unwilling to help, after all helping students learn is her job right?
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Thanks your answer helped me..Since my friend filled a report to the principle and the teacher said in her defense that it was an accident but it wasnt..Than mayby my friend should take it with the school board...I will tell her.