Do you think cell phones, mobile phones and give you cancer?

@emjehe89 (286)
December 19, 2006 7:12pm CST
This has been something that has always worried me, so much so once i went to the doctor about it possibly happening..i have seen evidence to support yes and no, what do you think?
4 responses
@Redzion13 (195)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Well seeing as it is a proven fact yes I do. But what doesn't give you cancer in todays times. Every day we are exposed to so much radiation. I'm quite sure that cancer is the number one killer world wide.
@emjehe89 (286)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
yes, sometimes i wonder whether you can go a day without risking getting it..
@yonu15 (807)
• Romania
26 Dec 06
I don`t think that.It`s a verry stupid idea for me.Mabye these are afecting you, but i don`t think that you can do cancor because of them.:)
• India
25 Dec 06
i think no.i dont think cell phones will give cancer but i think in the past there was a discussion that using cell phones will lead to brain tumor.but right now they said that it is safe to use a cell phone.
• United States
26 Dec 06
If evidence shows then yes it can but until then i have no idea.