getting a baby off the bottle
By Lakota12
@Lakota12 (42600)
United States
December 19, 2006 11:18pm CST
When my kids were growing up I did different thing s to do this my last one I threw the bottles away and said the dogs ate them . now I have a grnd daughter that is now 2 and I know we need to get it away from her but she dont drink out of a sippy cup good and if she can get the lid off she dumps contents out where ever she is like tonight in her play pen.
my youngest kid is 37 so it has been along time since I have done this .
Also she doent eat all that good either so I think she needs the milk juice and water. Evenb in the bottle and when I think I can get it done the parents end up giving her bottle ,
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21 responses
@Clairec23 (136)
• Ireland
20 Dec 06
Two is way too old to be drinking out of a bottle, it's not fair on the kids because they find it harder to give it up the older they get. The best way is to get rid of all the bottles and only offer her drinks from cups (preferably with meals and not in a playpen by the way). AT her age, it's going to take time but that's what parenting is about. If she doesn't eat much, it's likely to be because of the amount of fluids she's taking in, although at that age, they sometimes eat less.

@Clairec23 (136)
• Ireland
21 Dec 06
I have two actually, thats why I can make a comment on child rearing so thats your theory out the window.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I had a hard time getting my 2 year old off of the bottle but,what i did was bought her a spill proof sippy cup and gave that to her instead of the bottle it took some time but it worked.just keep on trying and do not give in it will work.
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
20 Dec 06
It can be really tough to kick the bottle habit for toddlers. It sounds like she might not be eating that good though because she's filling up on milk and bottles, which cuts out some of her nutrition. Maybe your daughter could talk to her pediatrician for some ideas
@beverly1 (1128)
• United States
21 Dec 06
she might not be ready yet to get off the bottle yet. my sister got a 2 year old and she off the bottle now. during the day time she gave her slppy cup and at night she gave her a bottle to work her off of it. so she relly she like the slppy cup better she didnt want it any more good luck
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I have three children and none of them got a bottle after their first birthday (with the exception of the youngest one, and that was because we had left over formula, but only lasted a short time). All of my kids had a difficult time making the transition from the bottle to the sippy cup. If that's their only option though they will figure it out.
@jenbatres (799)
• United States
21 Dec 06
A 2year old on the bottle, they dentist is going to love you family $$$$$. They sell cups called nubby and they are similar to bottles but are cups, it makes it easy for the kids to drink-- use them for a week or two then go to a sippy that is harder to drink from. Throw the bottles away-- my kids were done with bottles by 7mo old, she isn't a baby. Please tell me you don't use a pacifier.
@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Maybe she isn't ready to get off of the bottle. What is the hurry? I have never seen a teenager or an adult drink out of a baby bottle. She may need the extra security a bottle offers. As she matures, she will naturally wean herself but don't push her if she isn't ready.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
21 Dec 06
well if you aren't the guardian of the child, it's really up to the child's parents to deal with this. They will raise their child the way they see fit. Don't try to tell them how to do it. It might just turn bad.
@whitefeahter1956 (70)
• United States
20 Dec 06
well what i use to do just take them but times are differnt they aren't our kids and we just have to learn to live with it. so when my grand kids are like yours i know i don't have a bottle and they just have to deal with it. but i'm finding letting the child break themselfs is better and easier it like pottie braking you have to let them do it...
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Dec 06
thanks for input I am with her all the time some times more than mommy or daddy just now I put her in playpen so I could do some things and she is asleep no bottle no nothing but wrong time for a nap thought she had one with her daddy earlier guess he went to sleep and she didnt
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I suggest she not have a cup or anything else in a playpen, that isn't a toy. She can get her fluids with drinks of water or beverages during meals. Part of the reson she doesn't eat well is because she is full from fluids. Limiting fluids to specific times teaches her to pay more attention at meal times, prevents her developing problems with her teeth, and will makepotty training easier.
Her having a cup around all day creates bad habits for her.
@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
20 Dec 06
my oldest one is also 2 years old!
she drinks out of a sippycup, but she also like to drink out
of a glass!
so i bought plastic glasses, and she only gets water in it.
50% fals on the floor, or on her sweater but after a couple of times it goes better! so may be you can try that, my daughter imitates everything i do, so if you start drinking yourself out of a plastic glass and give her also one, may be that will work!
@micheller (1365)
• United States
20 Dec 06
All I can tell you is to just throw all her bottles away and give her no choice but to drink from a cup. After a few hours I'm sure she will get thirsty enough to drink something from a cup.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Are you the care giver of this child?? Are the parents taking care of her? If they are ou need to let them handle it. start by teaching her to drink from a glass and by pass the sippy cup. In my opinion a sippy cup is another form of giving her the bottle.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I am here 24/7s the parents work one works the 2nd shift the other the 3rd shift but that one works into a 15 to 16 hour shift alot instead 4/10s
yeah with the sippy cup she turns it up like a bottle
and when she gets the lid off she just dumps it where ever thanks for you in put will try that one again
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
i would try giving her a sippy cup but stay with her until she starts to play with it then remove it from her if it means giving her more frequent drinks then so be it but it will alleviate the problem of spilling but bu two ywars i would be giving a small plastic cup with a small amount of liquid in it then increasing the amount as she is able to handle it .all the best
@kristi73 (257)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I made it a game with my child, we would give one to the trash man every week and watch the trash man take it away. When we went to throw the last one away we put it in the trash and the trash man told her "wow you are getting so big, no more bottles for you huh?" She was very proud of herself and I was happy to have no more bottles.
@twistedvanilla (244)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I was just at Walmart the other day and there were sippy cups that had a nipple just like a bottle. The package said spillproof so I would think that would an excellent transition tool to go to a sippy cup with. And I dont know if they still make them, but my middle daughter went from a bottle to a sippy cup because I got these sippy cup spouts that fit in place of a nipple on the bottle...after that it was just a matter of the shape of the bottle changing to the cup.