Ritalin Abuse!! Where will it end?
By smorgan69
@smorgan69 (3)
United States
December 20, 2006 1:04am CST
Being a Licensed Daycare Provider and a mother, the Ritalin pusher's (Doctor's & Schools) are on the rise!
My son at 5 yrs old was put on Ritalin for ADHD (Attention Deficeit Hyperactivity Disorder)recommended by the school because he couldn't focus!
A few weeks later it was because he wouldn't be quiet!What is wrong with the schools today that they refuse to take time to teach our kids instead of drug them? If they can't focus..find out why! In my sons case, it was because he was bored, he knew what was being taught and he was bored! So put him on drugs (Narcotics).
Then it was because he wouldn't be quiet..well Ritalin in some works the opposite of what it is supposed to ie: instead of slowing them down, it shocks the brain into over-drive. So now put a 5 yr old child on Rispridol (what Bi-Polar patients use) to quiet him down.
I took him off of the med's on my own through the summer because I didn't feel I needed to medicate him to deal with him. However I got yelled at by the school and Doctor's that he needed to stay on it for his body to get used to it.
Now, answer me this...I am 37, my son is 14 now and my daughter is 5....Why wasn't I on Ritalin or some other Narcotic when I was in school?
I will answer for you...I had a spanking when I needed it from my mother, I had people who loved me like there own when growing up in a daycare, I had teachers who gave a hoot about the kids that they were with every day.
When I got in trouble at school I went to the principals office, my mom was called and my back side was sweatin before my mom even came in the door! But I never took any DRUGS!
So why is it, that when the schools are over loaded and they don't want to deal with our kids, they turn them into druggies? Then when they reach adulthood or (God forbid) Teens they are then too druggies...NOW we have a problem! Jail, rehab, selling the drugs, making the drugs, death....when will it stop?
Our kids need to grow up with the same love and compassion that we older one's grew up with. They need to be taught, compassion, respect, morals, values, discipline, honor and self esteem!
They DON'T need to know that the only way for them to behave is to TAKE DRUGS!
I've done alot of research on ADHD, ADD, Bi-Polar and the drugs that go along with the Disorders, I have also worked in the hospital with kids on these drugs (no choice) and adults on these drugs (who chose to take them) and there (with no surprise) were no similarities.
We need to give our kids the life they deserve and get them off the drugs while they have a chance! These Doctor's say there is no (REAL) test to check for ADD/ADHD... BULL! There are tests that they can do to make sure the diagnosis is FACT and not based on assumption and suggestion of the schools who don't want to deal with them.
In summary, lets get involved in the schools, our childrens lives, and our family's. Stop the CHILDHOOD DRUG ABUSE before it starts and take back our lives with our children!
Don't get me wrong, there are a few cases that do need the medication to function, however take the time and effort to find a GOOD Doctor who will take the time to diagnose the CHILD not the drug of choice! I appologize for the book, but when I get on a topic that is true to heart for me....well nuff said.
By the way, my son has been off the drugs for several years now, however when he got into High School they had requested him be seen for ADD. I told them he could be seen for what he is....a Teen Ager who is NOT on DRUGS! HE's a teenager who has problems in Spanish, DUH he is 14 and trying to basically learn to talk again. When children are born it takes them more than a semester to learn to talk! He has problems in Algebra....Um I went for my Nursing Degree and had to get out because I couldn't do the Chemistry and Algebra....hmmmm maybe I need DRUGS!
Till next topic...
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