have you ever discriminated against someone purely because of their looks?

@emjehe89 (286)
December 20, 2006 6:03am CST
i find myself stopping thoughts all the time now because i get so angry when even my friends and family make comments and opinions based solely on the way someone looks and i realised a while ago that i am always concerned about what people are thinking, and i wouldnt want them to be doing the same thing to me, so now i stop myself before i even think some thing predjudice about someone just because of how they look, but sometimes i cant help myself.. what about you? do you ever think bad thoughts about someone just because of their looks? or have you ever discriminated against someone because of the way they look? or dress?...
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2 responses
@vikceo (1301)
• India
21 Dec 06
nope fortunately not!!! but yes i can understand the pain of that and really feel angry to those people who does that.
@emjehe89 (286)
• Australia
22 Dec 06
thanks for your response :)
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Dec 06
No I don't I go by Peoples Personalities as to me that is the most important thing not looks
@emjehe89 (286)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
i think that also, but sometimes i think something by just seeing a person..