What is the best/most special christmas gift you have recieved?

@emjehe89 (286)
December 20, 2006 6:15am CST
What is the most special/sentimental/best/wonderful gift you have ever recieved on christmas? Mine probably sounds stupid, but my mother bought me this pig that sings and moves and sings 'my girl' and i thought it was so cute and sweet haha what about you?
2 responses
• El Salvador
23 Dec 06
The best ever Christmas gift that I got was when my boyfriend proposed to me on Christmas Eve. It was so special, and now we can easily remember what day it was that he proposed, so every year on Christmas Eve, its kind of like an anniversary for us.
@emjehe89 (286)
• Australia
23 Dec 06
ohhh thats gorgeous! that would make christmas eve such a special day! thanks for responding!
@minxy67 (2707)
23 Dec 06
My husband brought me a pair of diamond earrings for christmas last year, they are my favorites, but I don't wear them very often in case I lose them.
@emjehe89 (286)
• Australia
23 Dec 06
aaaww thats so cute! thanks for your response!