Does God exist?
By Thomas73
@Thomas73 (1467)
December 20, 2006 6:16am CST
How any times have you heard this question or asked it yourself?
The question of the existence of God is in fact quite irrelevant. As a scientist, I tend to see things with a certain dose of scientific rigor. Hypotheses need to be tested in order to be proved or disproved, it's as simple as that.
When Pasteur first hypothesised that some diseases were caused by tiny organisms so small that they coulnd't be seen with the naked eye, he tested his theory by isolating microorganisms and experimenting to see whether they were the causal agents of diseases. Many other scientists throughout history and in various fields of science did exactly the same: they observed, devised a plausible theory, then tested it. Right or wrong, they drew the appropriate conclusions.
Now, let's examine the "God hypothesis". I am talking here about the god of the three abrahamic religions, but any other religion, mono- or polytheistic, can be treated the same way.
God is a concept invented by Man in order to explain his presence on Earth and to find a goal to an existence that would otherwise seem quite absurd. So-called "holy" books were written as guides to a peaceful and properly organised life in human communities, laying down the basic principles of a society that would otherwise crumble.
The existence of a god, however, cannot be tested. There are no means to actually prove or disprove that a superior being created everything we see -- including ourselves -- and influences our lives. So why even ask the question? Some of us are convinced that there is a god, while others have doubts. So what? Even prayer can be assimilated to meditation and, when answered, may be only coincidences or a willpower to make things we wish for happen. Then again, maybe there is a god that listens to those prayers. Who knows?
The whole point is that if people feel comfortable with their beliefs in a god or another, they should be respected. However, if their faith incites them to feel superior to those who don't have the same religion or none at all, then problems arise. History is paved of atrocities
committed "in the name of God", and we still see evidence of this type behaviour today (and we most probably will until humans go extinct).
So why don't we apply the precepts that are supposed to be taught by religion? Is it so difficult to have a peaceful world, or at least work to this effect?
Whether we believe in a god or not, and whichever this god may be, we should all try to achieve world peace through respect and consideration of each other. Religions have separated human communities for millenia, but isn't time that, at the dawn of the 21st century, we finally learn to accept one another and live in harmony?
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11 responses
@tarachand (3895)
• India
1 Jan 07
Does God exist? I have blogged on a similar theme, but from a different angle. (ponderings) Here is one fo the links :
As my dancing friend swarn47 said above faith, trust is important. As far as atrocities are concerned, well the human mind will utilize anything and twist it and tunr it to suit it's own agenda.
Regarding religion, this is a post on one of my blogs, when people asked me about myself (I am going to cut and paste here, but rest assured the content is totally mine, and not borrowed from elsewhere):
Lets look at things this way - I am a citizen of the three physical dimensional (plus the fourth dimension being time) cosmos which itself may be one cosmos in the multitude of multiple dimensional cosmos (plural).
My cosmos contains my universe which contains my local cluster of galaxies which contains the Milky Way Galaxy (My Galaxy), on one of the outer peripheries of one of my galaxy's spiral arms is Sol (my star) which contains my planet Earth which contains the continent of Asia which contains my country which contains the state in which I currently reside in, which contains my city of residence which contains the suburb I live in, which contains the street I live on, which contains my house.
My universe is estimated to be around 10-15 billion years, old, my star -Sol or Sun a middle aged second generation 5 billion year star, life on my planet is estimated to have evolved around 3-4 billion years ago, my species around 2-4 million years ago and I'll consider myself fortunate if I live even for one-tenth of a millennium.
On a cosmic scale, even my galaxy may appear as just a blemish and may be unnoticeable in the fabric of space, and I would not even be the size of a speck- but - the ripple that I (any human) could cause in the still waters (the cosmos) could change the course of history, of space of existence/s. So why should I limit myself to a country or a race or a caste or a religion or a continent or a creed ? As I said - I am a citizen of the cosmos, or a multitude of cosmos (plural)
There can never be anyone else like me at this point in space in this given instant of time ever. I am unique (and so is every other creature!).
Oh! The Creator of these wonders! I thank thee!"
As you can see that I firmly believe in the existance of God, why? I can only point out the above answers and I know that it's not scientific.
(I am currently in semi-retirement, at one time I managed my own small factory where we manufactured materials handling equipment among others. I have personally been involved in design of basic robots which were not as sophisticated as the current ones).

@tarachand (3895)
• India
1 Jan 07
You are quite welcome! Please also do check the link
Ponderings :
You are welcom to contibute your thoughts there.
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@carmat (2849)
• Canada
5 Jan 07
I support you in your thoughts, I personally believe in God, and in doing so I feel everyone else should also, but I do not force my beliefs on others nor do I feel superior to others that do not share in my belief system. Ultimately time will tell for all of us as the one guarantee we all have is one day we will all die here on Earth, I believe I will go onto heaven and have an existance there. I hope to see you all there.
@kapil4u (393)
• India
20 Dec 06
See to tell you frankly i didn't read what u wrote. But in my experience i believe that GOD is there, He is the almighty who listens to our prayer and gives us a hope to live everytime we get down or depressed.. And people who say that there is no GOD are the ones who think of Him more than we do....
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
20 Dec 06
Well, maybe you should read the whole text.
I am saying that there shouldn't be any problem with those who feel comfortable in their belief in God, or with others who may have doubts. We should all live in the respect of each other's beliefs.
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@ashiflett (1045)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Yes, I believe that God does exist and he will open the eyes of people who are willing to believe. At times, we must simply have faith - or the hope of things unseen - in order to believe and trust in God.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
21 Dec 06
If I take the first part of your unpunctuated sentence -- "God exists if you start to believe" -- I can only agree. After all the ancient Greek and Roman gods somehow existed while people believed in them. Current gods also exist in the collective mind of the religious followers.
However, I'd like to argue with you if your punctuation is different and gives the following sentence: "if you start to believe you will be surprised by the miracles that can happen." In this case, the so-called 'miracles' are simply the result of willpower and/or 'happy coincidences'. All along human history, people have wanted to see sign, and therefore did! 'Miracles' are in my opinion no different.
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Science is knowledge and that is what God gives to man. God gives us wisdom to use wherever needed. God is the potter and we are the clay. God says that the clay has no authority to question the potter why he made it that way - beautiful or ugly. Scientists went far beyond but anyway you are free. God will not interfer with you in your life here on earth but those who do not obey Him, as He said, will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur which is popularly known as hell.
@bobilongo (264)
• Austria
9 Mar 07
I dint care to look at what you wrote but from your topic sentence I have to response without thinking cuz I know where you are driving to my faith in God has grown to an extend that no human can even change the way I believe God is great and the most powerfull God I have ever known to exist
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Does GOD exist?
Should those that believe in GOD be tolerant of those that don't believe?
Define GOD?
If I define GOD for you, would you believe that I am a heretic? My belief that GOD is Love, and that Love exists and to Love yourself is the most important beginning to knowing GOD and Loving others. Now finding GOD on Earth and in the Universe. I have to observe, Love in order to know.
What do I Love? I Love me and the Truth that I know exists, how do I know the truth? I observe scientifically forming an opinion.
How do I know that GOD exists, first by observation I learned to know what the truth is and then because I am honest I've been given a special gift.
I can share my gift with you as I recall my experiences.
I can show you the truth with Love as a testimony of how GOD works and communicates to us and uses us.
Being open to Love,
GOD Bless,
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@mpshiva6 (65)
• India
9 Mar 07
I full agree with you. Relgions were created only for the convenience of sculpting a path of life. If you look at the various Religions, they all say almost the same thing. It is only recently that people have started interpreting these books and scriptures in ways that would benefit them and take them to their selfish ends. All religions are good as long as they dont separate people on the basis, and none of the Religions evey say that another one is bad. It can even be said that when the original relgious scriptures were made, they were probably not even aware of the existance of other religions. If they were aware of the existance of a religion they would have followed that instead of creating a new one. So religions were created in different parts of the world at a time when communication was nil and knowledge of the existance of other people were not known. If someone tells you that any particular religion is against any particular religion, they are plain amd simple lying. There is no possibility of any religion in its original version to have said that. Religions were created by people who wanted to discipline people and find a way for peaceful existence. They would never advice you to hate or despice a person of other religion or your own religion. God is only the name given to the totality of nature, of everything and anything that exists in the universe and a power that is above all. He is present in everything and in you also.
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@irkhan (80)
• India
9 Mar 07
God do Exist & God(Allah) is one & only their is none worthy to be worshiped
Here R few points that proves the existence of God
This Universe, indeed displays a remarkable vista of order and consistency. We can observe, for example, the great regularity with which the celestial bodies follow precise orbits, and marvel at the way in which water from the seas is brought to the land by wind-driven clouds, which are in turn formed by the evaporation of water: without this replenishment, life would be impossible. We are also amazed by the migration patterns of many species, including newborn eels, that trek through thousands of miles of ocean, to nestle in their own local streams, and of bees, who use sunlight for navigation in their quest for nectar. We may ponder as to why all living things exist in pairs, and contemplate on the optimality of the processes which comprise the whole universe. Even incredibly minute changes would disrupt the balances in nature: after all, had the earth's orbit been slightly offset in either direction, water and the resulting forms of life would not have emerged. In fact, we observe great unity in the laws of the cosmos; through the spectrum of life and non-life ranging from the microcosmic subatomic particles to the macrocosmic expanse of the universe itself, integration is manifested on every level.
Reflection may lead us to pertinent questions: Could such encompassing order have arisen purely by unintentioned accident? Or could there be an intelligent originator to this spectacular array of living and non-living forms —a designer that may have developed them through processes which have yet to be fully determined? What conclusions are evidential?
Is it probable that all the letters on this page unscrambled themselves by chance to form these meaningful and structured sentences? How then, could a human being - with ears, eyes and a mind - have been formed by chance? Is it credible that such a vast universe with an inestimable billions of galaxies could have evolved by accident? Does not the integration and complexity of a single cell far exceed that of a mere piece of paper with some intelligible writing on it, let alone this universe and all that it contains? (Especially since the universe also contains this piece of paper . . .!)
We know that we are not the cause of ourselves, for embryonic development is organized and directed in stages under natural laws. But directed by what and by whose laws? Chance? Or Intelligence? What about a multiplicity of infinite beings? Could such have been responsible for this cosmological fabrication? Would not the resulting state of this universe have then been disordered and chaotic due to the conflicting commands of these infinitely powerful entities, who would have been trying to accede to the throne of authority in rivalry? Indeed, in such a regime, we would expect to see inconsistency in the universe as opposed to consistency. Instead of rain, we might conceivably have received a heavy downpour of elephants from the skies. (An umbrella would certainly not be terribly useful in such a universe!) Such a scenario would also give rise to the question: which of the infinite beings came first? And why? On the other hand, if such a multiplicity of infinite beings were in perfect agreement for all time, then there would not be any need for more than one - nor is there any evidence.
If our response to the chance (unintentioned creation) and multiplicity (creation by two or more beings) hypotheses is negative, then our answer has to lie between zero and two. In other words, there can only be one unique governing intelligence - unique by the virtue of having no demigods, intermediaries, mystical incarnate beings, or any other human or nonhuman associates. This vast singular intelligence, then, must have created and developed all living and non-living things, as well as space-time itself, and must therefore be independent of it.
If this is our conclusion, then it means that the myriad forms of matter and energy as well as the physiological structure of the human being must be subject to the natural laws of this singular and independent governing intelligence.
In addition to this involuntary physiological dependence of human beings to the prescribed natural laws, we are also endowed with a mind which has the capacity to voluntarily question and reason. A reasoning person would be naturally drawn to the logical conclusion of the existence of a unique originator, and therefore of a meaningful purpose to this existence. Such a person would live with this awareness, in peace with himself or herself and the rest of nature.
Indeed reasoning people live, and have been living throughout the ages in all parts of the world. They can be found dwelling in the midst of exuberant jungles or in our large, populous and crowded cities. What would distinguish such individuals would be the employment of reason as a foundation for life. If such a people are to be given a name which linguistically denotes 'voluntary peaceful submission' to this unique Intelligence, and which includes all of these attributes, a suitable term in one language would be the word Muslim.