This makes me really mad
By teenal
@teenal (1400)
Dublin, Ireland
December 20, 2006 9:19am CST
I found the following on a chat forum and it has really annoyed me
"Anyone who keeps rottweilers or pitbull type dogs in their home needs their head examined. They are not pets they are wild animals I dont care if people say "oh hes a good dog hes so soppy" you cant sit them down and reason with them they are animals and behave as such. Having more than one dog also brings out the pack instinct in them. If you have children you cant have dogs like rottweilers. Its just irresponsible"
Do you agree with this. I have a Rottweiler and she is a big soppy girl. I am aware she is still a dog and you can never predict what an animal will do but Rottweilers behave no worse than any other breed. If a terrier bites a little shitzu, its not all over the papers- only when a big dog bites does it hit the news.Their size means they can do more damage if they attack which is why we hear about it more, not because they are more vicious. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.
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47 responses
@Enigma1107 (28)
• United States
21 Dec 06
My family used to own a pitbull. I remember once it was growling at my newborn nephew at the time and we grew very suspicious from that time on!! But as he grew into a healthy child walking and talking, the dog was playful.
Another incident, a friend of my sister's once visited. The dog had never met her and she decides to bend down and come close to its face (one thing you never do) and play with it. The pitbull snapped viciously. Luckily, she moved her face back in time or she would be on her way to the hospital in critical condition and we would wound up being sued.
We never owened a rottweiler so I don't know. All I got to say is that owning any of these dogs takes responsibiltiy. They ARE by nature more aggressive than most breeds.
@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Its a rude statement forsure. I have both a rottweiler and pitbull and neither are dangerous to us. I know not to trust any animal fully but theres nothing wrong with the breeds its the owners. Im getting really sick of hear all the junk about pitbulls, they are one of the most well behave dogs I have ever had. Also they are very intelligent and quick learners.
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I believe it is still a matter of ownership responsibility.I have an aquantance who's rotweiller litterally would not hurt a kitten because she was trained well.I agree whole-heartedly with you.....look at the owner,not the dog.
@00fear (3216)
• United States
21 Dec 06
yup thats true, bad owners. i have to admit, my dog is a pitbull and she jumps on everyone and bites them (meant to be in a playful kinda way). my dad doesnt like that and says that she is not supposed to be those dogs were someone would keep them in their home. so he convince my brother to leave her and we'll buy some other dog. i know its not our dogs fault she is like that, its ours. we never really trained her and never will... pay attention to he. maybe thats the reason she's like that
@teenal (1400)
• Dublin, Ireland
21 Dec 06
Why would you abandon your dog?? I think thats terrible. You can find information on training a dog free on the internet. To teach the dog not to jump and nip and its easy to do. Just takes a little time. Animals become traumatised just like people and moving your pet from its family will do a lot of damage to it same as it would if you gave a child away. Dont do it. Train your dog.
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
21 Dec 06
while i do agree with you on the no bad dogs but bad owners you can't dispute the fact that those breeds have been responsable for more attacks and mostly on children then any other dog.
I am always amazed when i watch the news and the dogs owner is standing there saying "I can't believe Satan would do such a thing" and every single owner said the same thing you did, how sweet there dogs are.
@amitheone (274)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
I don't think I like rottweilers or pitbull given their reputation of killer dogs. They are attack dogs and should be meant for the police force or the military. I don't think civilians should be allowed in owning one because the chances for these dogs to attack a stranger are high. Its a big responsibility. I have 2 lovely labradors and they are very tame dogs and very playful.
@canadabis1 (1952)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
I got nuthin against Rotty's...its the pitbulls I have a problem with.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
20 Dec 06
They are obviously way off base. Where did they get their facts from? If they look up bite statistics the dogs that top the list aren't Rotties or Pitbulls. It's stupidity like that forcing cities to ban breeds of dogs. BTW, a Pomeranian a few years ago killed an infant..So it's not just the big guys.
@rosey2006 (945)
• United States
21 Dec 06
In my opinion, I think that Rottweilers are a lot safer pets then pitbulls. I don't care what anyone says pitbulls are not a friendly pet for anyone. You never know when they are going to turn.
@Enigma1107 (28)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I don't know what to say but my family and I owned a pitbull. On one account she was slightly growling at my newborn nephew so we grew VERY suspicious of that where we kept her away or out of the house. But as he grew older where he could walk and talk him and dog were playing as best friends. There was no harm done.
Another account, a friend of my sister's came over to visit. Her and this dog had never met. She did what a stranger should never do to a dog they have never met, and that was to come very close to the dog's face while petting it. NEWSLFLASH. This dog doesn't know you. It never met you AND it's a pitbull at that. So it did what all pitbulls do and that was growl and nearly snapped her face off. Luckily she pulled her face back in time otherwise we would be getting sued and she would be sitting up in the hospital.
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
20 Dec 06
A friend of mine had a rottweiler and it was the soppiest dog you ever came across. This friend also had a young child.
I think any dog is capable of turning on a person. I had a dog that was fantastic with children. He didn't mind my daughter pulling his tail or causing him pain but this one time she went near his bowl when he was eating and he turned his lip up at her. I gave him such a kick that he never did it again. I wouldn't have a dog around young children again though after some of the stories I've heard. You just never know when something could happen.
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
A dog's ancestor is still a wild animal, they have their roots in wolves and various other animals. Each breed has differnt instincts that need to be overcome, but anyone who gets a pet needs to understand this. If you don't you are naive.
Any animal, domesticated or wild is capable of behaving in many different ways. Wild animals can be kind and gentle and have no violent bones in their bodies and vice versa for domesticated animals.
Mostly an animal's behaviour is influenced by the way it's treated by their Master. I constantly hear people saying "this" dog is not good with children, or "that" kind of dog is bad with children and so on and I'm tired of it.
We have two cats and a dog and they are all the friendliest animals you could ever meet because my wife, child and I treat our animals with love and respect. The breed of the animal matters not.
It's true that the bigger the dog, the worse the damage should anything bad happen. But if that dog is treated with kindness, love, compassion, etc, then it will return the same to humans.
But even under the best of circumstances bad things can happen. No matter what, they are still animals. You can be surprised when it bites.
@parthasarathi (446)
• India
21 Dec 06
Dog are more calm then humans. I love dogs. and i have more then 5 dogs. one of them is a rottweiler. all of my dogs are well mannered. my other dogs are GSD,pug and saint bernards. It depends how much you love your dog and how you have groomed them. my neighbour has a pamrenian and its so violent that always act wildly at their maid and any stangers. The reason is, they keep the poor fellow tied up whole day and in their store. in the evening they set him free. This is not a proper way to love or keep your pets. And yes media is to blame for making rottweiler or pit bull criminal.
@becauseuneedtoknow (45)
• United States
21 Dec 06
My town is actually having laws set about this same subject. I don't remember the exact specifics. If you have one you have to have a cage if they are outside and it has to be a certain size, which of course is almost impossible to keep a dog caged or inside all the time. People are actually having to move or get rid of thier dogs, or face the consequenses. I have met plently of mean little dogs, and nice rots. The problem is in some cases they have shown more violence. I do think its how you raise them, but they have raised reason to question this issue. Really due to irresponsible pet owners.
@mtreid85 (6)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I had a pit bull and he was the sweetest dog in the world. He loved people, especially children. We raised him in our home, as one of the family, and he was great. It's true that it's the dogs who are chained up, not exposed to people and other dogs that can be dangerous. And with a big strong dog like that, if it does bite someone, it can do a lot of damage.
There's actually an agency that does temperament testing on dogs, and pit bulls pass at a higher rate than golden retreivers, which are considered the ideal family dog. And smaller dogs are much more likely to bite small children because they are more likely to be hurt or scared by the child. It's just that when your shih tzu bites someone it doesn't make it onto the 5 o clock news.
@dropkickkennedy (2122)
• Australia
21 Dec 06
from what ive seen ,there are pretty bad dogs not matter the age
@inkedmama1111 (824)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I hate people that practice "breed hate"!! Just because many people train THEIR rottwielers and pittbulls to be bad dogs does NOT mean that they are bad from birth- they are just like any other dog! Although any dog could bite a child (even a generally accepted dog like a golden retriever!) most dogs will not if properly trained! It doesn't matter WHAT type of dog it is. Of course, I wouldn't recommend getting a dog from a shelter if it has not passed a tempermant test- but I say that about every breed not just the "hated ones"!
@surfqueen731 (1)
• United States
21 Dec 06
It is not the breed that should get a bad rap - it's the irresponsible owners!
I have trained and been around dogs my whole life - as a rule good breeding and ownership are what it takes to make a good dog - no matter the breed.
You're right all dogs can be unpredictable - any animal that gets cornered could bite - I've seen dogs bite by accident!
Whoever made the quote is uneducated in regards to these breeds of dogs.
@brenda035 (1)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I have a female pit bull and she is the sweetest, most loving dog Ive ever had. She's nothing at all like any of the stories you hear about on tv or in the papers. The only problem Ive ever had with her is that she just craves attention and love.