Disney World 2007 Family trip with birthday need suggestions please! :)
By my2babes
@my2babes (88)
United States
December 20, 2006 9:36am CST
We are going to Disney World in Nov. 2007 and will be there the week of my son's 6th birthday. Do any of you know if they do any thing special for birthday's?
Also, we will be there when all the Christmas activities are going on. What do they have this time of year? I will be traveling with my 2 kids ages 6 and 3, my husband and my parents.
When should I start making reservations for restaurants and other activities we may want to take part in?
Would you do a park hopper pass or just the regular one day admission tickets?
Sorry for the million quesions, but I have never been so I am totally lost in all this.
Thank you so much!
16 responses
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
20 Dec 06
If you are going to Disney World I would do the hopper pass.You can get a vacationa package that includes hotel, tickets, airfare, and so on depending on what you want.During the Christmas time the ride the Haunted House is transfromed into the Night Before Christmas and the park is decorated.You can make reservations at any point.For the birthday boy they just give you a sticker saying that it is his birthday and the staff just greet you with happy birthday all day.
@Redzion13 (195)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
This is a good idea. The hopper pass is a good deal. You really get your moneys worth.
@mandrin823 (386)
• United States
21 Dec 06
yes hoppers pass have you looked at the price of tickets alone! its much cheaper that way u get everything included! i was to disney world when i was younger and it was a blast the kids are sure to have fun!
@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
21 Dec 06
We're going about the same time as you, probably shooting for October or early November.
We went in May of this year and the one thing I totally recommend is a character breakfast or dinner. The best one we attended was at Chef Mickey (Contemporary Resort.....adjacent to Magic Kingdom; last monorail stop before you get to the MK). You don't have to stay at the Contemporary Resort to eat there, but you do have to make reservations in advance. It's so worth it. We did a character dinner there, the food was good and the kids were entertained. The characters come to your table and you can take photos of them with your kids. You get a little more time with them that way as opposed to standing in line to see Donald Duck as you enter the Magic Kingdom. If you do this, you could call this his birthday dinner. I don't know if they do anything additionaly for a bday, but you could ask when you make the reservation!
We did several character meals, but Chef Mickey was the best by far. They really aren't that much more expensive than a regular meal at Disney... which are all high. You'll spend most of your money getting there (if you fly) and the next big chunck of change will probably come from feeding your family.
As far as the holidays go, you might want to do some research online, maybe even from Disneys site itself. I'll be doing this too in the coming months. We can keep this thread going with what we find out and maybe help one another get the most out of our vacations.
If your son is a Star Wars fan, next year will be a great year to go since it's the 30 year anniversary for Star Wars and I'm guessing they'll have some great things going on. :)
@my2babes (88)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Sounds great! Yes, he loves Star Wars so he will enjoy that. I did hear one good tip from someone. they said to go to the buffet style lunch's for their last lunch seating close to dinner time, that way you pay the lunch price, but get the dinner items they serve.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I believ they have a party package where the child picks what he wants to have,burger,pizza,pasta and they should have 10 guests who get Pizza I believe plus a chance to get pics with mickey and friends.If you go to www.disneyworld.com and put birthday party in the search they will tell you how and when you can have a party but I do know you must have ten paying guests to get any discount so if you don't have that many people then this mught not help. Good luck
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
20 Dec 06
You need to go to city hall in Magic Kingdom first thing and let them know that it is your son's birthday. He'll get a button that all the characters will recognize and all of them will stop and tell him Happy Birthday...definitely makes you feel special :) Also, there's a good chance you might could get VIP seating for a parade. Ask about that. I would tell you to ask for my cousin who works there and got us the hook up on our honeymoon, but that might be a little odd for him and you as well. Lol. But definitly ask about the VIP seating for the night time parade!!! It is SO AWESOME and your kid will LOVE the fact that all the characters will only have a few people to wave and pay attention to when you're in VIP seating. There were probably only 5-10 other people around us during that parade, and we were on the same side of the street so all the characters were facing our way, and the ones who walked came up to us and shook our hand, hugged the kids and took pics with them, etc. It was really magical. I would also go to Cinderella's Royal Table and make sure the waiter knows it's his birthday. The characters are always in there and might come over and sing to him! :)
@my2babes (88)
• United States
20 Dec 06
That is so awesome!! He would be tickled to pieces and my daughter would be squeeling the whole time!! I will definatly ask if VIP is avail. for the night time parade. One can only wish, it is the Magic Kingdom after all!!
Thank you so much!!
About the suprise, he knows we are going. HE has been wishing on stars, praying, every thing about Disney so I told him we are going on his 6th birthday. I made him a count down calendar on snapfish.com and I am putting it in his stocking as well. It just broke my heart to hear him wish to go all the time LOL.
I ordered the Disney video from disneyworld.com and we watch that when he starts to talk about it and he talks about all he wants to do.
I will keep the birthday characture meals a suprise though!
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Let everywhere that you eat and go know that it's his birthday, many places in Disney will do something special for him.
We went for our honeymoon and wore bride and groom hats and some did a few special things, including The Yachtsman restaurant which gave my wife a rose with dinner.
@harsh1985 (593)
• India
21 Dec 06
hey great choice....... i think you better try to go on their website to see what special over there......... i think you plan for next year.....i think it is no early
but make reservation before 3 to 4 months....so that you wouldn't get disappointed.......
your son will get great surprise!!
@Khokhonut (702)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I would definately do the park hopper.
That way you aren't as limited on where you can go, and don't have to squeeze so much into one day.
We went about 18 mos. ago and one site that helped me alot was www.mousesavers.com Lots of great info !
Also search out any msg. boards on the subject :)
@harivinod (781)
• India
21 Dec 06
ya disney world is a wonderful palce to visist with family . go ahead. wish ur son a very happy birthday
@xxhalo2xx (66)
• United States
20 Dec 06
if you dont want to piss off you son make Reservations 3 months ahead.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
20 Dec 06
oh, and definitly make reservations at least a month in advance....two or three to be safe around christmas, it's never too early to make reservations.
@asifthuglife12 (61)
• India
20 Dec 06
hey that's really cool, i think u need to give him a big surprise for his birth day.. get him loads of gifts and cake's.. and do not tell him that ur taking him to disney world,, as i told u,, just keep it as surprise and exciting..