why is there so much hatred in the U.S??
By Ravenladyj
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
December 20, 2006 1:35pm CST
I can honestly say I don't think I'll ever understand or be able to accept the amount of hatred that goes on in this country (America)...I mean everything from sexuality to religion to race to abortion etc are serious hardcore taboo things over here and ppl harbour so much hatred because of them...why is that? Canada isnt perfect by any means, I'd never claim that it was but damn its so much more accepting in Canada than it is over here....yet we're right next door to each other...how is it that two countries that are so close on so many levels can be so damn different....
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46 responses
@DiosaMorada (115)
• United States
20 Dec 06
My husband and I went to Canada for the first time for our honeymoon, and I was amazied and how NICE people were! We were trying to figure out how we could move there, we were so impressed. I don't know how it can be so different, and yet we are neighbors. You would think....
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Dec 06
it really is different over there and my kids find it a little frustrating over here when they hold the door for ppl or say thank you and please or have a nice day etc and ppl look at them like they are up to no good...my kids just dont know how to take it ya know..it really has been a serious culture shock which is so odd considering we could drive to my old place in Canada within 60 mins or so (minus border time LOL)
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@DiosaMorada (115)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I'm sure it is a culture shock, it sure was for us, and we were just visiting. Please were polite, so friendly. We had people suggesting places for us to go (and good places, mind you), what to do, inviting us out to dinner. Granted, my husband is from NY city, and he never got that treatment back there, but still, it was a shocker.
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@lakshyamadhu23 (2107)
• India
21 Dec 06
B'cos the U.S. team tries to act all hollywood-ish just like the rest of commericalized sports in the states. and the last thing any true soccer fan wants is for the US to spread that to real football.

@SageMother (2277)
• United States
21 Dec 06
There is so much hatred in the USA because :
* People are under the mistaken notion that this country's constitution is a "christian" document.
* People think that self control is something you demand of others, instead of just controlling yourself.
* The distractions of consumerism prevent rational thought from rising to the surface so that it can benefit us all.
* The religious right has taken over.
Those are the very first reasons that I can think of...I am sure there are more. My husband and I have talked about moving to Canada, but don't have the money and it seems as if it would be terribly cold there most of the time.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
SageMother its only cold in the winter..our summers (in Ontario at least I cant speak for other provinces)are quite nice mind you the farther north you go obviously the cooler it is (but wow its gorgeous in Northern Ontario)..I find in the U.S its very much a "do as I say and do" mentality where as in Ontario and throughout Canada its veyr much a "live and let live" thing...
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
20 Dec 06
That because it's two different countrys They both have teir rules, I don't know much about Canada, except you don't pay taxes on things. I wish I stayed in Canada.

@lakshyamadhu23 (2107)
• India
21 Dec 06
True. Politics should have NO part in sports (soccer) at all. Oh, BTW George, thanks for that telephone call.
However, why do so many Americans hate Iran, Iraq or any other small nation's team that has a natural resource desired by the US? Hell, you don't even need a natural resource to hate them, Cuba anyone?
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Dec 06
we pay taxes in Canada..it varies from province to province mind you but we pay taxes unless you are Indian (called native american here) and have an excemption card...In Ontario we pay 15% tax on goods (actually someone on here recently told me its down to 14% now)...
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@floresalex23 (97)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
I think in my own point of view, the answer to your question is that, there is so much diversity in the US compare to Canada. I mean, cultural diversity. In the US you can almost find all different races, just think of these races, it has its own culture, religion, beliefs and etc...
And when these different races meet... just imagine what's going to happen. I think people should cope up with diversity especially in the US.

@cowboyzfan (718)
• United States
21 Dec 06
There's so much hatred in the US because there are is one 1 majority (whites) and so many minorities (Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese). With all of these groups in the US, this leads to conflict through things like culture, skin color, and more. People in the USA are never going to be able to get along because there's always one group disliking another.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
yea I think that is a big factor...mind you Canada has a very diverse population too so I definately dont think thats the key reason..it goes beyond that IMO

@MrCommonSense (34)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Where do I begin? I'm not sure that it's hatred, but rather intolerance. What I've noticed since I was younger is people have become less tolerant of other people and what they believe. It seems that people have gotten the idea that whatever they believe is the only way, no matter what it is. I grew up being told to believe in yourself, but also look at the other persons side of the story. I think the Native Americans had a saying that went something like this, "Walk a mile in your enemies mocassins". Practically nobody does that anymore. Another part of the problem is, alot of people believe they are correct 100% of the time, that's absurd. Nobody is right all the time! There is so much to say on this subject, but I'm going to end for now.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
NO! keep goin! You really have it nailed! and I agree with you...and yes Intolerance really is a better choice rather than hatred...Excellent post and thanks for replying!
@MrCommonSense (34)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I'll continue, Part of this problem I believe started when my generation started having families. (in the 70's) These parents raised their children with the false belief that their kids can do no wrong. I have seen too many of these kids grow up thinking they could do no wrong because that's what the parents were always telling them. The parent was always stepping in to fight their kids battles, helping them through rough spots instead of letting the kid learn how to cope on their own. Don't get me wrong though, a parent should always be there for them, but they need to let the kids learn on their own. Suddenly these kids grow up and encounter somebody with a different oppinion, or a different way of looking at things and all of a sudden that person is the devil. How could they posibly think that. They have never been taught that the other person, 1st of all is entitled to their own oppinion and 2nd maybe the other person is right or maybe they're both wrong or... These people can't consider anything but what they believe. They think it is a one-way street. It has always been drilled in their heads they are these wonderful creatures who are always right. It drives me nuts!!! Pick any subject and you will have more than one way to look at that subject. There can't possibly be only one way to look at it. I can only hope that the next generation starts to correct this. I'm tired of people thinking they are the center of the universe.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Oh its definately worldwide without a doubt but for me, like you said, I live here and am from Canada so those are the two countries i can relate to if that makes sense..Hatred overall regardless of geography is something I'll NEVER be able to wrap my head around..I think its a sick, disgusting and sad thing...any hatred bothers me in the biggest way but the whole U.S - Canada thing is something that directly affects me and i was curious about the opinion of others ya know..
@s1n2a3k4e580 (222)
• China
21 Dec 06
I think it is mainly because the government are different between America and Canada. Plus, America has a history problems, slavery, war between the states, the assassination of president, different races, black and white, and so on. Pursuiting for the different benefit and power, different groups start to attack each others ceaselessly.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
We have a history of troubles as well though not as intense by any means and there are plenty of different races in Canada
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I can't really speak on the differences between the U.S. and Canada, having lived in the U.S. my entire life. But the previous posts make it sound as if all Americans are ignorant, rude, and full of hate. Generalizing like that is very unfair, in my opinion. Sure, we have problems with racism, bigotry, and discrimination- the exact same problems that Canada and any other nation has. I don't believe that Americans have the monopoly on this behaviour. I know many, many Americans who are as fair and open-minded as I am. Speaking of hatred and bigotry, what do you have to say about all of the fighting and killing going on in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa? If that's not senseless hatred, then what is? Is it OK for these cultures to kill each other because it is in the name of religion?

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
"But the previous posts make it sound as if all Americans are ignorant, rude, and full of hate."
Oh I'm not saying that at all..hell if that were my attitude I wouldnt be married to my American husband....but the scales are way off..its definately a huge difference over here then in Ontario..and i would have to say that the masses here are very much like that and my husband and some numerous friends who are American agree (they've lived in both countries) but no not all U.Sers are like that by any means..
@maximus2006 (835)
• Hong Kong
21 Dec 06
I do agree with you.
I live outside of USA and Canada,and I have no idea on the differences between them. But I think the people in any countries have their complainments,also everyone has his own complainments. why? because no country in the world is perfect,and the government can't satisfy all the people's desire.
most of the complainments arise from private angle. If one is out of job,he may complain why government can't provide enough positions. Also if one can't find a park he like,he may complain why government can't build more parks, ....And so on.
In my opinion, it is enough if the country is on the way of developing and the people there have a relative stable lives. when one wanna complain,I think he should think about there are still billions of people in the world who have no their house and always in hungry. There is a old Chinese saying that the one who is content with his lot will be happy. Think about what we possess, a familly,enough food,and free recreation,then why should we complain?

@crassus (113)
• United States
21 Dec 06
"America" actually isn't a country. Now if you are referring to the United States the problem is quite complex. The simplest way to describe it is to mention how U.S. consists of a large number of minorities or organzations who like to fight amonst each other (It is for this reason that some say the U.S. can't be called a nation). To add to the problem, the government tries to make each and every group happy. In turn, the U.S. has turned into land full of quarrelling and law suits.
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Dec 06
It's the cool Canada climate that keeps you guys so calm. How mad can you get mad over issues, when you you are freezing your butt off? LOL just kidding.
America is made up of so many diversities, it's hard to find two minds with the same opinions. You have the difference of religion, ethnic, and upraising. I could live next door to the same person all my life, share dinner with them, raise our kids together, yet we will have our different opinions as will our children. Mix this with the fact it's promoted to protest and rant that in which you don't agree with. I wonder how many protests take place in this country each year. It’s as, if your not screaming and holding a sign for something, YOUR not being an American. Silly I think.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
"I could live next door to the same person all my life, share dinner with them, raise our kids together, yet we will have our different opinions as will our children"
ya knwo, thats another thing about the U.S that really baffles me...everything is about rush here..rush and bigger/better which really trips me out...my first grocery shopping experience here was a hoot and took about 3 hrs because I couldnt get over how many different heat and serve meals there were which si something I'm not used to (we have that in Ontario food stores too but not nearly to this extent) and how many fast food joints there are over here..I live just outside a village of 6000 ppl and in town there are at least 8 fast food/take out joints (pizza is HUGE in my area its nuts)!!! Alot of my American friends (both online and off) are more likely to eat on the run or grab take out to bring home then to sit down with the family and have a proper homecooked meal and talk about the day...now I am all too aware that ppls schedules are hectic in todays world BUT IMO its not an excuse to blow off family time on a daily basis ya know....the way we are is you MAKE TIME no matter what especially when you have kids...and ppl here in the U.S really seem to have a terrible time just slowing down and breathing where as in Canada thats what we do...we're mellow and laidback ya know..here its a constant go go go do do do never stopping to just "be".
I dunno its just a trip to me.....
@1fatpig (785)
• Australia
21 Dec 06
I know and when you write discussions about it they get all offencive or they just dont respond then you read it on another discussion somewhere .. how rude of that person . yes I know! I read it too how rude .. they seem to think that they only exist . hello theres a whole world out there !!! they think the whole world is out to get them .. maybe they need to go see a doctor ..
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I know what you mean. I feel like this country is going to hell...Look at all the horrible things that people are doing here. There are so many rapes, murders, robberies, and such that it's made everyone untrusting and selfish. People are more or less scared of being friendly for fear that their kindness will end up costing them something(like their lives, or loved ones, or their belongings). Like the couple who helped a homeless man and the man ended up killing them.
I'd give anything to go back in time and raise my kids in the 40's and 50's! I'm only 29, but look how much more nicer and safer things were back then!!!
Great Topic! Happy Holidays!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 06
well being a black woman I dont think living in the 50s would actually be a positive experience for me LOL but I get what you mean...My husbands belief is that Americans feel they deserve it all before anyone else..they want what they want and they want it right now..I forget how he worded it, I'll have to ask him when he gets home...
Happy Holidays to you as well :-D
@rituja (217)
• India
21 Dec 06
Because each human being is different from other, at aggregate level too they are different. The onus is ours to spread peace.
@vinod18 (172)
• India
21 Dec 06
It's because of advancement of technology, business, employment and overall prosperity. People become more like machines than humans. They develop all sorts of negative feelings. Selfishness grow to grab as much wealth as possible. We can say this one of the illeffects of the technology development.