the way a husband thinks
By chiquita1977
@chiquita1977 (1706)
United States
December 20, 2006 2:05pm CST
okay here is the situation im a stay at home mom with a 2 year old and 8 month husband works outside of the home.when he comes home all he does is sit on his butt and do nothing he expects me to cater to him and serve him which i wont two.he thinks i should seeing how he works all day.just because he works outside of the home does not give him the right to be catered to.what does he think i do all day? i take care of the kids,run errands,bring the kids to appointment,clean house,make supper,do the laundry,feed the kids,bathe the kids, i do as much if not more than he why cant he help out a little when he gets home?he does nothing around this house it is all left up to me.does anyone else see a problem with this?or am i just overracting?i love being a stay at home mom and raising my kids but dont you think the father should also help out?
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98 responses
@vijithavallapareddi (98)
• India
21 Dec 06
definetly people like you who stay at home and take care of house and kids need there partners support very much.
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@itsokrelax (733)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Don't like it go get a job. He brings home the goods you should let him relax when he gets home.

@babs6219 (153)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Please tell me you're joking...she has a job! With no pay and unlimited overtime!
I feel for you, though hon. My ex was the same way...wouldn't bring out the trash or bring in the groceries...and no help anywhere. Good luck!

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
20 Dec 06
The sad thing my husband feels the same way. When he gets home from work he takes a shower cause he gets really dirty at work and then he sits his but on the couch and watches tv. He says I am home all day and that since everything is pretty much done when he gets home there is nothing left for him to do. Yet he could make dinner or at least wash dinner dishes, but he dosnt do it.
You are not alone. We are all going through it.

@carlito888 (244)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
i feel sorry to you all mommys.heheheh one day i would be a husband too. and im willing to help my future wife in household chores...believe it? lol
@mnoel25 (54)
• United States
20 Dec 06
my guy feels the same way but he doesn't work a full time job right now so it is also because he was spoiled by his parents and he thinks he can make me feel like the bad guy cause i want help around the house. so i fully understand what you are going thru so does any one have any tips or what?

@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Too bad you both did not discuss this before you married. Now that you are it might help if you somehow you can sit down to dinner together and talk about this. If need be work up an agreement on who does what. Perhaps he will be willing to do this too if you do leave the kids with him one weekend morning. From the first when my hubby got home I would hand him the kid and say have fun. Then I would take a bit of me time.. a nice long bath with a book or walk around the park that was near, whatever. I did enjoy that time at home with the kids since I knew they would grow up toooo fast. Also, I have been strong enough to tell him that if that is all he wants to do is work and come home and eat and watch tv, then he needs his own apartment somewhere. Not sure if that helps you though. Good luck with this and welcome to the marriage world.
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Maybe she did discuss it before they got married. I know me and my husband did. He agreed that raising a family and taking care of a house is the responsibility of both people. He said that even if I stayed home with our future kids he would still help out around the house because he thought that was the right thing to do.
Fast forward 7 years later and now he says he doesn't recall ever having that conversation and refuses to help around the house unless I cry. He works 3 days a week (2 16 hour days and one 8 hour day). The other 4 days he sits on his butt, watches TV and plays video games. He makes a huge mess for me to clean up. He doesn't do things with the kids except to yell at them to leave him alone. He won't let them in the living room to watch TV at all (we only have 1 TV). He doesn't clean at all. So for 4 days he does nothing and I am still busting my butt. When is it my day off? I guess I don't deserve one since I don't get paid for my job. Moms have the hardest job ever. They do everything for everyone and don't get paid, don't get days off, don't get holidays and don't get sick days. My husband gets really sick and he takes a couple days off and whines. I get sick and I still have to cook and clean and take care of the kids. It is never ending and tiring and frustrating.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Yeah, men are so capable of selective memory, I am with you there. Sometimes it is just better to do it yourself. You must carve out time for you though. Balance your life even if you have to bully your way to do it. Do you have family that could help you? Sometimes they could come and entertain the kids while you go for a walk or bubble bath or whatever. My mom was ever so helpful with my first kid til I got pretty good at doing things. I sure hope you find balance. We need to be kind to ourselves.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Ohh..poor u! Many men are very ungreatful. They expect to be waited on hand and foot. My hubby had become like that a few months ago. I would pick after me thinking someday he would realise and help. But nothing happened, so finally I told him..ya I spoke out..we did have a fight because he doesn't like being pointed out, but I had no choice.But now I think he is a lot better. He does his own work atleast around the house and offers to help sometimes esp when we have guests. Even if I don't need help, him asking me matters a lot! Try telling your hubby gently and may help.
@sayangabang (232)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 06
I agree with you. Some men just do not know how hard it is to be home all day. Women do core from morning until night and it seam like never ending. I feel the same especially when your in-law at home. He just expects you to do all work and serve his parents as well.
Well I’m not at home mom, I’m working but we get home together and I’ll make sure he will help me to do the dishes after dinner and look after my baby will I get some rest after that. Sometime he will put her to sleep and if she refuse to sleep after 10pm he will bring her to me (my turn to attend to her).
My advice to you is to sit with him and let him know what you expect from him and tell him how you feel about doing all core without any help. If this not working maybe you should take a long brake and leave him with the kids and see how he manages them. I bet he will look for you after 2 days.
@cash365days (420)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I dont agree with you. I am sorry to say this.
You, your husband and your kids are your family. You are doing everything for the family. Like you feed your kids, you feed your husband also. Treat him as an important person as you are a stay at home MOM. You are not earning the bread. he is getting everything home.
I dont want to talk like a sympathetic person. You are not in a condition to be shown sympathy. Your condition is very good. He is not asking you to go out and earn. Like you get the supper on to the table for everybody, you get him also his supper.
After working a long day with all the tensions at work, you should not expect him to do house hold chores.
I will tell you... Help should come voluntarily. That is why it is called help and not duty or responsibility. YOu do all you can and after some days, he will realise that he can help you in somethings at home when he is not soo tired.
Try to stand in his shoes and imagine a day of work outside.
Getting up early when you want to have one more hour of sleep, driving all the way down there, doing all the work and eating some junk for lunch and then driving all the way down and taking care of the insurances and bills and what not stuff... A person would like to relax for a minute after reaching home. He can switch on TV or take a shower and sit for a while.
He is supposed to sleep after dinner coz he has to get up and go to work tomorrow.
If you want you can sleep for couple of hours in the day time. His job life is not like that.
All i tell you is... dont ruin the relationship by demanding. Increase the intensity of love in your relationship by giving everything the other person needs.
Even if this is your husband who posted this, i will advise him the same. I would also request him to relax for a while and see if he can spend some time to help you in your daily chores. That is what builds the relationship.
Argument on who should do what will lead to disrupted family life and divorce.
Hope you will take this in a positive way.
@bryelee (451)
• United States
21 Dec 06
This isn't how men think its how lazy people think. Your hubby is being lazya nd you are letting him by saying nothing and doing all the work. If you wnat help you need to talk to him about it. Don't whine becasue there is nothing worse than a whinner, just talk to him and tell him you wnat him to help you out.
@milk_shaking (227)
• United States
21 Dec 06
lol thank you .. I think SAHM who complain about these subjects would complain about any line of work they are in.. if he is working.. then he is working.. and needs to rest..obviously he is doing enough to be able to give you the oportunity to stay at home.. yeah not scott free but you still dont always have to get dressed, and can watch TV an nap when the kids are napping..
@bam001 (940)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I am a strong believer in men pulling their weight in the family. I don't think that he should be catered to just because he works outside the home. He lives in the house, and the kids are part of his responsibility too...he should be helping with housework/household responsibilities and helping with the kids.
From reading some of the responses, several people agree on this opinion...then there are some who don't.
To be honest, I refuse to put up with a man who expects to be served...and I am proud of you for not catering to his will help him in the long run.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
20 Dec 06
depending on his job. my husband has a pretty stressful job and sometimes works long hours. he explained to me that it was physically and mentally stressful on him. sometimes he just comes home and sleeps. i don't think you should cater to him though. my husband just basiclly wants to be left alone. he helps out sometimes, especially when i don't feel well. but if you want your husband to get his own but moving then DON'T do anything for him. make him fend for himself. tell him, your not his mother and he's a big boy as well. you work hard doing things for HIS children. Another good way to get him to understand is to leave for a day or 2, arrange it where he has the day off and you go to a spa or something, leave a list of chores you do throughout the day and see if he can get it done. and when you get home tell him he has to pamper you and cater to your every desire and see how he feels. role reversal is always a good way to get the other half to understand.
@sogeeahouse123 (451)
• Nigeria
21 Dec 06
Your suggestion sound so funny,you just think you can do a mans job ENH..HA HA HA.Look it is wisdom to take good care of your home or else that man will soon find comfort somewhere else.
@piyush_29bk (414)
• India
21 Dec 06
everything depends upon individuals mentallity
,that is the reason why many people remains unmarried,
this kind of people can never understand the love ,
@br4life (34)
• Australia
20 Dec 06
It is amazing how many women are in this situation with a chauvinistic husband. I am sure you are not alone on this front. I would certainly be making a stand if I were you. I would say that he will not get "catered to" until he starts respecting you and what you do and until he starts helping out a little. I understand how you feel because I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 3/4 year old. They are both fantastic kids and I am studying at the same time. However, my husband is a little different to yours. He is very supportive and wonderful and although he is very tired at the end of the day he will still help out until the kids go to bed, at which time he will get back into his work again, as he is a scientist. Good luck with everything.
@Clairec23 (136)
• Ireland
21 Dec 06
My partner is the same, he really does make an effort to look after us and my home. I'm heavily pregnant at the moment so he has taken on pretty much everything as well as working. He wasn't always like this but not because he expected me to do everything, it was more that he didnt really realise how much work needs to be put into taking care of small children and preparing meals as well as cleaning up and all the other things that come up in a day. We had some chats about sharing the work and he took everything I said on board and he was able to point out things that I neglected to do also and we both compromised to help each other out. If we didn't talk about it, we could have easily ended up getting bitter about the small things so I do think it is a good idea for you to talk to your partner about how you are feeling.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I think it is the way they are raised. I work outside the home and still have to take care of the house when I get home.
He feels that inside is my job and outside - yardwork, taking out the trash, etc. is his job. The rest of the time he sits on his butt and watches TV or reads a book.
However, I have found that the word "PLEASE" does work especially if it is something he wants done. "Honey, could you please ........... I am busy with ........... and just don't have the time to do it now." Especially if he can see I am busy and it is not something I can put off and do later.
But if he is hot and dirty working outside (mowing the yard, cutting wood for the fireplace, etc.) I will always take a minute and bring him a cold drink or something. It lets him know I appreciate what he does.
@rice5899 (193)
• United States
22 Dec 06
unfortunately many husband think this way and I completely agree that he should help out a lot more in the house. They dont get that our job is 24/7. We are not sitting at home watching soap operas and talking on the phone all day. As you said we are running errands, keeping the house clean and the kids doing activities etc.
@livingbychoice (9)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I definitely know what you are talking about. And let me tell you what i did. Your husband is not noticing that if he was going to pay for what you do he would be pretty surprised. I have to tell you that if you treat him to a little massage when he comes from work, while you let him know everything you accomplished that day, he will see that you worked too, then switch places so he can massage you too. Another thing, invite him out for dinner, to the restaurant he love's, just the two of you, being out of the house you'll have his attention ask him what he expects from you and nicely you can tell him what you expect from him, bring up what bothers you, but do not use a blaming tone nor act like a victim. Just do it in a way to let him know you want his appreciation and a little more help. Men won't know what you're expecting from them, tell him what you expect, straight, with no drama or yelling. If this does not work, do this: make a list of everything you do for which you can hire somebody to do it and how much he would be spending, do not tell him what it is, read it to him and then let him know you do it with love for which you could not find a price, but his help to you would be priceless as well. Us women have the power to get what we want out of our relationships, all we need to do, it's use our emotional intelligence. You know him, what wakes up his emotional side, use it to make him appreciate you and to remember why he fell in love with you.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
21 Dec 06
Ok its better to talk to him
Actions does speak louder than words but sometimes you have to rely on words for things to work out
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Men don't realize that they get a day off work. stay at home moms never get a day of. My husband has never expected me to cater to him even when I was a stay at hoe mom because he knows I would just give up doing the things around the house and let him deal with it.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
22 Dec 06
My exhusband was the same. He expected me to wait on him hand and foot. I refused. When he would ask me to get him a drink, something to eat, etc. I would tell him that I wasn't going to the kitchen at that present time. If I was going to the kitchen I would ask if he wanted anything. But, do you think he would do the same?
My new husband is entirely different. He helps out with everything. The kids are grown and on their own. He does most of the housework. He actually loves to do it. Yeah!!!!
@marymaejazmine83 (470)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
we have the same questions in mind.. im doing all the chores. everything.he thought that im just overacting.
@navipreet (46)
• India
21 Dec 06
husband which are work outside the home they are burden of the office as well as home so they think that they are under these burden so they fight with her wife on small talk.