How can MyLot takeover Orkut??

December 20, 2006 3:07pm CST
Hey friends...all of us have joined Mylot for various reasons. As we all know, mylot members are rewarded for their contributions in the form of discussions, messages or referrals....don't you think we owe it to the community to pay back in whatever way we can by pouring in innovative and practical ideas so that it can overtake orkut asap..... So folks, rush in with ur ideas.....let's make mylot everybody's lot...
2 responses
• India
20 Dec 06
I am sorry to say that i am not able to compare mylot with orkut and orkut with mylot. While mylot is for discussion on various issues which earns us some bucks, orkut on the other hand mainly targets at creating friends community. I agree that orkut provides discussion communities but its main aim is to have friends community. May be you may say that we can also have our friends in mylot. But isn't this referral to earn money to most of us? So my question was should mylot takeover Orkut? This question is just because i feel both mylot and orkut are different in their concept.
• India
21 Dec 06
Dude thanks for responding first of all.... I m sorry to say but i dont think u hv followed myLot's concept vry per myLot's homepage it is a community for ppl who want to meet new ppl, share info and discuss. Both the communities are vying for the same space. However, the only difference, albeit the major one is that myLot rewards monetarily for ur contribution. And, which is precisely why it scores over its counterpart. Still, as far as no. of users is concerned, orkut is far ahead of myLot...which is the point i ws trying to bring out.... I hope u get my point and wud like to think for the betterment of the community...
@pvleroux (606)
20 Dec 06
It is a bit like isnt it?