What are your top 5 simplest pleasures?
By fazlyawi
@fazlyawi (95)
December 20, 2006 3:18pm CST
Mine are:
Watching "The Biggest Loser" and "Survivor" this season with my sister:
Yes, I like reality TV. I don't watch much television, but I find myself penciling in two hours a week to take the time to enjoy these shows with my sister. The greatest part about reality shows is that every season you get a new cast of characters. Hell, you can't even say that with sports, even if they do get new rookies at the start of a season. My sister and I tend to think in similar patterns, so we root for the same people and jeer the same jerks. It's mindless fun and I love it.
Wandering around:
Sometimes it's when I wake up in the middle of the night (or just stay up really late). Sometimes it's when I'm on vacation in a place that I'm not familiar with. Sometimes it's in the middle of the day when I have 15 spare minutes and feel like avoiding the world. I enjoy wandering aimlessly. Not shopping, not browsing, not looking lifelessly at things. I like to just walk, perhaps smoke, and listen to the sounds around me. I like wandering at night when there are no sounds and the silence in deafening. I like how it makes me feel removed from myself.
A Good Deep Burp:
It should suffice just to leave it at that. It's not "ladylike" and I'm not prone to doing it around people I don't know. Perhaps that's why I derive such pleasure from being in a place where I feel comfortable enough to do it. In any case, a good burp feels f**king fantastic sometimes.
Tearing Things Apart:
I used to do it when I was a kid. Find something that had been thrown away, grab a screwdriver and just open it up, inspect its guts and then chuck the mess. I still have that destructive streak in me as an adult. I will shred bits of paper in my hands, pull apart something that is just starting to crumble, rip the tape out of an old cassette, just to stare at the piles of fine black ribbon. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
I showed you mine, now you show me yours.
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38 responses
@akupandai (78)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 06
hi. My guilty pleasures are
1. Long swims in the ocean with my mother.
2. Driving, going nowhere with the music blaring.
3. Curling up with a book
4. Taking my Mouse to on of our tourist attractions. Our favourtie is the Barbados Nature Sanctuary to feed the telapia in the swamp and watch the osprey fish.
5. Dancing. A bad day disappears during a ballet or jazz class or by just dancing around the living room with Mouse.
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Dec 06
1. My children, just setting back and watching them is more entertaining than TV. You never know what they will say or do next.
2. My husband, he is a complete nut. I love talking to him more than any one else. Like the children you never know what HE will say or do next!
3. A hot bath, soaking alone in a nice tub of hot water and bubbles. LOVE IT!
4. Chocolate. I try to watch how much I eat in a week, so now when I do have a piece I make it an event. I so enjoy every second of it now a days.
5. Singing to myself when I'm alone. Something about throughing my head back and cutting loose with a really good flat note, helps with stress.
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@gypsyintexas (48)
• United States
21 Dec 06
1. Listening to my children laugh. There is no better sound than that of your children being happy. It means we must be doing something right.
2. Being in my husbands arms. It's amazing by how having his arms around me make me feel safe, treasured, and loved.
3. Being a child of God. This simple knowledge makes me feel special and protected.
4. Reading. I feel lost if I'm not reading a book. Whether it be a romance novel or the bible this gives me great pleasure.
5. Singing. Especially at church. I love the way I feel when I'm singing worship music and lately Christmas songs. Makes me feel all warm inside.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
21 Dec 06
My 5 would be:
1.Spending lots of time with hubby and our son.
2. Reading a good book.
3. Chatting with friends online.
4.Going out with friends and just having a great time.
5. Watching the OC, I love that show.
@xanthreign (28)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
Mine are:
1. kissing my husband good morning everytime I wake up
2. playing peek-a-boo with our baby girl
3. making our baby boy laugh
4. curling up with a good book
5. staring into space, thinking of nothing, doing nothing...
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
21 Dec 06
1) Coffee! I am chronically ill, with maany dietary restrictions, so coffee is still available to me, and certainly a fav.
2)Playing with pictures I've taken on the computer.I can really make some nice images with very simple technology, makes me feel spoiled.
3)Reading/Writing/Drawing.I just had eye surgery and these are things I can enjoy more fully again.
4)HBO Tv shows. Finally something outlandish and good on tv!!
5)Our pets. Grooming, feeding and enjoying the company of our two dogs and cat.Their love is so rewarding. :)
@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Hmmz five simple pleasures:
1. My tea in the morning. I have to have my cup of tea before I shower and get ready for the day.
2. Kisses from my dogs.
3. A hot epsom salt bath
4. playing Guild Wars or SL
5. Gambling at the casino
@tanujbhargava (310)
• India
21 Dec 06
top 5 !! ..
watchin Friends.(serial)
chatting with frenz
passing time on PC
juzt being with friends !!
@gill_shady (14)
• India
21 Dec 06
well the five simplest pleasures according to me are love at its purest form,,, truth in th simplest form,, family in the best form,, friends in da indeed form n above all,, god in the highest form
@usersignup (93)
• India
21 Dec 06
oh gawwd!! how do i restrict this to just five thingies? here goes anyway
show me food and watch me smile, i say.. there's nothing so fulfilling as the sight of food, especially home-cooked stuff at the end of the day
dipping my head into a sinkful of ice cold water:
i love doing this every time i feel stressed.. fill in a sink with water.. drop lots of ice cubes in.. dunk head and pull yourself out
love all kinds of choccies.. gimme me lindts, toblerones, heck even m&ms.. that's the kind of stuff i want all the time
being one with nature:
mountains, rivers, streams, snow, lakes, clouds, birds, trees, seas.. you name any natural phenomenon (the non disaster-causing ones), and i'm all smiles
watching things/beings grow:
could be something i planted, could be the old neighbor's kid, and idea taking shape, or even a relationship.. it's sort of something that gives me immense joy, cos it's doing something for its betterment..
yeah.. that's my fiver!