SILENCE speaks the best...

words not needed - words r not needed 2 xpress 1s feelings

feelings seems beautiful wn understood n expressed instead of talked abt
@datsme24 (259)
December 20, 2006 11:59pm CST
Have you ever experienced a moment in your life when you just ran out of words and you go... s i l e n t??? Let me assist you in recalling... .. the moment when you left your home for the first time and you look back at your parents who are worried that their son/daughter are leaving them yet happy that their child took the first step towards i ndependence. ..the moment when the girl/boy you like most.. smiled back at you! You don't say anything.. you just smile back.. ... the moment when you get better marks than you expected... those "numb" moments of ecstasy n surprise "is that true?".. I had always wondered why I never said anything to myself at those moments.. as if it was "understood" ... happiness, joy, pain.. all feelings just flowed ceaselessly in the 'years' that passed in those flash moments! Can you imagine the importance of a silent moment in a song?? When Bryan Adams stops for a while along with music, before he goes on in his husky voice... ... Please forgive me. I can't stop loving you!SILENCE SPEAKS MORE THAN WORDS!!!
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2 responses
• India
24 Dec 06
yeah!!! i have been thru such situation n wat i think is dat most beautiful moments in life r nt talked abt dey r jus felt in d silence
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@sag2911 (108)
• India
28 Dec 06
I think no words can express feeling more than just a silence. But i think its not all time truth, because sometimes even a single word means a lot. Just an example,and i have hear this many times, than after marriage the parterns if most cases do not say "ILU" to each other. It's understood, but still if they say so to each other on surprisingly, it would be more lovely. This is just an example, i would say both silence and few words both have their own existence.
@datsme24 (259)
• India
29 Dec 06
thanks 4 responding